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  • 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9041138095
  • 页数:551 页

Part Ⅰ - National Reports 1

Note General Editor 1

Table of Contents of International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration 1

Part Ⅱ - Arbitration Rules 17

New and Amended Arbitration Rules 19

Part Ⅲ - Recent Developments in Arbitration Law and Practice 23

Recent Developments in Arbitration Law and Practice 25

Part Ⅳ - Arbitral Awards 27

Note General Editor 29

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) 30

·Final award in case no. 11490 30

·Final award in case no. 11509 43

·Final award in case no. 12877 49

·Final award on jurisdiction in case no. 14581 62

·Final award in case no. 14630 90

·Final award in case no. 14792 110

Part Ⅴ - A. Court Decisions on the New York Convention 1958 127

Introduction 129

List of Contracting States (as of 1 November 2012) 133

Index of Cases Reported in Volume XXXVII (2012)&Prof. Albert Jan van den Berg 141

Australia 163

·No. 37. Federal Court of Australia, New South Wales District Registry, General Division, 29 June 2012&Dampskibsselskabet Norden A/S v. Beach Building & Civil Group Pty Ltd 163

Bosnia and Herzegovina 166

·No. 1. Ustavni sud Bosne i Hercegovine, 9 May 2006&Inkometal AG v. Koksno Hemijski Kombinat d. d 166

Brazil 169

·No. 15. Superior Tribunal de Justica, 15 February 2006&Plexus Cotton Limited v. Santana Textil S/A 169

·No. 16. Superior Tribunal de Justica, 6 March 2006&Bouvery International S/A v. Irmaos Pereira Comercial e Exportadora Ltda 171

·No. 17. Superior Tribunal de Justica, 19 April 2006&Union Europeenne de Gymnastique - UEG v. Multipole Distribuidora de Filmes Ltda 173

·No. 18. Superior Tribunal de Justica, 19 June 2006&Tremond Alloys and Metals Corporation v. Metaltubos Industria e Comercio de Metais Ltda 175

·No. 19. Superior Tribunal de Justica, 18 October 2006&Grain Partners SpA v. Cooperativa dos Produtores e Trabalhadores Urbanos e Rurais de Sorriso Ltda - Coopergrao et al 177

·No. 20. Superior Tribunal de Justica, 23 November 2006&First Brands do Brasil Ltda. et al. v. STP - Petroplus Produtos Automotivos S/A PPA et al 180

·No. 21. Superior Tribunal de Justica, 26 June 2007&Guidosimplex Drive Ltda v. Cavenaghi Cavenaghi e Companhia Ltda 183

·No. 22. Superior Tribunal de Justica, 20 August 2008&Litsa Lineas de Transmision del Litoral S/A v. SV Engenharia S/A et al 185

·No. 23. Superior Tribunal de Justica, 28 May 2009&Devcot S/A v. Ari Giongo 187

·No. 24. Superior Tribunal de Justica, 19 October 2011&Kia Motors Corporation v. Washington Armenio Lopes et al 189

·No. 25. Tribunal de Justica, Parana, 7 December 2011&Itiquira Energetica S/A v. Inepar S/A - Industria e Construcoes 193

·No. 26. Superior Tribunal de Justica, 14 June 2012&Comverse Inc v. American Telecommunication do Brasil Ltda 195

Colombia 198

·No. 6. Corte Suprema de Justicia, Civil Cassation Chamber,12 May 2011&Pollux Marine Services Corp. v. Colfletar Ltda 198

·No. 7. Corte Suprema de Justicia, Civil Cassation Chamber,27 July 2011&Petrotesting Colombia S.A. et al. v. Ross Energy S.A 200

·No. 8. Corte Suprema de Justicia, Civil Cassation Chamber,19 December 2011 and 3 May 2012&Drummond Ltd. v. Instituto Nacional de Concesiones - INCO et al 205

France 210

·No. 51. Cour de Cassation, First Civil Chamber, 6 July 2011&Thierry X v. Paul Y 210

·No. 52. Cour de Cassation, First Civil Chamber,26 October 2011&Elham X v. Mohammad Ben Laden et al 212

·No. 53. Cour de Cassation, First Civil Chamber, 28 March 2012&Societe de Realisations et d'Etudes pour les Industriels du Bois - Seribo v. Hainan Yangpu Xindadao Industrial Co Ltd 214

Germany 216

·No. 140. Bundesgerichtshof, 8 June 2010&First and Second German Investors v. Brokerage house X 216

·No. 141. Oberlandesgericht, Thuringia, 13 January 2011&Subsidiary company of franchiser v. Franchisee 220

·No. 142. Bundesgerichtshof, 25 January 2011&First, Second and Third German Investors v. Brokerage house X 223

·No. 143. Oberlandesgericht, Naumburg, 4 March 2011&Liquidator of Company A v. Company B 226

·No. 144. Oberlandesgericht, Munich, 4 July 2011&Liquidator of Company Y v. The Kingdom of X 229

·No. 145. Oberlandesgericht, Munich, 14 November 2011&Joint Stock Company A v. Joint Stock Company B 231

Greece 234

·No. 22. Efeteio, Athens, 18 July 2011&Greek Buyer v. Ukrainian Seller 234

Guatemala 237

·No. 1. Corte de Constitucionalidad, Apelación de Amparo,5 April 2005 and 4 September 2008&Apatlán, Sociedad Anónima v. Respondent 237

·No. 2. Corte de Constitucionalidad, Inconstitucionalidad en Caso Concreto, 11 March 2008&Corporación de Fianzas, Confianza, Sociedad Anónima and Texaco Guatemala Inc 240

India 242

·No. 47. High Court, Calcutta, Ordinary Original Civil Jurisdiction, 20 March 2012&Coal India Limited v. Canadian Commercial Corporation 242

·No. 48. Supreme Court of India, 6 September 2012&Bharat Aluminium Co. et al. v. Kaiser Aluminium Technical Service,Inc. et al 244

Israel 250

·No. 6. Central Magistrate Court, 15 April 2010&The Ukrainian Ministry of Material Provisions v. Vioans Ltd 250

Italy 253

·No. 184. Corte di Appello, Milan, 22 December 2010&Company X v. Company Y 253

·No. 185. Corte di Cassazione, First Civil Chamber,16 June 2011&Del Medico di Giovina Giuliana Del Medico & C sas v. Iherprotein S.L 255

Korea 257

·No. 4. Supreme Court, 10 December 2004&Petitioner v. Respondent 257

·No. 5. Supreme Court, 28 May 2009 and 29 April 2010&Majestic Woodchips Inc. v. Hun-Geun Yu, as the receiver of the reorganized Donghae Pulp Co., Ltd. et al 259

Malaysia 264

·No. 5. High Court of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 10 October 2011&Open Type Joint Stock Company Efirnoye - EFKO v. Alfa Trading Ltd 264

Netherlands 268

·No. 39. Voorzieningenrechter, Rechtbank, Amsterdam,24 February 2011&Shalom v. IPC Holland B. V. et al 268

·No. 40. Voorzieningenrechter, Rechtbank, Rotterdam,28 February 2011 and Gerechtshof, The Hague, 20 December 2011&Catz International B. V. v. Gilan Trading KFT 271

·No. 41. Voorzieningenrechter, Rechtbank, Amsterdam,17 November 2011&Nikolai Viktorovich Maximov v. OJSC Novolipetsky Metallurgichesky Kombinat 274

·No. 42. Voorzieningenrechter, Rechtbank, Amsterdam,10 May 2012&Kompas Overseas Inc. v. OAO Severnoe Rechnoe Parokhodstvo (Northern River Shipping Company) 277

·No. 43. Voorzieningenrechter, Rechtbank, Amsterdam, 26 July 2012&Nova Shipping Ltd v. Med Marine Kilavuzluk ve Romarkaj Hizmetleri Insaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S 282

Russian Federation 285

·No. 34. Supreme Arhitrazh Court of the Russian Federation,11 September 2009 and Presidium of the Supreme Arhitrazh Court of the Russian Federation, 13 September 2010&Stena RoRo AB v. Open Joint Stock Company Baltiysky Zavod 285

South Africa 290

·No. 5. High Court of South Africa, Western Cape High Court,Cape Town, 24 February 2012&Phoenix Shipping Corporation v. DHL Global Forwarding SA (Pty) Ltd et al 290

Spain 295

·No. 71. Audiencia Provincial, Fifth Chamber,Seville, 21 July 2011&Miguel Gallego, S.A. v. Odfjell Tankers AS 295

·No. 72. Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Catalunya, Civil and Penal Chamber, 17 November 2011&MK2 S.A. v. Wide Pictures, S.L 297

Switzerland 300

·No. 45. Tribunal Federal, Second Civil Chamber, 10 October 2011&Slovakian Seller v. Syrian Buyer 300

·No. 46. Bundesgericht, Second Civil Chamber, 2 July 2012&X SA v. Z LLC 305

United Arab Emirates 309

·No. 3. Court of Appeal, Dubai, 22 February 2012&Airmech Dubai LLC v. Maxtel International LLC 309

United Kingdom 312

·No. 94. Court of Appeal (Civil Division), 27 June 2012&Yukos Capital S.A.R.L. v. OJSC Rosneft Oil Company 312

United States 317

·No. 749. United States District Court, Southern District of Florida,22 March 2010 and United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit, 23 September 2011&Jane Doe v. Princess Cruise Lines, Ltd 317

·No. 750. United States District Court, Southern District of Florida, 10 February 2011 and United States Court of Appeals,Eleventh Circuit, 5 July 2012&Ingaseosas International Co. v. Aconcagua Investing Ltd 322

·No. 751. United States District Court, Southern District of Florida, 15 June 2011&Laurent Fernandes v. Holland American Line 328

·No. 752. United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit,29 August 2011&Harold Leonel Pineda Lindo v. NCL (Bahamas), Ltd. d/b/a NCL 330

·No. 753. United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit,18 October 2011&Ricardo Maxwell v. NCL (Bahamas), Ltd, d/b/a/ NCL 337

·No. 754. United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit,18 October 2011&Gary Smallwood v. Allied Van Lines, Inc. et al 339

·No. 755. United States District Court, Eastern District of Missouri, Eastern Division, 7 December 2011 and 14 March 2012&A.O.A. et al. v. Doe Run Resources Corporation et al 342

·No. 756. United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit,14 December 2011&Figueiredo Ferraz e Engenharia de Projeto Ltda v. The Republic of Peru 346

·No. 757. United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, 15 December 2011&The Ministry of Defense and Support for the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as Successor in Interest to the Ministry of War of the Government of Iran v. Cubic Defense Systems, Inc 350

·No. 758. United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, 5 January 2012&S & T Oil Equipment & Machinery, Ltd. et al. v. Juridica Investments Limited et al 355

·No. 759. United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, 13 January 2012&Belize Social Development Limited v. Government of Belize 358

·No. 760. United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, 17 January 2012&Republic of Argentina v. BG Group PLC 361

·No. 761. United States District Court, District of Columbia,17 January 2012&DRC, Inc. v. Republic of Honduras 366

·No. 762. United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit,3 February 2012&Scandinavian Reinsurance Company Limited v. Saint Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company et al 368

·No. 763. United States District Court, Southern District of Florida,Miami Division, 13 February 2012&Chelsea Football Club Limited v. Adrian Mutu 373

·No. 764. United States District Court, Southern District of Florida, 24 February 2012&Yuliana Ruiz as Personal Representative of the Estate of Gregory Navarro, deceased v. Carnival Corporation d/b/a Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc 375

·No. 765. United States District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, 12 March 2012&First Investment Corp. v. Fujian Mawei Shipbuilding, Ltd. et al 381

·No. 766. United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit,16 March 2012&Potenciano L. Aggarao, Jr. v. MOL Ship Management Company, Ltd. et al 381

·No. 767. United States District Court, Southern District of Florida,Miami Division, 23 March 2012&Maynor Centeno v. NCL (Bahamas) Ltd 388

·No. 768. United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit,28 March 2012&The Republic of Iraq v. BNP Paribas USA et al 390

·No. 769. United States District Court, Southern District of Florida, 2 April 2012&Gonzalo Lujan v. Carnival Corporation 393

·No. 770. United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit,10 April 2012&Roy David Castillo Arauz v. Carnival Corporation, d/b/a Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. et al 396

·No. 771. United States District Court, Northern District of Texas,Dallas Division, 12 June 2012&Jay Nanda v. Atul Nanda et al 399

·No. 772. United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit,9 July 2012&ESAB Group, Incorporated v. Zurich Insurance PLC et al 402

·No. 773. United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit,12 July 2012&Kenneth Fernandes v. Carnival Corporation, d/b/a Carnival Cruise Lines 407

·No. 774. United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit,13 July 2012&Thai-Lao Lignite (Thailand) Co. Ltd. et al. v. Government of the Lao People's Democratic Republic 409

·No. 775. United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit,20 July 2012&Milton Escobal v. Celebration Cruise Operator, Inc. et al 412

·No. 776. United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit,26 July 2012&Technological Application and Production Company (Tecapro), Hcmc-Vietnam v. Control Screening LLC 414

·No. 777. United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit,8 August 2012&Werner Schneider, acting in his capacity as insolvency administrator of Walter Bau AG (In Liquidation) v. The Kingdom of Thailand 417

·No. 778. United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit,24 August 2012&Zeevi Holdings Ltd. v. Republic of Bulgaria 420

Uruguay 425

·No. 1. Suprema Corte de Justicia del Uruguay, 24 March 2006&Nelson Acosta et al. v. Prudential Equity Group Inc. et al 425

·No. 2. Suprema Corte de Justicia del Uruguay, 9 May 2008&Soufflet International Pte. Ltd. et al. v. Brookner S.A 428

Part Ⅴ - B. Court Decisions on the European Convention 1961 431

List of Contracting States and Signatories (as of 1 November 2012) 433

Part Ⅴ - C. Court Decisions on the Washington Convention 1965 437

List of Contracting States and Signatories (as of 1 November 2012) 439

United States 446

·No. W3. United States District Court, Eastern District of Virginia,Alexandria Division, 11 September 2012&Continental Casualty Company v. The Argentine Republic 446

Part Ⅴ - D. Court Decisions on the Panama Convention 1975 449

List of Contracting States (as of 1 November 2012) 451

·No. P32. United States District Court, Southern District of Florida,Miami Division, 10 September 2012&Gerardo Gerson et al. v. UBS Financial Services, Inc. et al. 453

Part Ⅴ - E. Other Court Decisions on Arbitration 457

Switzerland 459

·Bundesgericht, 27 March 2012&Francelino da Silva Matuzalem v. Federation Internationale de Football Association - FIFA 459

United Kingdom 464

·Court of Appeal (Civil Division), 16 May 2012&Sulamerica Cia Nacional de Seguros S.A. et al. v. Enesa Engenharia S.A. et al 464

·Privy Council, 17 July 2012&La Generale des Carrieres et des Mines v. FG Hemisphere Associates LLC 468

Part Ⅵ - Bibliography 471

Ⅰ. General 473

Ⅱ. Countries 491

Ⅲ. Journals on Arbitration 496

List of ICCA Officers and Governing Board Members 505

List of ICCA Members 519

ICCA Membership Now Open 551
