- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈明芳著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787560078113
- 页数:302 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background to the study 1
1.2 The research objectives and significance 8
1.3 Methodology and data collection 11
1.4 Organization of this book 15
Chapter 2 The previous studies of reporting 18
2.1 Introduction 18
2.2 Defining reporting 18
2.3 Approaches to reporting 20
2.3.1 The philosophical approach 20
2.3.2 The stylistic approach 23
2.3.3 The general linguistic approach 28 The lexical approach 29 The syntactic and semantic approach 31
2.3.4 The pragmatic approach 36
2.3.5 The systemic-functional approach 40
2.3.6 Other researches concerning reporting 45
2.4 Advantages and drawbacks of the previous studies on reporting 47
2.5 The interrelation between reporting and perspective 50
2.5.1 Studies in perspective 50
2.5.2 Aspects ofnatural joint 53
2.6 Summary 55
Chapter 3 Theoretical considerations 57
3.1 Introduction 57
3.2 Systemic-functional grammar 58
3.2.1 Three metafunctions 58
3.2.2 Clause complex 63
3.2.3 Realization 64
3.2.4 Genre 66
3.3 Cognitive grammar 69
3.3.1 Perspective 69
3.3.2 Attention,vantage point,empathy,starting point and point of view 70
3.3.3 Brief comments on these notions 73
3.4 Motivations for the study of LRs in English dissertations 74
3.5 Language levels to be analyzed 76
3.5.1 Reporting verbs 77
3.5.2 Metadiscourse 81
3.5.3 Tense 82
3.5.4 Voice 85
3.5.5 That-clause and it-clause 86
3.6 Summary 89
Chapter 4 Generic structure potential of Literature Reviews 91
4.1 Introduction 91
4.2 Purposes and significance of LRs 92
4.2.1 Titles 92
4.2.2 Focuses and goals 94
4.3 Generic structure of LRs 98
4.4 Elements of LRs and relations between elements and perspectives 102
4.4.1 Element analysis 103
4.4.2 Citation:an important feature in Elements 2 and 3 109
4.4.3 Relations between elements and perspectives 115
4.5 Summary 123
Chapter 5 Reporting verbs in Literature Reviews 125
5.1 Introduction 125
5.2 Pervasiveness ofreporting verbs in LRs 126
5.3 Categories of reporting verbs 130
5.4 Functional analysis of reporting verbs in LRs 138
5.4.1 Functions of research verbs in reporting 139
5.4.2 Functions of cognition verbs in reporting 145
5.4.3 Functions of discourse verbs in reporting 146
5.5 Disciplinary variations in reporting verbs 151
5.5.1 Disciplinary preferences for perspective portraying 151
5.5.2 A case study:report and find 156
5.6 Tense of reporting verbs in LRs 160
5.6.1 Distributions oftenses ofreporting verbs in the 100 LRs 160
5.6.2 Tense realizations in LRs 165
5.7 Voice of reporting verbs in LRs 170
5.7.1 Functions of the passives of reporting verbs in LRs 172
5.7.2 Disciplinary variation of the passives of reporting verbs 177
5.7.3 A case study:the verb say 184
5.8 Summary 189
Chapter 6 Perspectival that-clause and metadiscourse in Literature Reviews 191
6.1 Introduction 191
6.2 Classification and significance of perspectival that-clause 192
6.2.1 Experiential function 195
6.2.2 Interpersonal function 198
6.2.3 Textual function 204
6.3 Distributions of perspectival that-clauses 207
6.4 Perspectival that-clauses in LRs 210
6.4.1 The entity commented on 212
6.4.2 Stance of the writer towards the entity commented on 215
6.4.3 Source of the comments 217
6.4.4 The perspectival expression 219
6.5 Perspectival metadiscourse in LRs 221
6.6 Functional analyses of person markers I and we 224
6.6.1 Person markers as a rhetorical means 224
6.6.2 Functional realizations of person markers I and we 229
6.6.3 A case study:the use of argue 238
6.7 Functional analyses of attitude markers I find,I believe,I think and I know 240
6.7.1 A way of foregrounding 241
6.7.2 A politeness interpretation 241
6.7.3 A discourse strategy 243
6.7.4 A way of projection and modality 245
6.7.5 A device ofevaluation 250
6.8 About as 251
6.9 Summary 254
Chapter 7 Conclusion 256
7.1 Introduction 256
7.2 Findings of the current study 256
7.3 Significance of the current study 264
7.4 Limitations and suggestions for further research 265
Appendix 1 Data sources 267
Appendix 2 Data samples 270
Bibliography 276
后记 301
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