中国杨柳青木版年画集 1 历史故事PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李志强,王树村主编;孙宝发副主编
- 出 版 社:天津:天津杨柳青画社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:7805030790
- 页数:236 页
1.凤凰来仪The Coming Phoenix with Grace 1
2.禹王治水Flood Controlled by the Great Yu 2
3.文王爱莲King Wen Loving Lotus 3
4.闻太师西岐大战The Minister Wen Being Engaged in a Fierce War XiQi (the West) 4
5.闻太师西岐大战(局部)The Minister Wen Being Engaged in a Fierce War XiQi (The Part) 5
6.洪锦伐岐Hong Jin Attacking Chi 6
7.楚灵王贪恋细腰宫King Ling of Chu Loving Slim Figure 7
8.毛师弟盗丹破五雷Mao Shi Stole a Magic with Which to Break the Wu Lei Battle Formation 8
9.无盐采桑A Mulberry-Leaves-Plucking Girl of Wu Yan County 9
10.六国封相Granted a Seal of Prime Minister of the Six States 10
11.柳下惠Liu Xia Hui 11
12.孟母择隣Neighborhood Choosed by Mencius Mother 12
13.马鞍山 Ma'an Mountain 13
14.马鞍山俞伯牙抚琴Yu Boya Playing “Qin” on Ma' an Mountain 14
15.张良吹箫破楚兵Zhang Liang Disrupted the Troops of Chu 15
16.冷宫救昭君Zhao Jun Being Saved from Cold Palace 16
17.昭君出塞Zhao Jun Marring to the North Beyond the Great Wall 17
18.连环计Series of Stratagems 18
19.辕门射戟Shooting the Halberd Planted at the Outergate of the Camp 19
20.八门金锁阵A Battle Formation of Interlock with Eight Gates 20
21.八门金锁阵(局部)A Battle Formation of Interlock with Eight Gates (The Part) 21
22.刘玄德南漳逢隐沦Liu Bei Meeting with an Eminent Hermit 22
23.二顾茅庐The Second Visit of the Thatched Cottage 23
24.二顾茅庐The Second Visit of the Thatched Cottage 24
25.二顾茅庐(局部)The Second Visit of the Thatched Cottage (The Part) 25
26.火烧博望坡Burning the Mountain Slope Bowang 26
27.当阳长坂坡Chang Banpo of Dang Yang County 27
28.长坂坡Chang Banpo 28
29.长坂坡(局部)Chang Banpo (The Part) 29
30.东吴招亲Liu Bei Marrying into Kingdom Wu 30
31.长江夺阿斗Intercepting A'dou on the River 31
32.赵云截江夺阿斗Zhao Yun Intercepting A'dou on the River 32
33.曹操逼宫Cao Cao Forcing the Emperor to Abdicate 33
34.文姬归汉Wenji Returning to Han 34
35.杨俊恤孤Yang Jun and the Orphan 35
36.建安七子Seven Scholars in Jianan Time 36
37.竹林七贤Seven Sages in Bamboo Groves 37
38.王敦篡位Wang Dun Usurping Power 38
39.善才擒妖道Shancai Capturing the Corcerer 39
40.举神童A Child Prodigy 40
41.桑园寄子Leaving his own Son Behind the Mulberries 41
42.桃园(源)问津Traveling in the Land of Peach Blossoms 42
43.桃源问津Traveling in the Land of Peach Blossoms 43
44.东山丝竹Music in the Eastern Hills 44
45.故事三则Three Anecdotes 45
46.风尘三侠Three Honest Friends 46
47.三锤击走裴元庆Defeating Pei Yuanqing 47
48.四平山 Siping Mountain 48
49.四平山(局部)Siping Mountain (The Part) 49
50.虹霓关Rainbow Pass 50
51.秦怀玉破敌Heroic Qin Huaiyu 51
52.秦英力举双狮A Prisoner Appointed Commander 52
53.孙真人煎药True-man Sun Cooking Herbs 53
54.陈光瑞龙宫招亲Dragon King Marrying His Daughter 54
55.武则天Empress Wu Zetian 55
56.文艳王奉命归故里Queen of Letter Leaving for Home 56
57.四杰村Sijie Village 57
58.杨妃醉酒A Senior Imperial Being Drunk 58
59.贵妃醉酒A Senior Imperial Being Drunk 59
60.锺尴嫁妹God Zhung-Kui Marrying His Sister 60
61.屠申报信Bailiff Shen Tu 61
62.仪徵投亲Adventures in Yizheng County 62
63.卸甲封王 General Guo Ziyi being Made a Prince 63
64.莺莺听琴Music from the Western Chamber 64
65.夜宴桃李园Evening Party in Peach Garden 65
66.踏雪寻梅Snow and Plum Blossom 66
67.踏雪寻梅(局部)Snow and Plum Blossom (The Part) 67
68.清明诗意All Souls Day 68
69.商山早行Day Dawning into a Mountain Village 69
70.唐氏乳姑A Virtuous Woman 70
71.李亚仙刺目Li Yaxian a Prostitute 71
72.桃花(玉峰)洞Peach Blossom Cave 72
73.窦公训女Mr. Dou Teaching his Daughter 73
74.窦燕山教子Mr. Dou Yanshan Teaching His Son 74
75.窦燕山有义方Mr. Dou Yujun 75
76.窦燕山教子Mr. Douyanshan Teaching Children 76
77.魁星点状元A Signal of Success 77
78.赵匡胤华山围棋Zhao Kuangyin Playing Chess at Huashan Mountain 78
79.双锁山At the Double-Locked Mountain 79
80.大破夹峰山A Battle Scene at Jiafeng Mountain 80
81.双龙传A Double-Dragon Biography 81
82.拿白菊花The Capture of Bai Ju Hua 82
83.拿白菊花(局部)The Capture of Bai Ju Hua (The Part) 83
84.赤壁夜游A Nocturnal Visit to Chibi 84
85.苏小妹三难新郎Su Xiaomei Cornering Her Bridegroom with Poems 85
86.洛阳桥Luoyang Bridge 86
87.智取生辰纲The Capture by Strategy of the Birthday Presents under Convoy 87
88.梁山泊收关胜Liang Shanpo winning over Guan Sheng 88
89.庆顶珠Qingdingzhu, a Pearl That Can Avoid Water 89
90.忠义堂The Hall of Faith and Right 90
91.忠义堂(局部)The Hall of Faith and Right (The Part) 91
92.周景隆贺状元Zhou Jinglong Congratulating Number One Scholar 92
93.周景隆贺状元(局部)Zhou Jinglong Congratulating Number One Scholar(The Part) 93
94.刺字报国Tattooing in Requital of the Nation 94
95.爱华山大战金兀术A Battle with Wuzhu at Aihua Mountain 95
96.牛头山At Niutou Mountain 96
97.精忠传一Records of Patriotism, Book Ⅰ 97
98.精忠传二Records of Patriotism, Book Ⅱ 98
99.大破牧羊城The Capture of the Muyang City 99
100.陈(沉)香救母Chen Xiang Rescuing His Mother 100
101.天河配A Couple on the Milk Way 101
102.瑞草园The Garden of Auspicious Plants 102
103.瑞草园(局部)The Garden of Auspicious Plants (The Part) 103
104.斩蛇解疑Dissecting a Snake to Disarm Suspicion 104
105.白蛇传一A Story of the White Snake 105
106.白蛇传二A Story of the White Snake Ⅱ 106
107.白蛇传三A Story of the White Snake Ⅲ 107
108.白蛇传四A Story of the White Snake Ⅳ 108
109.白蛇传五A Story of the White Snake Ⅴ 109
110.白蛇传六A Story of the White Snake Ⅵ 110
111.白蛇传七A Story of the White Snake Ⅶ 111
112.白蛇传八A Story of the White Snake Ⅷ 112
113.全本白蛇传The Whole Story of the White Snake 113
114.百花赠剑Presentation of a Sword by the Princess 114
115.百花赠剑(局部)Presentation of a Sword by the Princess (The Part) 115
116.百花赠剑(局部)Presentation of a Sword by the Princess (The Part) 116
117.金玉奴棒打薄情郎Flogging an Ungrateful Husband 117
118.辛安驿Xin'an Post 118
119.一捧雪A Jade Cup 119
120.二进宫The Second Entrance into the Palace 120
121.李自成称王Li Zicheng Styling Himself King 121
122.省亲大观园A Visit to Grand View Garden 122
123.红楼梦怡红院Happy Red Court 123
124.三玉拢翠Three Yu at Green Lattice Nunnery 124
125.林黛玉重建桃花社Lin Daiyu Starting Another Poetry Club-Peach-Blossom Society 125
126.红楼梦庆赏中秋节Enjoying the View of the Moon 126
127.潇湘清韻Clear Music from Bamboo Lodge 127
128.四美钓鱼Four Beauties Angling in the Pond 128
129.刘姥姥醉卧怡红院Granny Liu Being Drunk in Happy Red Court 129
130.庆寿辰宁府排家宴Jia Jing's Birthday Being Celebrated in the Ning Mansion 130
131.牡丹亭艳曲警芳心A Song from “Peony Pavilion” Distressing a Tender Heart 131
132.椿龄画蔷痴及局外Lingguan Writing on the Grand and a Foolish Yong Man Being Touched 132
133.薛蘅芜讽和螃蟹詠The Lady of the Alpinia Writing a Satire upon Crabs 133
134.喜出望外平儿理妆Ping’er,Unexpectedly Gratified, Making her Toilet 134
135.史湘云偶填柳絮词Shi Xiangyun Dashing off a Poem on Willow Catkins 135
136.博庭欢宝玉赞孤儿Baoyu, Pleasing his Grandmother, Praising a Fatherless Boy 136
137.孟母劝学篇Madam Meng Encouraging Girls to Study 137
138.北京城百姓抢当铺Poor People Plundering a Pawnshop in Beijing 138
139.竹林七贤Seven Worthies in a Bamboo Forest 139
140.刘禹锡易茶图Liu Yuxi Exchanging Some Pickles for Tea 140
141.宇宙锋Yu Zhou Feng 141
142.宇宙锋(局部)YuZhou Feng (The Part) 142
143.清河桥Qing He Bridge (two albums) 144
144.定军山Ding Jun Mountain (the first album) 145
145.老君收牛王Lord Lao Zi Recalling the OX 146
146.金〓山遇精Encountering Demon on Jin Dou Mountains 146
147.148.八出西游记Journey to the West (a set of hanging scrolls) 147
149.赶三关—Breaking Through Three PassesⅠ 149
150.赶三关二Breaking Through Three PassesⅡ 150
151.赶三关三Breaking Through Three Passes Ⅲ 151
152.赶三关四Breaking Through Three Passes Ⅳ 152
153.四爱图—Hobbies of Four Worthies Ⅰ 153
154.四爱图二Hobbies of Four Worthies Ⅱ 154
155.天河配—Mythical Lovers Separated by the Milky WayⅠ 155
156.天河配二Mythical Lovers Separated by the Milky Way Ⅱ 156
157.天河配三Mythical Lovers Separated by the Milky Way Ⅲ 157
158.天河配四Mythical Lovers Separated by the Milky Way Ⅳ 158
159.杨家将—Generals of the Yangs' Ⅰ 159
160.杨家将二Generals of the Yangs' Ⅱ 160
161.杨家将三Generals of the Yangs' Ⅲ 161
162.杨家将四Generals of the Yangs'Ⅳ 162
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