- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:曹建铁编著
- 出 版 社:北京:专利文献出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7800114082
- 页数:357 页
第一章 Chapter one:Nursery rhymes 1
第二章 Chapter Two:Reading and reciting 13
Lesson One:The Golden Touch 14
Phrasal verbs in conversation:Pick up 1~5;Look up 1~3 19
Grammar structure 22
Weak forms of words(1) 23
Reading practice:Nasreddin's experience 24
Lesson Two:The thousand and one night 26
Phrasal verbs in conversation:Go on 1~5 Grammar structure 32
Weak forms of words(2) 34
Reading practice:Nasreddin's experience 36
Lesson Three:The Great Wall of China 38
Phrasal verbs in conversation:Go off 1~4 Grammar structure 45
Reading practice:Mark Twain and the Game Warden 47
Lesson Four:The missing painting 50
Phrasal verbs in conversation:Find out 1~2;Give in 1~2 56
Grammar structure 57
Reading practice:My Weekend at the Army Hutment 59
Lesson Five:Millionaire for a Day 61
Phrasal verbs in conversation:Make up 1~7 Grammar structure 67
Reading practice:South Wales 70
第三章 Chapter Three:Choice of words 72
Lesson Six:Horse under Water 74
Phrasal verbs in conversation:Get on 1~4 Grammar structure 81
Onomatopoeia(像声词) 82
Reading practice:Classification of words 86
Lesson Seven:Embarrassment 88
Phrasal verbs in conversation:Dash off 1~2;Back up 1 97
Grammar structure 98
Some idioms and expressions of the body(1) 99
Reading practice:Your stars teach you idioms 100
Lesson Eight:Barbara's Father 102
Phrasal verbs in conversation:Turn out 1~5 108
Grammar structure 110
Some idioms and expressions of the body(2) 111
Reading practice:Your stars teach you idioms 113
Lesson Nine:A Day with a Mugger 115
Phrasal verbs in conversation:Take in 1~6 125
Grammar structure 128
Some idioms and expressions of the body(3) 128
Reading practice:Your stars teach you idioms 131
Lesson Ten:Speech 133
Phrasal verbs in conversation:See off 1~3;Take off 1~3 141
Grammar structure 143
Some idioms and expressions of the body(4) 145
Reading practice:Your stars teach you idioms 147
第四章 Chapter Four:Training retelling and giving informational speech 149
Lesson Eleven:Bring back steam power 151
Phrasal verbs in conversation:Turn up 1~3;Take over 1 161
Grammar structure 163
Reciting practice:George Stephenson 164
Lesson Twelve:Charles Dickens 166
Phrasal verbs in conversation:Speak up/out 1~2;Show off 1~2 177
Grammar structure 178
Reciting practice:With Einstein as a boy 179
Lesson Thirteen:American Store of Shopping 182
Phrasal verbs in conversation:Buy out 1~2;Pay up 1 192
Grammar structure 193
Reciting practice:American food habits 194
Lesson Fourteen:Introduction to Reading 196
Phrasal verbs in conversation:Grow up 1~2;Come out 1~4 206
Grammar structure 208
Reciting practice:Switzerland 209
Lesson Fifteen:The Guardian 212
Phrasal verbs in conversation:Put up 1~3;Put off 1~2 222
Grammar structure 224
Reciting practice:Clinton's TV speech to US public 224
Appendix One 228
Appendix Two 279
高中英语语法手册 279
一、词类 279
二、句子成分 280
三、句子 280
四、词序 280
五、名词 282
六、代词 285
七、数词 296
八、冠词 301
九、形容词 304
十、副词 308
十一、动词 313
十二、介词 329
十三、连词 334
十四、感叹词 337
十五、虚拟语气 338
十六、句子 340
十七、句子成分 349
十八、标点符号 356
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