

近世中国之传统与蜕变 刘广京院士七十五岁祝寿论文集 上 中文论文集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郝延平,魏秀梅主编;中央研究院近代史研究所编
- 出 版 社:中央研究院近代史研究所
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:9576715881
- 页数:677 页
上册:中文论文集 3
传统的面面观 3
士商互动与儒学转向——明清社会史与思想史之一面相&余英时 3
从坊刻「四书」讲章论明末考证学&周启荣 53
明末清初的一种道德严格主义&王汎森 69
明清的统治阶层与宗教:正统与异端之辨&李孝悌 83
孙星衍原性说及其在清代思想史上的意义&张寿安 103
中国近世儿童论述的浮现&熊秉真 139
蒙藏喇嘛对清朝建立的贡献&陈捷先 171
清乾隆五十一年惩官事例研究&魏秀梅 179
关于麻丝棉大纺车及三锭棉纺车的历史过程与议论&徐新吾 213
明清城市「民变」的集体行动模式及其影响&巫仁恕 229
清代老年人口与养老制度初探&刘翠溶 259
十八世纪中国粮食作物的分布&王业键、黄翔瑜、谢美娥 283
渐变与暗变 311
《李星沅日记》中所见道光朝后期的政治社会&何汉威 311
左宗棠在浙、闽、粤戡定太平军的主要战役&李恩涵 343
中国早期现代化的难题&陈绛 365
英国对于清季创设现代海军的影响——近代中国军事之传统与蜕变&王家俭 375
王锡祺(1855-1913)传&潘光哲 395
香山商人的冒险传统&黎志刚 427
张之洞与中体西用论&李国祁 453
马浮之春秋学&陆宝千 493
蜕变 517
晚清的山东新政(1860-1911)&张玉法 517
近代中国之开明专制论与强人领袖之想望&王尔敏 567
上海华商电气公司的发展,1904-1937&王树槐 581
抚顺煤矿工人,1907-1931&陈慈玉 605
论孙中山先生的舆论意识&闾小波 629
辛亥革命时期的社会动员——以“排满”宣传为实例&章开沅 649
民初香港华人爱国行动初探——1912-13年「抵制电车」及1919年「五四抗议」&陈明銶 661
下册:英文论文集 681
Aspects of Tradition 681
The Statecraft Thinkers of Late Imperial China in World History&Alexander Woodside 681
Keystones of Neo-Confucian Orthodoxy&John B.Henderson 705
The Construction of Orthodoxy:Handbooks of Village Community Rituals in Late Ming Guangdong&Wing-kai To 725
The Nature of a Confucian Discourse on Orthodox Learning:Chen Jian’s(1497-1567)General Critique of the Obscuration of Learning(Xuebu tongbian)&On-cho Ng 763
Pursuing Sagehood Without Boundaries:The T’ai-chou School’s Message and Lo Ju-fang’s Intellectual Development,1515-1553&Yu-Yin Cheng 799
Manchu Strategies of Subversion in the Conquest of China&William Schultz and Chen-main Wang 843
Hidden Change and Metamorphosis 873
“Very Unhandsome Chops”:The Canton System Closes In,1740-1771&John E.Wills,Jr 873
Uncertainty of the Old China Trade:A Case Study of Manhop’s Failure,1828&Kuo-tung Ch’en 889
The Theologian as Revolutionary:Hung Hsiu-ch’uan’s Religious Vision of the Tai-ping Heavenly Kingdom&P.Richard Bohr 907
China’s Nineteenth-Century Military Industrialization:Achievements and Conse-quences&Thomas L.Kennedy 955
China’s Defense Modernization and the Revenue of the Maritime Customs Service,1875-1879&David Pong 979
Self-strengthening and Manchu-Han Relations&Edward J.M.Rhoads 1007
Western Missionary Views of Educated Chinese Women at the Turn of the Twentieth Century&Susan Mann 1039
Economic Ties between Taiwan and Mainland China,1860-1895:Strengthening or Weakening?&Man-houng Lin 1067
The Rise of Chinese Chambers of Commerce in Late Qing:Elite Opinion and Offcial Policy&Zhongping Chen 1091
Continuity and Change in Modern Chinese History 1117
China’s Three Commercial Revolutions&Yen-p’ing Hao 1117
A Village Church in Jiangxi:Christianity in One Rural Locale from the Late Ming to the Late Qing&Alan Richard Sweeten 1155
The Teachings of Ritual and the Rectification of Customs:Echoes of Tradition in the Political Culture of Modern China&Richard J.Smith 1173
History and Legend:Yung-cheng Chien-hsia Novels&Silas H.L.Wu 1217
China as a School for Emigrants&Philip A.Kuhn 1261
刘广京先生近照 Kwang-Ching Liu:In Appreciation&Stephen R.MacKinnon,Kai-Wing Chow,and Chi-Kong Lai 1275
后序:刘广京先生与近代史研究所(吕实强) 1285
附录一 学人专访:刘广京院士(苏云峰) 1309
附录二 再访刘广京先生(黎志刚) 1321
附录三 刘广京先生履历及著作表 1333
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