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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:强晓,何刚强主编;项冬,李俐编
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787513515917
  • 页数:274 页

Unit 1 Media 1

Text 1 Is Google Making Us Stupid:What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains? 1

Text 2 The Age of Show Business 11

Text 3 Make the News Comprehensive and Proportional 21

Unit 2 Culture and Communication 34

Text 1 Key Concepts:Underlying Structures of Culture 34

Text 2 The Language of Discretion 44

Text 3 Social Talk 53

Unit 3 Success and Emotional Intelligence 66

Text 1 Exploring Emotional Intelligence 66

Text 2 The Social Arts 79

Text 3 Inside-Out 90

Unit 4 Love and Family 105

Text 1 Theoretical Perspectives on the Family and Intimate Relationships 105

Text 2 Marry Him:The Case for Settling for Mr.Good Enough 117

Text 3 The Art of Loving 129

Unit 5 Class 139

Text 1 Stratification and Class 139

Text 2 An Anatomy of the Classes 151

Text 3 Such Good Taste 166

Unit 6 Principles of Economics 175

Text 1 Principles of Economics 175

Text 2 The Substance of Economics 189

Text 3 Why Do We Cheat? 199

Unit 7 Ethics and Wealth 217

Text 1 Practical Ethics—Rich and Poor 217

Text 2 The Soul of Man Under Socialism 229

Text 3 The Philosopher and the Conqueror 240

Unit 8 Art 246

Text 1 The Cooperating Beginner 246

Text 2 The Artistic Life 254

Text 3 Chinese Painting 266

附录 参考文献 274
