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  • 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:DR.I.PAENSON
  • 出版年份:1983
  • ISBN:2802702831
  • 页数:846 页

Ch.Ⅰ.The concept and history of international law(IL) 2

A.The concept and function of international law 2

A.1.The concept of international law 2

A.2.The function of international law 6

A.2.1.The function of law in general 6

A.2.2.Differences between municipal law and international law 12

A.2.3.Aims of international law 14

B.History of the theory and practice of international law 16

C.Relation between international law and municipal law 32

Ch.Ⅱ.Sources of international law 36

A.The law-creating processes 36

A.1.The main law-creating processes 36

A.1.1.International treaties 38

A.1.2.International customary law(ICL) 40

A.2.The auxiliary law-creating processes 42

A.2.1.General principles of law recognized by civilized nations 42

A.2.2.Decisions of international organizations 44

B.The law-determining agencies 46

B.1.Judicial decisions 46

B.1.1.International judicial organs 46

B.1.2.National judicial organs 48

B.2.Practice of individual States 48

B.3.Teachings of publisists 48

Ch.Ⅲ.International personality 50

A.The idea of international personality 50

B.The State 54

B.1.The idea of the State 54

B.1.1.Sovereignty 56

B.1.1.1.Non-intervention 58

B.2.The forms and the international status of States and similar entities 60

B.2.1.Forms of composite States 60

B.2.2.Permanently neutral and neutralized States 64

B.2.3.Dependent States and territories 64

B.2.3.1.International protectorates 64

B.2.3.2.Colonial protectorates 66

B.2.3.3.Vassal States 66

B.2.3.4.Free cities and territories 68

B.2.3.5.Capitulations 68

B.2.3.6.Mandated territories 68

B.2.3.7.Trust territories 70

B.2.3.8.Non-self-governing territories 72

B.2.3.9.Condominium and co-imperium 78

C.Subjects of international law other than States and similar entities 78

C.1.Nations and similar entities 78

C.2.The Holy See 86

C.3.The International Red Cross 88

C.4.The Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta 90

D.Recognition 90

D.1.Recognition of States 90

D.1.1.Kinds of recognition of States 94

D.2.Recognition of new governments or Heads of State of existing States 96

D.3.Recognition of insurgency or belligerency 98

E.Organs of international relations 100

E.1.National organs 100

E.1.1.Internal organs 100

E.1.1.1.Heads of State 100

E.1.1.2.Governments 100

E.1.2.Foreign services 102

E.1.2.1.Diplomatic representatives 102

E.1.2.2.Consuls 116

E.2.International organs 120

E.3.Privileges and immunities of organs of international relations 122

E.3.1.Organs of States 122

E.3.2.International organs 126

F.Succession of subjects of international law 128

F.1.State succession 128

F.1.1.The idea of State succession 128

F.1.2.The objects of State succession 132

F.1.2.1.Property rights and obligations,except those under international law 132

F.1.2.2. Rights and obligations under international law flowing from treaties 134

F.1.3.Present-day tendencies in the question of State succession 134

F.2.Succession of international organizations 140

Ch.Ⅳ.State jurisdiction.Its objects and its limitations 142

A.State jurisdiction(SJ) 142

A.1.Definition of State jurisdiction 142

A.2.Forms of State jurisdiction 144

A.2.1.Territorial jurisdiction 144

A.2.2.Personal jurisdiction 148

A.2.2.1.Natural persons 148

A.2.2.2.Legal persons 150

A.2.2.3.Vessels and aircraft 150

B.The objects of State jurisdiction 152

B.1.Territory 152

B.1.1.Parts of territory 152

B.1.1.1.Land territory 154

B.1.1.2.Territory under water 156

B.1.1.2a.Inland waters 162

B.1.1.2b.The territorial sea 172

B.1.1.2c.The contiguous zone and the exclusive economic zone 180

B.1.1.2d.The continental shelf 184

B.1.1.3.Air space 196

B.1.2.Modes of acquiring State territory 202

B.1.2.1.Western theories 202

B.1.2.2.Marxist theory 208

B.2.Space-outside the State territory-in which the State exercises jurisdiction 208

B.2.1.The high seas 210

B.2.1.1.Piracy 212

B.2.1.2.Slave trade 214

B.2.1.3.Hot pursuit 214

B.2.1.4.Fishing 216

B.2.1.5.Submarine cables and pipelines 216

B.2.1.6.Safety on the high seas 216

B.2.1.7.Pollution of the seas 218

B.2.1.8.Marine scientific research 220

B.2.1.8a.Development and transfer of marine technology 220

B.2.1.9.The'common heritage of mankind' 220

B.2.2.Antarctic 226

B.2.3.Outer space 226

B.3.Individuals 234

B.3.1.The position of the individual in international law 234

B.3.2.The position of minorities in international law 236

B.3.3.Human rights 238

B.3.4.Acquisition of nationality 246

B.3.5.Loss of nationality and statelessness 250

B.3.6.Diplomatic protection abroad of persons under the personal jurisdiction of the State 252

B.3.7.Aliens 254

C.Limitations of State jurisdiction 258

C.1.Limitations under international customary law(ICL) 260

C.2.Limitations under international conventional law 260

Ch.Ⅴ.International transactions 264

A.Bi-or multilateral transactions 266

A.1.Treaties 266

A.1.1.Legal nature of treaties 266

A.1.2.Categories of treaties 268

A.1.2.1.Political treaties 268

A.1.2.2.Economic and social treaties 272

A.1.2.3.Multilateral conventions 274

A.1.3.General conditions of the validity of treaties 274

A.1.3.1.Conditions concerning the parties to treaties 274

A.1.3.1a.The treaty-making power 274

A.1.3.1b.The meeting of wills 276

A.1.3.2.Conditions concerning the treaties themselves 278

A.1.3.2a.Conditions concerning the objects of treaties 280

A.1.3.2b.Conditions concerning the purposes of treaties 280

A.1.4.Conclusion of treaties 282

A.1.4.1.Negotiation and signature 282

A.1.4.2.Ratification 284

A.1.4.3.Accession to multilateral treaties 288

A.1.4.4.Reservations 290

A.1.4.5.Interpretation of treaties 290

A.1.4.6.Amendment and modification of treaties 296

A.1.4.7.Entry into force,duration and termination of treaties or suspension of their operation 296

A.1.4.8.Registration and publication of treaties 302

A.1.4.9.Methods of securing performance of treaties 302

A.1.5.Effects of treaties 302

A.1.5.1.Effects on contracting parties 302

A.1.5.1a.In their inter-relations 302

A.1.5.1b.In their internal legal order 302

A.1.5.2.Effects upon third parties 304

A.2.Bi-or multilateral transactions other than treaties 308

B.International unilateral legal acts 308

B.1.Acts of States 308

B.2.Acts of international organizations (OI) 312

B.2.1.Acts of international organizations other than supranational organizations 312

B.2.2.Acts of supranational organizations 314

Ch.Ⅵ.Fundamental rights and duties of States and their international responsibility 318

A.Fundamental rights and duties of States 318

B.International responsibility(IR) 330

B.1.The nature of international responsibility 330

B.2.Legal consequences of international torts 332

B.3.Kinds of international responsibility 334

B.4.Categories of international torts 336

B.4.1.Injuries to the State as such 336

B.4.2.Injuries to persons under the personal jurisdiction of the State 336

B.4.2.1.Claims to reparation of injuries to persons under the personal jurisdiction of the State 340

B.5.International responsibility of international organizations 344

Ch.Ⅶ.Legal aspects of international organizations(IO) 348

Part 1 Temporary international organizations and permanent specialized universal international organizations 348

A.Kinds of international organizations 348

B.Temporary international organizations 350

C.Permanent international organizations 358

C.1.Universal international organizations 358

C.1.1.Specialized universal international organizations 358

C.1.1.1.The Universal Postal Union(UPU),Berne 366

C.1.1.2.The International Telecommunications Union(ITU),Geneva 368

C.1.1.3.The World Meteorological Organization(WMO),Geneva 372

C.1.1.4.The World Health Organization(WHO),Geneva 374

C.1.1.5.The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations(FAO),Rome 378

C.1.1.6.The International Labour Organization(ILO),Geneva 388

C.1.1.7.The United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),Paris 394

C.1.1.8.The Bank for International Settlements(BIS),Basel 400

C.1.1.9.The International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO),Montreal 404

C.1.1.10.The Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization(IMCO),London 404

C.1.1.11.The International Monetary Fund(IMF),Washington,D.C. 412

C.1.1.12.The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development(IBRD),Washington,D.C.(World Bank) 424

C.1.1.13.The International Finance Corporation(IFC),Washington,D.C. 428

C.1.1.14.The International Development Association(IDA),Washington,D.C. 428

C.1.1.15.The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT),Geneva 430

C.1.1.16.The International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA),Vienna 436

C.1.1.17.The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD),Geneva 442

C.1.1.18.The United Nations Industrial Development Organization(UNIDO),Vienna 450

Part Ⅱ 452

C.1.2.General universal international organizations 452

C.1.2.1.The League of Nations(LON) 452

C.1.2.1a.Its genesis and main aims 452

C.1.2.lb.Its legal nature 454

C.1.2.1c.Its structure and functions 456

C.1.2.2.The United Nations Organization(UN) 460

C.1.2.2a.Its genesis and main aims 460

C.1.2.2b.Its legal nature 462

C.1.2.2ba.Matters essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any State 466

C.1.2.2bb.Revision of the Charter 466

C.l.2.2c.Structure and functions of the UN 468

C.1.2.2ca.The General Assembly(GA) 468

C.1.2.2cb.The Security Council(SC) 470

C.1.2.2cc.Subsidiary organs of the General Assembly 478

C.1.2.2cd.The Economic and Social Council(ECOSOC) 482

C.1.2.2ce.The UN Development Programme(UNDP) 486

C.1.2.2cf.The Trusteeship Council 492

C.1.2.2cg.The International Court of Justice(ICJ) 496

C.1.2.2ch.The Secretariat 496

(i)The Secretary-General(SG) 496

(ii)The Staff 500

Part Ⅲ 502

C.2.Regional(international)organizations(RO) 502

C.2.1.General remarks 502

C.2.2.European regional organizations(RO) 506

C.2.2.1.The regional organizations(RO)of Western Europe 506

C.2.2.1a.The Council of Europe(CE) 506

C.2.2.1b.The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD) 510

C.2.2.1c.The European Free Trade Association(EFTA) 514

C.2.2.1d.The European Communities 518

(i)General remarks 518

(ii)The Common Institutions of the Communities 524

C.2.2.1e.Western European Union 528

C.2.2.1f.The North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO) 536

C.2.2.2.The regional organizations(RO)of Eastern Europe 542

C.2.2.2a.The Council of Mutual Economic Assistance(CMEA) 542

C.2.2.2b.The International Bank for Economic Co-operation(IBEC) 546

C.2.2.2c.The International Investment Bank(IIB) 550

C.2.2.2d.The Warsaw Pact Organization(WPO) 552

C.2.3.Non-European regional organizations(RO) 558

C.2.3.1.The Inter-American system and the Organization of American States(OAS) 558

Ch.Ⅷ.Pacific settlement of disputes and settlement by compulsive means 572

A.General remarks 572

B.Amicable settlement of disputes between States 574

B.1.Diplomatic procedures 576

B.1.1.Negotiation 576

B.1.2.Good offices and mediation 576

B.1.3.Inquiry 578

B.1.4.Conciliation 582

B.2.Adjudicative procedures 582

B.2.1.Arbitration 582

B.2.2.Judicial settlement 590

B.2.2.1.Definition 590

B.2.2.2.The Permanent Court of International Justice(PCD)and the International Court of Justice(ICJ) 590

B.2.2.3.Competence of the ICJ 592

B.2.2.3a.Contentious jurisdiction 598

B.2.2.3b.Advisory jurisdiction 600

B.2.2.3c.Law applicable by the ICJ 602

B.2.2.3d.Parties to the Statute of the ICJ 602

B.2.2.4.Organization of the ICJ 604

B.2.2.5.Procedure of the ICJ 610

B.3.Conciliation combined with adjudicative procedures 614

B.3.1.Before the creation of the UN 614

B.3.2.Within the framework of the UN 618

C.Settlement of disputes between States by compulsive means 622

C.1.General remarks 622

C.2.Retortion 622

C.3.Reprisals(in time of peace) 624

C.4.Pacific blockade 626

C.5.Intervention 628

C.6.Settlement of disputes brought about by the UN by compulsive means not involving the use of armed force 630
