- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭继东著
- 出 版 社:北京:国防工业出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787118079920
- 页数:234 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Rationale of this study 1
1.3 Purpose and research questions of this study 5
1.4 Organization of this book 6
1.5 Summary 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review 8
2.1 Introduction 8
2.2 A brief historical overview of CS research 8
2.3 Interlanguage 12
2.3.1 Concept of interlanguage 13
2.3.2 Starting point and stages of interlanguage development 16
2.3.3 General features of interlanguage 20
2.4 Communicative competence and strategic competence 25
2.4.1 Hymes' model 26
2.4.2 Canale and Swain's model 27
2.4.3 Bachman's model 28
2.4.4 Wen's model 31
2.4.5 Celce-Murcia's model 32
2.5 Defining and classifying communication strategies 35
2.5.1 Definitions 36
2.5.2 Classifications of CSs 45
2.6 Some typical empirical studies of CSs at home and abroad 63
2.6.1 CS classifications and research methods 63
2.6.2 Factors affecting the choices of CSs 65
2.6.3 Teachablity and teaching of CSs 76
2.6.4 Effectiveness of CSs 78
2.7 Summary 80
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 82
3.1 Introduction 82
3.2 Research questions 82
3.2.1 Questions on CPs and CSs 83
3.2.2 Questions on CS use in oral tests 83
3.2.3 Questions on CSs in interpreting 83
3.3 Subjects 83
3.3.1 Subjects for the study on CSs and CPs 83
3.3.2 Subjects for the study on CS use in the oral test 85
3.3.3 Subjects for the study on CSs in interpreting 85
3.4 Instruments and procedures 85
3.4.1 Instruments and procedures for the study on CPs and CSs 86
3.4.2 Instruments and procedures for the study on CSs in the oral test 92
3.4.3 Instruments and procedures for the study on CSs in interpreting 96
3.5 Summary 98
Chapter 4 Communication Strategies and Communication Problems 99
4.1 Introduction 99
4.2 CSs and CPs of all subjects 99
4.2.1 CSs of all subjects 100
4.2.2 CPs of all subjects 104
4.3 CSs and CPs of non-English majors 114
4.3.1 CSs of non-English majors 115
4.3.2 CPs of non-English majors 122
4.4 CSs and CPs of English majors 132
4.4.1 CSs of English majors 133
4.4.2 CPs of English majors 137
4.5 Discussion 146
4.6 Summary 151
Chapter 5 Communication Strategies in Oral tests 153
5.1 Introduction 153
5.2 Overall distribution of CSs in the oral test 153
5.3 General language proficiency and CSs in the oral test 154
5.4 Oral proficiency and CSs in the oral test 157
5.5 Differences of CS use in oral test between gender groups 159
5.6 CSs in testing and non-testing situations 160
5.7 Discussion 162
5.8 Summary 164
Chapter 6 Communication Strategies in Interpreting 166
6.1 Introduction 166
6.2 Classification of CSs in interpreting 166
6.2.1 Gist-obtaining strategies 167
6.2.2 Gist-delivering strategies 167
6.2.3 Asking for help(appealing) 168
6.2.4 Using prefabricated patterns 168
6.2.5 Restructuring 168
6.2.6 Memorizing and retrieving 168
6.3 General beliefs about CSs in interpreting 169
6.3.1 Interpreting is communication and interpreters are bound to employ CSs 169
6.3.2 CS competence is one of the components of interpreting competence 171
6.3.3 Teachability of CSs in interpreting 172
6.3.4 Interpreters' CS competence is developed mainly in interpreting 173
6.3.5 CSs should be one ofthe components of interpreting teaching 175
6.4 Beliefs about the use of specific CSs in interpreting 176
6.4.1 Overall distribution of the beliefs about CS use interpreting 176
6.4.2 Beliefs about the CS use in interpreting and L2 proficiency 178
6.4.3 Beliefs about the CS use in interpreting and gender 180
6.4.4 Beliefs about the CS use in interpreting and interpreting experience 182
6.5 Discussion 183
6.6 Summary 185
Chapter 7 Conclusion 186
7.1 Introduction 186
7.2 Major findings 186
7.2.1 Communication strategies and communication problems 186
7.2.2 Communication strategies in oral tests 189
7.2.3 Communication strategies in interpreting 190
7.3 Implications 191
7.3.1 Theoretical implications 191
7.3.2 Pedagogical implications 191
7.4 Suggestions for further research 196
7.4.1 Studying CSs used in written communication 196
7.4.2 Studying CSs used on different stages of interlanguage development 196
7.4.3 Studying CSs used in non-educational situations 197
7.4.4 Studying CSs used in problem-absent situations 197
7.4.5 Studying CSs from a receptive perspective 198
Appendices 200
Appendix Ⅰ 200
Appendix Ⅱ 206
Appendix Ⅲ 211
Appendix Ⅳ 214
Bibliography 216
Acknowledgements 234
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