- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(法)大仲马著;程静英注释
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7560007147
- 页数:603 页
1.The Three Gifts of Monsieur d'Artagnan the Elder 1
2.Monsieur de Tréville's Anteroom 13
3.The Audience 21
4.Athos's Shoulder,Porthos's Shoulder Belt,and Aramis's Handkerchief 30
5.The King's Musketeers and the Cardinal's Guards 37
6.His Majesty King Louis the Thirteenth 45
7.The Musketeers at Home 61
8.A Court Intrigue 69
9.D'Artagnan Proves Himself 76
10.A Seventeenth-Century Mousetrap 82
11.The Plot Thickens 91
12.George Villiers,Duke of Buckingham 105
13.Monsieur Bonacieux 112
14.The Dark Stranger 119
15.Magistrates and Soldiers 128
16.Chancellor Séguier Looks for the Bell that He Rang in His Youth 135
17.Monsieur and Madame Bonacieux at Home 144
18.The Lover and the Husband 155
19.Plans 161
20.The Journey 168
21.Lady de Winter 178
22.The Merlaison Ballet 186
23.The Rendezvous 192
24.The Bungalow 201
25.Porthos 209
26.Aramis's Thesis 224
27.Athos's Wife 237
28.The Return 253
29.The Search for Equipment 265
30.Milady 272
31.Englishmen and Frenchmen 278
32.Lunch with the Coquenards 284
33.Maid and Mistress 292
34.Equipment for Aramis and Porthos 300
35.All Cats Are Gray in the Dark 307
36.Dreams of Vengeance 313
37.Milady's Secret 319
38.How Athos Got His Equipment without Effort 325
39.A Vision 332
40.The Cardinal 340
41.The Siege of La Rochelle 346
42.The Anjou Wine 356
43.The Colombier-Rouge Inn 362
44.The Usefulness of Stovepipes 369
45.A Conjugal Scene 376
46.The Saint-Gervais Bastion 380
47.The Musketeers'Conference 386
48.A Family Matter 400
49.A Disastrous Setback 412
50.A Conversation between Relatives 418
51.Officer! 424
52.First Day of Captivity 433
53.Second Day of Captivity 439
54.Third Day of Captivity 445
55.Fourth Day of Captivity 452
56.Fifth Day of Captivity 458
57.A Superb Dramatic Performance 469
58.Escape 475
59.What Happened in Portsmouth on August 23,1628 481
60.In France 490
61.The Carmelite Convent at Béthune 495
62.Two Types of Demon 505
63.The Drop of Water 510
64.The Man in the Red Cloak 521
65.The Trial 526
66.The Execution 532
67.Conclusion 536
Epilogue 544
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