英国的没落? 1960-2000PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)史蒂文森(Stevenson R.)著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社;牛津大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:7560085296
- 页数:624 页
Introduction:Last Things First 1
Part Ⅰ Histories 13
1.'Gleaming Twilight':Literature,Culture,and Society 13
2.A Postmodern Age?Literature,Ideas,and Traditions 57
Ⅰ.The End of the Modern 57
Ⅱ.Modernist and Other Legacies 72
3.An Age of Theory?Critics,Readers,and Authors 88
4.A Golden Age?Readers,Authors,and the Book Trade 125
Ⅰ.The More Common Reader 125
Ⅱ.Commerce and Conscience,Ledgers and Literature 143
Part Ⅱ Poetry 165
5.Movement or Revival:The Late 1950s to the 1980s 165
6.Counter-movements and Modernist Memories:1960 to the 1980s 190
7.Politics and Postmodernism:The Late 1970s to 2000 210
8.Rosebay Revived:Language,Form,and Audience for'This Unpopular Art' 238
Part Ⅲ Drama 273
9.A Public Art Form:The Late 1950s to the 1970s 273
10.Last Year in Jerusalem:Politics and Performance after 1968 301
11.'Real Revolutionaries':Politics and the Margins 332
12.Absurdism,Postmodernism,Individualism 346
13.Discovering the Body 367
14.Revolution,Television,Subsidy 381
Part Ⅳ Narrative 397
15.To the Crossroads:Style and Society in the 1960s and 1970s 397
16.A Darker Route:Morality and History in the 1960s and 1970s 414
17.Longer Shadows and Darkness Risible:The 1970s to 2000 434
18.'Double Lives':Women's Writing and Gender Difference 461
19.'The Century of Strangers':Travellers and Migrants 479
20.Genres,Carnivals,Conclusions 502
Author Bibliographies 523
Suggestions for Further Reading 581
Works Cited 587
Index 607
1.Cover of Private Eye,December 1962 16
2.Queues waiting to buy Lady Chatterley's Lover 25
3.Bookshops in the 1960s,and in the 1990s 131
4.Penguin covers 140
5.1960s Poetry Readings 182
6.The Albert Hall poetry event,June 1965 184
7.Book-signing in the 1980s 185
8.'Poems on the Underground'posters 264
9.The National Theatre 284
10.Edward Bond,Lear 307
11.Caryl Churchill,CloudNine 337
Ⅹ List of Figures 352
12.Harold Pinter,The Caretaker 352
13.Peter Brook's RSC Midsummer Night's Dream 370
14.Sarah Kane,Blasted 379
15.Tom Phillips,A Humument 450
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- 《巨富 全球超级新贵的崛起及其他人的没落》(美)克里斯蒂娅·弗里兰著;周晋译 2013
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- 《两次世界大战 西方的没落》(美)帕尔默等著 2011
- 《没落》(苏)高尔基著;罗稷南译 1949
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- 《水面舰艇编队作战运筹分析》谭安胜著 2009
- 《王蒙文集 新版 35 评点《红楼梦》 上》王蒙著 2020
- 《TED说话的力量 世界优秀演讲者的口才秘诀》(坦桑)阿卡什·P.卡里亚著 2019
- 《燕堂夜话》蒋忠和著 2019
- 《经久》静水边著 2019
- 《魔法销售台词》(美)埃尔默·惠勒著 2019
- 《微表情密码》(波)卡西亚·韦佐夫斯基,(波)帕特里克·韦佐夫斯基著 2019
- 《看书琐记与作文秘诀》鲁迅著 2019
- 《酒国》莫言著 2019