- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘积源主编;辛瑞青,邓俊娥副主编
- 出 版 社:青岛:中国海洋大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787811255010
- 页数:411 页
Group 1 Key Verbs and Nounsact up 1
admonish 2
announce 4
approach 5
argue 7
argue about/over 8
arrive at 9
arrive in 10
ask 11
ask about 13
ask for 14
ask sb for sth 16
ask sb to do sth 17
baby-sit 19
baby-sitter 20
baby-sitting 21
beam 22
break out laughter 25
bump into 26
burst out laughing 27
call 29
call out 29
carry on 31
catch on 32
catch up to 33
caution 34
challenge 35
checkout 38
chime in 38
come across 39
come by 40
come home from 41
come up with 43
come upon 45
discover 46
drop off 47
due date 49
errand 50
evacuate 51
exclaim 52
feel 53
feel like 57
figure(out) 58
find out 59
get out of 61
get rid of 62
go/get to heaven 63
go up to 64
grab 66
grade 67
grade 1~9 class 68
grow up 69
hand 71
hand out 72
hang up 73
have sb do 74
have sth done 76
head 77
hiccup 81
hint 81
hold up 83
hug 85
impress(with) 86
impress on/upon 87
inform 88
insist on 90
intrigue 91
lean out 92
lean over 94
line up 94
look down 96
look puzzled 97
look up 99
make out 100
make sense 101
memory 102
motion 103
neighborhood/neighbourhood 105
next-door neighbor 106
observe 108
overhear 109
pass by 110
phone 111
phone message 112
pipe up 113
point out 114
pop 118
proceed to(with) 119
proclaim 120
prompt 122
protest 123
pull 125
pull in 126
pull into 126
pull out 127
pull over 129
pull up 130
put up 132
put up with 133
quip 134
reach 135
reach down 136
reach for 137
reach into 138
reach out 139
reach over 139
reach up 141
reassure 141
recess 142
remind sb 143
remind sb of 145
remind sb that 147
remind sb to 149
reminder 150
reminisce about 151
remove 152
reprimand 152
resume 154
retrieve 156
retriever 158
return home 158
returned from 160
roll one's eyes 162
run into 163
run into problem/trouble 166
run out of 167
scale 169
scribble 170
secure 171
set up 174
shoot back 175
shoot up 176
shout 177
show up 179
shut down 180
sit back 180
sit down 182
sit down to(do)sth 184
sit+in/on/at 186
sit next to sb/sth 187
slam 188
snap 189
sniff 193
spend hours doing sth 194
spot 195
stop at 197
stop by 198
stop doing sth 200
stop for 201
stop+on/in front of/... 203
stop sth/sb 205
stop to do sth 207
straighten out 209
straighten up 210
strain 211
stretch out 212
struggle 212
struggle to do sth 215
struggle with 218
substitute 220
surprise 221
teenage son/daughter/girl 224
toss 225
volunteer 226
volunteer to 229
walk by 231
wave 232
wave goodbye 236
wear on 237
work on 239
yell 240
Group 2 Key Adjectives and Adverbsaccidently 243
adventurous 244
apprehensive 245
automatically 247
available 248
unavailable 249
barely 249
cranky 251
diligently 251
elderly 253
emphatically 254
exceptional 255
exceptionally 256
firmly 257
flustered 259
fondly 259
gruelling 260
hesitatanly 262
impatiently 263
inadvertently 265
intently 266
jokingly 267
knowingly 269
likable/lovable 269
literally 270
matter-of-factly 271
muffled 272
neighbouring 273
out-of-town 274
particularly 276
patiently 278
pleasantly 279
profusely 280
promptly 281
proudly 283
reassuringly 285
reluctantly 286
sheepishly 289
smartly 292
straight 293
triumphantly 296
Group 3 Commonly UsedIdioms and Phrasesa couple of 299
a little more 300
a number of 301
a sense of 304
a short time later 306
a succession of 307
after all 308
after some thought 309
ahead of sb/sth 311
all of a sudden 313
at a meeting 314
at that time 316
at the door/doorway 317
at the spot/at that spot 319
back from 319
back home 321
be able to 322
be unable to 323
be about to 323
be allergic to 324
be confident of 325
be/get in trouble 325
be ready for 326
be supposed to 328
don't have to 328
every now and then 330
except for 331
fall in love with 334
for heaven's sake 335
get ready for 335
good heavens 337
how about 338
how come 339
I bet 340
in great detail 341
in surprise/with surprise 342
in the direction of 343
instead of 345
moaning and groaning 347
needless to say 348
not really 349
now and then 350
on the day 351
on the day of 352
on the phone 354
on the way back(to) 355
on the way home 356
on the way out 357
on the way to 359
one day after 360
one day as 361
out of reach 363
some time later 365
soon after 366
the following day 368
the next day 369
the next morning 371
the other day 373
to someone's amusement 373
to someone's surprise 374
what about 376
what's the matter with 377
what's wrong with 378
without hesitation 379
Group 4 Commonly Used Participlesconcerned 381
determined(not)to 383
expecting 383
having done 384
hoping 386
impressed(with) 388
knowing 392
looking 396
saying 399
slammed shut 400
surprised 401
thinking 404
upcoming 405
wanting to 406
yelling 409
Reference 411
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- 《高等教育双机械基础课程系列教材 高等学校教材 机械设计课程设计手册 第5版》吴宗泽,罗圣国,高志,李威 2018
- 《慢性呼吸系统疾病物理治疗工作手册》(荷)瑞克·考斯林克(RikGosselink) 2020
- 《战略情报 情报人员、管理者和用户手册》(澳)唐·麦克道尔(Don McDowell)著 2019
- 《实用内科手册》黄清,阮浩航主编 2016
- 《你的话语是我沉默中开出的花朵》(法)安东尼·帕耶著 2019
- 《基层医疗卫生机构安全用药手册》黎月玲,熊慧瑜 2019
- 《同仁眼科手册系列 同仁儿童眼病手册》付晶编 2018
- 《近代以来中国大众话语的生成与流变》罗崇宏著 2019
- 《环境噪声监测实用手册》中国环境监测总站编 2018
- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
- 《中国当代乡土小说文库 本乡本土》(中国)刘玉堂 2019
- 《异质性条件下技术创新最优市场结构研究 以中国高技术产业为例》千慧雄 2019
- 《中国铁路人 第三届现实主义网络文学征文大赛一等奖》恒传录著 2019
- 《莼江曲谱 2 中国昆曲博物馆藏稀见昆剧手抄曲谱汇编之一》郭腊梅主编;孙伊婷副主编;孙文明,孙伊婷编委;中国昆曲博物馆编 2018
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- 《中国陈设艺术史》赵囡囡著 2019
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- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019