实用英语教学法 口语篇PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:DavidNunan主编
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787302304234
- 页数:199 页
1 Chapter One What is speaking? 1
1.Introduction 2
2.What is speaking? 2
3.Approaches to speaking 3
4.Speaking in action 7
5.Teaching speaking 16
6.Assessing speaking 21
7.Conelusion 26
Further Readings 26
Helpful Website 26
References 27
2 Chapter Two Speaking for beginning level learners 29
1.Introduction 30
2.Syllabus design issues 31
3.Principles for teaching speaking to beginning learners 36
4.Tasks and materials 41
5.Teaching pronunciation 65
6.Speaking in the classroom 72
7.Assessing beginning learners 77
8.Conclusion 84
Further Readings 85
Helpful Websites 85
References 86
3 Chapter Three Speaking for intermediate level learners 89
1.Introduction 90
2.Syllabus design issues 91
3.Principles for teaching speaking to intermediate learners 96
4.Tasks and materials 98
5.Teaching pronunciation 110
6.Speaking in the intermediate classroom 110
7.Assessing intermediate learners 113
8.Conclusion 115
Further Readings 116
Helpful Websites 116
References 116
Answer key 117
4 Chapter Four Speaking for advanced level learners 119
1.Introduction 120
2.Syllabus design issues 121
3.Principles for teaching speaking to advanced learners 124
4.Tasks and materials 127
5.Teaching pronunciation 142
6.Speaking in the classroom 146
7 Assessing advanced learners 150
8.Conclusion 155
Further Readings 156
Helpful Website 156
References 157
5 Chapter Five Key issues in teaching speaking 158
1.Introduction 159
2.Students'first-language use in the English speaking class 159
3.Reticence and dominance in speaking activities 163
4.Learning styles in the speaking class 169
5.Responding to oral errors 172
6.Speaking activities in large classes 174
7.Multi-1evel speaking classes 178
8.Technology and teaching speaking 180
9.Conclusion 185
Further Readings 185
Helpful Websites 186
References 186
Glossary 188
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