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  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:宋忠元主编;毛翔先,关景宇副主编;叶尚青绘
  • 出 版 社:中国浙江美术学院
  • 出版年份:1991
  • ISBN:7810191225
  • 页数:106 页
标签:主编 画集

书画篇 1

1.龙神图之一57×671988 1

2.龙神图之二57×661988 2

3.龙神图110×147 1988 3

4.汉画呈璀璨52×691985 4

5.空裹疏香45×113 1984 5

6.鷄呜图50×1451989 6

7.鸟章图50×1451989 7

8.荷花世界柳丝乡67×124 1983 8

9.荷花世界柳丝乡(局部) 9

10.翩翾蛱蝶斜56×931988 10

11.龙蛇图之一51×149 1988 11

12.龙蛇图之二51×1491988 12

13.绿萼横波醉彩霞58×102 1980 13

14.四尺五言联33×132 1988 14

15.四尺七言联33×156 1988 15

人物篇 16

16.佛与经64×871989 16

17.人体写生之一45×681980 17

18.人体写生之二66×981983 18

19.姣姣渔姑68×136 1982 19

20.敦煌供养人44×681981 20

21.藏舞44×681981 21

22.速写30×481977 21

花木篇 22

23.冬云图56×681988 22

24.古柏图100×203 1989 23

25.深谷幽香68×136 1989 24

26.红衣浅复深56×931987 26

27.莲房清韵54×641988 27

28.香祖图42×151 1983 28

29.西冷风荷75×102 1983 29

30.雨荷倩影54×621988 30

31.王棕抱翠42×153 1986 31

32.遍地黄花分外香82×1321987 32

33.九秋风露42×152 1982 33

34.腊雪图56×681989 34

35.窈窕有温香56×931987 35

36.水墨兰竹34×671983 36

37.冷香图34×671987 37

38.水墨竹石34×701983 38

39.晓露迎风54×821988 39

40.暗香图56×681989 40

41.亭亭浄植42×152 1982 41

42.朝日艳且鲜60×661987 42

43.倾城好颜色56×931988 43

44.浮香图34×671987 44

45.林逋诗意图42×151 1982 45

46.梅石图42×901985 46

47.风荷一向翻54×621987 47

翎毛篇 48

48.出水芙蕖58×681988 48

49.大洋之客60×971984 49

50.梅鹤图115×1601989 50

51.猫蝶图55×831990 51

54.翠穿菡萏58×68 1988 52

55.朱雀与夔凤52×116 1989 53

56.太阳乌与苍鹭52×116 1989 54

57.晨曲图72×831986 55

58.昂首企望48×851984 56

59.翠禽与荷花52×158 1989 57

60.风袅寒丝映水深46×671987 58

61.仿汉画禽鸟之一52 ×1171988 59

62.仿汉画禽鸟之二52×117 1988 60

63.红枫鴝鵒45×901988 61

64.闲立春塘烟淡淡47×881986 62

65.山茶初著花52×152 1989 63

66.喜报春消息52×152 1989 64

67.河塘雨后52×701984 65

68.聊自舞秋风30×421990 66

69.古文化印象115×1501985 67

70.计白当黑54×116 1989 68

虫鱼篇 70

71.秋池暗香58×681988 70

72.鱼水图82×115 1986 71

73.清澄鱼乐34×451988 72

74.花鲢34×451989 72

75.雨浥碧荷58×681988 73

76.网得鱼蝦作饭飱59×134 1983 74

77.秋高图93×196 1985 75

78.谷雨时节17×241985 76

79.鱼戏莲叶34×451989 76

80.中秋映月67×133 1985 77

81.中秋映月(局部) 78

蔬果篇 79

82.硕果图47×581982 79

83.丰硕图47×581982 80

84.白菜柿子34×451989 81

85.南瓜34×501988 81

86.蔬果图52×228 1988 82

87.桃实图47×581982 84

指墨篇 85

88.远瞩图66×701990 85

89.清凉世界水晶宫58×951985 86

90.清凉世界(局部) 87

91.子午莲36×671980 88

92.梅鸽图48×881981 89

93.攫身干里69×137 1990 90

94.鹦歌图48×881982 92

95.燕子声声裹53×108 1980 93

96.鹰扬逞威67×133 1982 94

97.鱼跃图48×881982 95

98.初夏图36×661980 96

99.李白诗意图67×113 1984 97

册页篇 98

100.秋声17×231984 98

101.遨游24×271987 98

102.乌鶫18×231988 98

103.鸿雁24×281989 98

104.卷丹34×451986 99

105.雨粞34×451986 99

106.金秋34×451986 99

107.雨荷17×231984 99

108.蚱蜢18×241985 100

109.鹃鸠18×241984 100

110.晚香18×231984 100

111.清芬34×451981 100

112.睥睨34×451986 101

113.睡莲17×221984 101

114.秋英34×451985 101

115.绿萼34×451986 101

116.春晓18×241990 102

117.窥伺18×241984 102

118.幽谷34×451990 103

119.墨菊34×451981 103

120.墨梅31×451981 104

121.玉兰34×451982 105

122.朱荷18×241983 106

Painting and Calligraphy 1

1.God of Dragon, Ⅰ 1

2.God of Dragon, Ⅱ 2

3.God of Dragon 3

4.In the Style of Han Painting 4

5.Plum Blossoms 5

6.Chickens 6

7.Birds 7

8.A Lotus World 8

9.A Lotus World (detail) 9

10.Peony and Butterfly 10

11.Dragon and Snake, Ⅰ 11

12.Dragon and Snake, Ⅱ 12

13.Green Plum Blossoms 13

14.Anticetical Couplet, 14

15.Anticetical Couplet, 15

Figure Painting 16

16.Buddha and Scripture 16

17.Figure Sketch, Ⅰ 17

18.Figure Sketch, Ⅱ 18

19.Fisherwomen 19

20.Fresco in the Dunhuang Caves 20

21.Dance of the Zang Nationality 21

22.Portrait Sketch 21

Flower Painting 22

23.White Plum Blossoms 22

24.Old Cypress 23

25.Orchids 24

26.Red Peony 26

27.White Lotus 27

28.Orchids in Ink 28

29.Lotus at Xiling 29

30.Lotus after a Rain 30

31.A Southern Scene 31

32.Chrysanthemums 32

33.Lotus in Autumn 33

34.Plum in the Snow 34

35.Peony 35

36.Orchids and Bamboos in Ink and Wash 36

37.Plum Blossoms 37

38.Bamboo and Rock in Ink and Wash 38

39.Lotus at Dawn 39

40.Plum Blossoms 40

41.Red Lotus 41

42.Lotus in the Morning Sun 42

43.Peony 43

44.Plum Blossoms 44

45.A Conception of Lin Bu’s Poem 45

46.Plum and Rock 46

47.Lotus in the Wind 47

Bird Painting 48

48.Lotus and Ducks 48

49.Penguin 49

50.Plum and Crane 50

51.Cat and Butterfly 51

54.Kingfisher and Lotus 52

55.Rosefinch and Phoenix 53

56.Sunbird and Heron 54

57.Morning Song 55

58.Penguin 56

59.Lotus and Kingfisher 57

60.Heron 58

61.Birds in the Han Style, Ⅰ 59

62.Birds in the Han Style, Ⅱ 60

63.Maple and Myna 61

64.Heron 62

65.Camellia 63

66.A Herald of Spring 64

67.River Embankment after a Rain 65

68.Egret 66

69.An Impression of Ancient Culture 67

70.White Cat and Black Cat 68

Inspect and Fish Painting 70

71.Lotus Pond in Autumn 70

72.Fish and Water 71

73.Joyous Fish 72

74.Variegated Carp 72

75.Lotus in the Rain 73

76.Tasty Dishes 74

77.Autumn Scenery 75

78.The Grain Rain Season 76

79.Fish Swimming 76

80.Pool Mirroring the Autumn Moon 77

81.Pool Mirroring the Autumn Moon (detail) 78

Vegetable and Fruit Painting 79

82.Persimmon 79

83.Loquat 80

84.Chinese Cabbage and Persimmon 81

85.Pumpkin 81

86.Vegetables and Fruits 82

87.Peach 84

Finger Painting 85

88.Seeing Far 85

89.A Cool Place 86

90.A Cool Place (detail) 87

91.Water Lily 88

92.Plum and Pigeon 89

93.Eagles 90

94.Parrot 92

95.Swallows in the Willows 93

96.Standing Eagle 94

97.Fish Gamboling 95

98.Early Summer 96

99.A Conception of Li Bai’s Poem 97

Album Sheet 98

100.Insects 98

101.Fish Swimming 98

102.Bird 98

103.Swan Goose 98

104.Lily 99

105.Bamboos in the Rain 99

106.Chrysanthemums 99

107.Lotus in the Rain 99

108.Grasshopper 100

109.Turtledove 100

110.Red Chrysanthemums 100

111.Orchids 100

112.A Sideways Glance 101

113.Water Lily 101

114.Autumn Flowers 101

115.Orchids 101

116.Spring Dawn 102

117.Kingfisher 102

118.Quiet Valley 103

119.Chrysanthemums in Ink 103

120.Plum Blossoms in Ink 104

121.Magnolia 105

122.Red Lotus 106

書画編 1

1.竜神図(一) 1

2.竜神図(二) 2

3.竜神図 3

4.まぶしく輝く漢画 4

5.空へまばらに香る 5

6.鶏呜図 6

7.鳥章図 7

8.蓮と柳の世界 8

9.蓮と柳の世界(細部) 9

10.飛び舞う蝶 10

11.竜蛇図(一) 11

12.竜蛇図(二) 12

13.清気だけを天地に残す 13

14.四尺五言句 14

15.四尺七言句 15

人物編 16

16.指绘仏とお経 16

17.人体写生(一) 17

18.人体写生(二) 18

19.漁村娘 19

20.指绘敦煌供養人 20

21.指绘チベット踊り 21

22.人物スケッチ 21

花木編 22

23.冬雲図 22

24.古柏図 23

25.谷にほのか香る 24

26.赤い装い 26

27.蓮房清き 27

28.香祖図 28

29.風中西湖蓮 29

30.蓮の雨姿 30

31.シロの王者 31

32.戦地に香る菊の花 32

33.晚秋の風露 33

34.腊雪図 34

35.温香 35

36.水墨兰竹 36

37.冷香図 37

38.水墨竹石 38

39.朝の露と風 39

40.暗香図 40

41.潔くそびえる 41

42.朝日に映える 42

43.傾城の色 43

44.浮香図 44

45.林逋詩意図 45

46.梅石図 46

47.風に摇れる 47

鳥類編 48

48.新蓮 48

49.海からの来客 49

50.梅鹤図 50

51.猫蝶図 51

54.カワセミと蓮 52

55.朱雀と夔凤 53

56.タイヨウドリとアオサギ 54

57.晨曲図 55

58.昂然 56

59.カワセミと蓮 57

60.風芦深水にうつる 58

61.漢画風鳥(一) 59

62.漢画風鳥(二) 60

63.もみじとキョウカンチョウ 61

64.春池に佇む 62

65.初ツバキ 63

66.春の息吹きを 64

67.河塘雨後 65

68.ひとりで風に舞う 66

69.古文化印象 67

70.計白当黑 68

虫魚編 70

71.秋池にひそかに香る 70

72.魚水図 71

73.魚乐 72

74.タナゴ 72

75.雨に潤す青蓮 73

76.川の幸 74

77.秋高図 75

78.谷雨時節 76

79.蓮に戯れる 76

80.中秋映月 77

81.中秋映月(細部) 78

菜菓編 79

82.硕菓図 79

83.豊硕図 80

84.白菜と柿 81

85.かぼちゃ 81

86.菜菓巻 82

87.桃実図 84

指绘編 85

88.遠望図 85

89.清涼世界 86

90.清涼世界(細部) 87

91.すいれん 88

92.梅鸠図 89

93.千裏はばだこう 90

94.鹦鹉図歌 92

95.ツバメ鳴き 93

96.鹰揚猛猛しい 94

97.魚躍図 95

98.初夏図 96

99.李白詩意図 97

画帳編 98

100.秋の音 98

101.遊 98

102.ツグミ 98

103.雁 98

104.百合 99

105.雨竹 99

106.金色の秋 99

107.雨蓮 99

108.ばった 100

109.ジョズカケバト 100

110.晚香 100

111.清香 100

112.見下ろす 101

113.すい蓮 101

114.秋の粧 101

115.绿萼 101

116.春晓 102

117.狙ひつつ 102

118.幽谷 103

119.墨菊 103

120.墨梅 104

121.玉兰 105

122.朱荷 106
