Table of contents 1
A brief personal history of the painter 1
A recent photo of the painter 5
Foreword 6
Morning dew 11
Morning in Mount Huangshan 12
Torrent dashing down from the sky 13
The Yangtze River rolling by 14
Autumn day in the highland 15
Summer day 16
The Hunanese 17
Woods in snowy mountain 18
River under the morning sun 19
Passenger boat sailing in the autumn wind 20
Sky-high mountain 21
Households in the forest 22
The Yarlung Zangbo River 23
Pines and thundering waterfall 24
Fragrant spring water 25
Morning song 26
Misty peaks 27
Towering mountains and rushing current 28
Waterfall from the sky 30
Peaks after the rain 31
The River Lijiang 32
Mountain house in the morning 33
Sailing boats on a return trip 34
from the South China Sea 34
Sailing boats 35
Red leaves in early spring 36
The Cloud Capped the Lotus Peak 37
Himalaya-a distant view 38
Birds'Paradise 39
At the foot of Mount Künlunshan 40
Evergreen cypress 41
Woods by the seaside 42
On the riverbank 43
The galloping horses under the white clouds 44
Furong,a town in western Hunan 45
The pines in Himalaya 46
Early ferries in a spring morning 47
The West Coast,California 48
Sunset-bathed lake 49
Highland in the moonlight 50
Mount Huangshan shrouded in clouds 51
The Endless Flow of the Roaring Yangtze River 53
Grassland in northern Tibet 54
Peaks in a cloudless autumn day 55
Pines in Mount Hengshan 56
Boats sailing in a picture 57
Boats by riverside 58
Peaks in sunset 59
Early Autumn on Plateau 60
White birds over blue river 61
Household drowned in the river song 62
River in autumn morning 63
Misty Rain in Xining 64
Grassland at dusk 65
Panlong slope shrouded in clouds 66
Quiet river and blue sky 67
Clouds-clad peaks 68
Mountain village in morning mist 70
Autumn song 71
Wu Gorge in a cloudless day 72
Scudding cloud over peaks after the rain 73
Misty ridges 74
Pines and waterfall 75
Mountain village in spring morning 76
Endless grassland 77
Mooring 78
First snow in highland 79
The Potala Palace 80
Palm grove 81
Picturesque village 82
Sherperds'song 83
Mount Huangshan shrouded in clouds 84
Spectacular scenery of Mount Huangshan 86
Sweet home 87
Juyufang,Xiling Gorge 88
Autumn harvest 89
Mount Emei after the rain 90
Clouds over Mount Shennu 91
Yuping after the rain 92
Village surrounded by river 94
Horse racing in snowing mountain 95
Autumn 96
Hazy Mountains 97
Liang Shixiong's seals 98
Photographs 100
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