- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:霍恩比(Hornby,A.S.)著;杜 浩编译
- 出 版 社:武汉:湖北教育出版社
- 出版年份:1990
- ISBN:7535105831
- 页数:160 页
1.This(That)is 1
2.What's this(that)?It's a 5
3.Is this(that)a...?Yes.it is.(No,it isn't.) 6
4.(John)'s,His,Her 8
5.These(Those)are 10
6.What are these(those)?They're 11
7.Are these(those)...?Yes,they are.(No,they aren't.) 12
8.Is this(that)a...or a...?It's a...Are these(those)...or...?They're 13
9.Its,Our,Their,Your(pl),-s' 14
10.He(She)is(not)...Is he(she)...?You are(not)...Are you...?I am(not)...Am I...? 16
11.Who,We,You(pl),They 19
12.The,Where 21
13.There is(a)...There are 23
14.Behind,In front of 24
15.Numbers,At,Between,Past,To 25
16.Some,Any,No 29
17.Uncountable nouns 31
18.The Present Continuous Tense 33
19.Me,Him,Her,You,It,Them,Us 35
20.Have,Has 37
21.Mine,Yours,His,Hers,Ours,Theirs Whose,Mary's,One(s) 39
22.Of 41
23.Another,The other(s),Other(s) 42
24.Some,Any,None 44
25.The Present Indefinite Tense:Do,Does,Don't,Doesn't 46
26.Many,Much,A lot of 48
27.Every,All,Both 50
28.The Ordinals,Last,Next 52
29.Yet,Still 53
30.More(Fewer,Less)than 54
31.For,What...for 56
32.Be going to 57
33.Can,Cannot(Can't),May,Must,Have to,Needn't,Need to 58
34.Calender 63
35.The Past Indefinite Tense(1)Was,Were,Had 64
36.The Past Indefinite Tense(2):Did,Didn't 66
37.A few,A little;Few,Little 68
38.As...as,Not so(as)...as 70
39.(-er,-est),Most,Fewest,Least 71
40.The Future Indefinite Tense Will,Shall 73
41.Self-pronouns 75
42.With,By,Through,Round 77
43.Will you please,Please don't;Ask(Tell)sb.(not)to do sth. 79
44.Can,Could,Be able to 80
45.If,Without 82
46.Why,Because 83
47.When,Before,After 84
48.How often,Ever,Often...;Once,Twice,Three times,Every day 86
49.Up,Along 89
50.The Present Perfect Tense 90
51.How long,For(two hours...),Since 92
52.Whether,If 93
53.The same(as),Different(from) 95
54.Too,Enough 97
55.Just,Almost/Nearly,Only,Quite 98
56.As,Since,So,While,As,Till,Until 101
57.Though,But 103
58.Over,Above,Under,Below 104
59.Either(...or),Neither(...nor) 108
60.How wide(tall,long,high,far);A long way;Not far 110
61.The Interrogat ive Negative,Exclamatory Sentences with What and How 112
62.Infinitive of Purpose,Infinitive After Nouns 115
63.Some Adjective Patterns 117
64.Some Patterns for Wish 119
65.So...that,Such...that,Such...as 121
66.(Very)Much,(Not)At all,Well and Ill 123
67.Unless 125
68.Rather,Fairly,Would rather 126
69.So(Neither,Nor)shall I 128
70.Perhaps,Probably 130
71.Used to,Dare,Ought to,Should 131
72.Across 136
73.Some Patterns with V-ing(1) 137
74.Some Patterns with V-ing(2) 139
75.SVO+Infinitive 142
76.Gerunds and Infinitives as Direct Object 144
77.Remember(Forget)to do sth.(doing sth.) 148
78.To Have Something Done 150
79.SVO+Adjective(Noun) 152
80.The Unreal Past 153
81.Some(No,Any,A little,A few)more 155
82.It 156
83.Were,Should,Could(have),Might(have) 158
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