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疯狂英语听力速成  中
疯狂英语听力速成  中

疯狂英语听力速成 中PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:胡得钢主编;李阳主审
  • 出 版 社:广东省语言音像出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7884975882
  • 页数:276 页
《疯狂英语听力速成 中》目录

第一章:社会热点 2

1.Abortion Pill 2

2.US Apeals Court Allows Assisted Suicide 5

3.Couple Adopts Six Children in One Day 9

4.Free Gun Locks 12

5.Organ Donations 15

6.Teen Suicide 18

7.World Hunger Crisis 22

第二章:人与自然 27

1.Animals Saved 27

2.Biosphere: Selfsustaining Environment 30

3.Crab Cause Problems 34

4.Drought in California 37

5.Getting Rid of Fruit Flies 40

6.Hunting Gray Whales 43

7.Pigeon People 47

8.Pollution Fight 50

9.Timber or Trees? 53

10.Tuna Dolphins 57

11.A Volcano by the Sea 60

第三章:科技动态 64

1.Cable Modems 64

2.Computer Virus 68

3.Fast Car 71

4.Nuclear Scientists 74

5.Power Protest 77

6.Red Light Runners 80

7.Students Make Space Satellites 83

第四章:城市轶事 88

1.Bells Tributes 88

2.Boy Falls From Ride 91

3.Disc Jockey threats People 94

4.Holiday Traffic 97

5.Neighbors Fight 100

6.Police Arrest Parents 103

7.Wildlife Reacting to Climate Changes 106

第五章:人物写真 111

1.Age of Aquarius 111

2.Miracle Musician 114

3.Murderer Wants Movie Made 117

4.Nature Sounds 120

5.Old Ranger 123

6.Walt Disney 126

第六章:今日时政 133

1.Alaskan Oil Spill 133

2.BART Strike 137

3.Califomiia Toxic Spill 140

4.Idaho Governor 143

5.Lunar Real Estate Sale 146

6.Police Find Drugs 149

7.Republicans Switching Parties 152

第七章:居安思危 156

1.Asian Gangs 156

2.Extra Police at Car Show 159

3.FBI Pardons 162

4.Hate Crimes 165

5.Home Invasion 168

第八章:游历四方 172

1.Birds of Alcatraz 172

2.Glen Canyon Dam 175

3.Golden Gate Bridge’s 50th Birthday 178

4.High Seas E-mail 181

5.Monarch Butterflies 184

6.Montana Gets 188

7.Yellowstone 191

第九章:家庭与社区 195

1.Kid’s Cafe 195

2.School District Agrees Deal 198

3.Boy Threatened At School 201

4.Volunteers 204

第十章:文艺与体育 212

1.A Capella Summit 212

2.Bicycle Messengers Olympics 215

3.Christmas Traditions and Music 218

第十一章:商业经纬 224

1.World Coffee Prices 224

2.World Bank-IMF Aid to Poor Nations 228

第十二章:健康资讯 233

1.Alcohol and Heart Attacks 233

2.Fast Food 237

3.Drugs for High Blood Pressure 241

第十三章:娱乐精选 246

1.Top Movies Books and Music of 2002 246

第十四章:会话听力练习 252

附录: 265

参考答案 265

疯狂句子财富大起底 269
