- 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:1841139963
- 页数:836 页
Ⅰ. Corporations & IP in a Challenging World 1
Part A: General Counsels' Roundtable: A View from the Top 1
Ⅱ. Developments in European Union IP Law 19
Part A: Legislative Developments in European Union IP Law 19
Part B: European Court of Justice and IP Law 31
Ⅲ. Developments in the U.S. Supreme Court 43
PartA: The U.S. Supreme Court & IP Law 43
Ⅳ. Copyright Law 49
Part A: World Developments 49
1. Copyright Agenda in the European Union—A View from the Commission 49
2. Copyright Developments in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand 63
3. Orphan Works Legislation in the United States and Around the World 111
Part B: Copyright and Music 131
1. Sound Recordings 131
2. Digital Licensing Issues 147
a) Europe 147
b) United States 165
3. The Role, Effectiveness and Issues in Infringement Actions Against Individual P2P Downloaders 179
a) The "Making Available" Right 179
b) Statutory Damages 197
c) The Interaction with Privacy Law 207
Part C: Copyright in a Web 2.0 World 219
1. The Challenges and Opportunities of Copyright in the Web 2.0—Panel 1 219
2. The Challenges and Opportunities of Copyright in the Web 2.0—Panel 2 243
Part D: Copyright Exceptions and Limitations 261
1. Copyright Law Exceptions and Limitations 261
2. Free Speech and Copyright and Trademark Issues in the United States and Around the World 305
Ⅴ. Patent Law 323
Part A: The Scope of Patentable Subject Matter: What is Afoot? 323
Part B: Nonobviousness/Inventive Step 341
1. KSR and its Aftermath 341
a) United States 341
b) Europe andAsia 359
Part C: U.S. Patent & Trademark Office—USPTO Rule Changes: Should the PTO Have Substantive Rulemaking Authority? 375
Part D: Patent Infringement 397
1. Willful Patent Infringement: Seagate and Its Aftermath 397
2. Injunctive Relief in the United States-ebay and its Aftermath; Effect on Proceedings 417
Part E: Patent Law World Developments 435
1. European Union's Agenda for Patents 435
2. Japanese Patent Law Developments 453
Ⅵ. Trademark Law 463
Part A: Trademark and Design Law Developments in the European Union 463
Part B: The Right of Publicity Developments in the United States and Europe 483
Part C: Protection for Famous and Well-known Marks 541
Part D: Event-Driven Marks and "Ambush" Marketing 561
Ⅶ. International Trade & Intellectual Property 587
Part A: Multilateral and Bilateral Relations 587
1. The World Intellectual Property Organization 587
2. United States v. China in the WTO 599
Part B: The Development Agenda—Current Issues with Regard to the Development 611
Part C: China & Intellectual Property—IP Developments in China 631
Part D: Parallel Imports 675
1. Patent Exhaustion: A Comparative Analysis 675
2. European Union and Parallel Imports 713
Ⅷ. Competition Law Interplay with IP Law 729
Part A: Microsoft, the CFI, and the Aftermath in the European Union and United States 729
Part B: Antitrust/Competition Laws and Agencies: Global Cooperation? Convergence or Divergence? 749
Part C: Member States' Competition Enforcement in the European Union 767
Part D: Standards Setting—The Interplay with IP and Competition Law 791
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