Engineering designPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:23 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:George E. Dieter ; Linda C. Schmidt
- 出 版 社:McGraw-Hill Higher Education
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:0072837039
- 页数:862 页
Chapter 1 Engineering Design 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Engineering Design Process 3
1.2.1 Importance of the Engineering Design Process 4
1.2.2 Types of Designs 5
1.3 Ways to Think About the Engineering Design Process 6
1.3.1 A Simplified Iteration Model 6
1.3.2 Design Method Versus Scientific Method 8
1.3.3 A Problem-Solving Methodology 10
1.4 Considerations of a Good Design 14
1.4.1 Achievement of Performance Requirements 14
1.4.2 Total Life Cycle 17
1.4.3 Regulatory and Social Issues 18
1.5 Description of Design Process 19
1.5.1 Phase Ⅰ.Conceptual Design 19
1.5.2 Phase Ⅱ.Embodiment Design 20
1.5.3 Phase Ⅲ.Detail Design 21
1.5.4 Phase Ⅳ.Planning for Manufacture 22
1.5.5 Phase Ⅴ.Planning for Distribution 23
1.5.6 Phase Ⅵ.Planning for Use 23
1.5.7 Phase Ⅶ.Planning for Retirement of the Product 23
1.6 Computer-Aided Engineering 24
1.7 Designing to Codes and Standards 26
1.8 Design Review 29
1.8.1 Redesign 30
1.9 Societal Considerations in Engineering Design 31
1.10 Summary 35
New Terms and Concepts 36
Bibliography 37
Problems and Exercises 37
Chapter 2 Product Development Process 39
2.1 Introduction 39
2.2 Product Development Process 39
2.2.1 Factors for Success 43
2.2.2 Static Versus Dynamic Products 46
2.2.3 Variations on the Generic Product Development Process 46
2.3 Product and Process Cycles 47
2.3.1 Stages of Development of a Product 47
2.3.2 Technology Development and Insertion Cycle 48
2.3.3 Process Development Cycle 50
2.4 Organization for Design and Product Development 51
2.4.1 A Typical Organization by Functions 53
2.4.2 Organization by Projects 54
2.4.3 Hybrid Organizations 55
2.4.4 Concurrent Engineering Teams 57
2.5 Markets and Marketing 58
2.5.1 Markets 59
2.5.2 Market Segmentation 60
2.5.3 Functions of a Marketing Department 63
2.5.4 Elements of a Marketing Plan 63
2.6 Technological Innovation 64
2.6.1 Invention,Innovation,and Diffusion 64
2.6.2 Business Strategies Related to Innovation and Product Development 67
2.6.3 Characteristics of Innovative People 68
2.6.4 Types of Technology Innovation 69
2.7 Summary 71
New Terms and Concepts 72
Bibliography 72
Problems and Exercises 73
Chapter 3 Problem Definition and Need Identification 75
3.1 Introduction 75
3.2 Identifying Customer Needs 77
3.2.1 Preliminary Research on Customers Needs 79
3.2.2 Gathering Information from Customers 80
3.3 Customer Requirements 86
3.3.1 Differing Views of Customer Requirements 87
3.3.2 Classifying Customer Requirements 89
3.4 Establishing the Engineering Characteristics 91
3.4.1 Benchmarking in General 93
3.4.2 Competitive Performance Benchmarking 95
3.4.3 Reverse Engineering or Product Dissection 96
3.4.4 Determining Engineering Characteristics 97
3.5 Quality Function Deployment 98
3.5.1 The House of Quality Configurations 100
3.5.2 Steps for Building a House of Quality 102
3.5.3 Interpreting Results of HOQ 107
3.6 Product Design Specification 109
3.7 Summary 111
Bibliography 113
New Terms and Concepts 114
Problems and Exercises 114
Chapter 4 Team Behavior and Tools 116
4.1 Introduction 116
4.2 What It Means to be an Effective Team Member 117
4.3 Team Roles 118
4.4 Team Dynamics 119
4.5 Effective Team Meetings 122
4.5.1 Helpful Rules for Meeting Success 123
4.6 Problems with Teams 124
4.7 Problem-Solving Tools 126
4.7.1 Applying the Problem-Solving Tools in Design 140
4.8 Time Management 145
4.9 Planning and Scheduling 146
4.9.1 Work Breakdown Structure 147
4.9.2 Gantt Chart 147
4.9.3 Critical Path Method 149
4.10 Summary 154
New Terms and Concepts 155
Bibliography 155
Problems and Exercises 156
Chapter 5 Gathering Information 158
5.1 The Information Challenge 158
5.1.1 Your Information Plan 159
5.1.2 Data,Information,and Knowledge 160
5.2 Types of Design Information 162
5.3 Sources of Design Information 162
5.4 Library Sources of Information 166
5.4.1 Dictionaries and Encyclopedias 167
5.4.2 Handbooks 169
5.4.3 Textbooks and Monographs 169
5.4.4 Finding Periodicals 169
5.4.5 Catalogs,Brochures,and Business Information 171
5.5 Government Sources of Information 171
5.6 Information From the Internet 172
5.6.1 Searching with Google 174
5.6.2 Some Helpful URLs for Design 176
5.6.3 Business-Related URLs for Design and Product Development 178
5.7 Professional Societies and Trade Associations 180
5.8 Codes and Standards 181
5.9 Patents and Other Intellectual Property 183
5.9.1 Intellectual Property 184
5.9.2 The Patent System 185
5.9.3 Technology Licensing 187
5.9.4 The Patent Literature 187
5.9.5 Reading a Patent 189
5.9.6 Copyrights 191
5.10 Company-Centered Information 192
5.11 Summary 193
New Terms and Concepts 194
Bibliography 194
Problems and Exercises 194
Chapter 6 Concept Generation 196
6.1 Introduction to Creative Thinking 197
6.1.1 Models of the Brain and Creativity 197
6.1.2 Thinking Processes that Lead to Creative Ideas 201
6.2 Creativity and Problem Solving 202
6.2.1 Aids to Creative Thinking 202
6.2.2 Barriers to Creative Thinking 205
6.3 Creative Thinking Methods 208
6.3.1 Brainstorming 208
6.3.2 Idea Generating Techniques Beyond Brainstorming 210
6.3.3 Random Input Technique 212
6.3.4 Synectics:An Inventive Method Based on Analogy 213
6.3.5 Concept Map 215
6.4 Creative Methods for Design 217
6.4.1 Refinement and Evaluation of Ideas 217
6.4.2 Generating Design Concepts 219
6.4.3 Systematic Methods for Designing 221
6.5 Functional Decomposition and Synthesis 222
6.5.1 Physical Decomposition 223
6.5.2 Functional Representation 225
6.5.3 Performing Functional Decomposition 229
6.5.4 Strengths and Weaknesses of Functional Synthesis 232
6.6 Morphological Methods 233
6.6.1 Morphological Method for Design 234
6.6.2 Generating Concepts from Morphological Chart 236
6.7 TRIZ:The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving 237
6.7.1 Invention:Evolution to Increased Ideality 238
6.7.2 Innovation by Overcoming Contradictions 239
6.7.3 TRIZ Inventive Principles 240
6.7.4 The TRIZ Contradiction Matrix 243
6.7.5 Strengths and Weaknesses of TRIZ 247
6.8 Axiomatic Design 249
6.8.1 Axiomatic Design Introduction 249
6.8.2 The Axioms 250
6.8.3 Using Axiomatic Design to Generate a Concept 251
6.8.4 Using Axiomatic Design to Improve an Existing Concept 253
6.8.5 Strengths and Weaknesses of Axiomatic Design 257
6.9 Summary 258
New Terms and Concepts 259
Bibliography 260
Problems and Exercises 260
Chapter 7 Decision Making and Concept Selection 262
7.1 Introduction 262
7.2 Decision Making 263
7.2.1 Behavioral Aspects of Decision Making 263
7.2.2 Decision Theory 266
7.2.3 Utility Theory 269
7.2.4 Decision Trees 273
7.3 Evaluation Methods 274
7.3.1 Comparison Based on Absolute Criteria 275
7.3.2 Pugh Concept Selection Method 277
7.3.3 Measurement Scales 280
7.3.4 Weighted Decision Matrix 282
7.3.5 Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) 285
7.4 Summary 292
New Terms and Concepts 294
Bibliography 294
Problems and Exercises 294
Chapter 8 Embodiment Design 298
8.1 Introduction 298
8.1.1 Comments on Nomenclature Concerning the Phases of the Design Process 299
8.1.2 Oversimplification of the Design Process Model 300
8.2 Product Architecture 301
8.2.1 Types of Modular Architectures 303
8.2.2 Modularity and Mass Customization 303
8.2.3 Create the Schematic Diagram of the Product 305
8.2.4 Cluster the Elements of the Schematic 306
8.2.5 Create a Rough Geometric Layout 307
8.2.6 Define Interactions and Determine Performance Characteristics 308
8.3 Configuration Design 309
8.3.1 Generating Alternative Configurations 312
8.3.2 Analyzing Configuration Designs 315
8.3.3 Evaluating Configuration Designs 315
8.4 Best Practices for Configuration Design 316
8.4.1 Design Guidelines 317
8.4.2 Interfaces and Connections 321
8.4.3 Checklist for Configuration Design 324
8.4.4 Design Catalogs 325
8.5 Parametric Design 325
8.5.1 Systematic Steps in Parametric Design 326
8.5.2 A Parametric Design Example:Helical Coil Compression Spring 328
8.5.3 Design for Manufacture(DFM) and Design for Assembly(DFA) 336
8.5.4 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis(FMEA) 337
8.5.5 Design for Reliability and Safety 337
8.5.6 Design for Quality and Robustness 338
8.6 Dimensions and Tolerances 338
8.6.1 Dimensions 339
8.6.2 Tolerances 340
8.6.3 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing 350
8.6.4 Guidelines for Tolerance Design 355
8.7 Industrial Design 356
8.7.1 Visual Aesthetics 357
8.8 Human Factors Design 358
8.8.1 Human Physical Effort 359
8.8.2 Sensory Input 361
8.8.3 Anthropometric Data 364
8.8.4 Design for Serviceability 364
8.9 Design for the Environment 365
8.9.1 Life Cycle Design 366
8.9.2 Design for the Environment(DFE) 368
8.9.3 DFE Scoring Methods 370
8.10 Prototyping and Testing 370
8.10.1 Prototype and Model Testing Throughout the Design Process 371
8.10.2 Building Prototypes 372
8.10.3 Rapid Prototyping 373
8.10.4 RP Processes 374
8.10.5 Testing 377
8.10.6 Statistical Design of Testing 378
8.11 Design for X(DFX) 380
8.12 Summary 382
New Terms and Concepts 382
Bibliography 383
Problems and Exercises 383
Chapter 9 Detail Design 386
9.1 Introduction 386
9.2 Activities and Decisions in Detail Design 387
9.3 Communicating Design and Manufacturing Information 391
9.3.1 Engineering Drawings 391
9.3.2 Bill of Materials 394
9.3.3 Written Documents 395
9.3.4 Common Challenges in Technical Writing 398
9.3.5 Meetings 399
9.3.6 Oral Presentations 400
9.4 Final Design Review 402
9.4.1 Input Documents 402
9.4.2 Review Meeting Process 403
9.4.3 Output from Review 403
9.5 Design and Business Activities Beyond Detail Design 403
9.6 Facilitating Design and Manufacturing with Computer-Based Methods 406
9.6.1 Product Lifecycle Management(PLM) 407
9.7 Summary 408
New Terms and Concepts 408
Bibliography 409
Problems and Exercises 409
Chapter 10 Modeling and Simulation 411
10.1 The Role of Models in Engineering Design 411
10.1.1 Types of Models 412
10.1.2 Iconic,Analog,and Symbolic Models 413
10.2 Mathematical Modeling 414
10.2.1 The Model-Building Process 414
10.3 Dimensional Analysis 423
10.3.1 Similitude and Scale Models 425
10.4 Finite-Difference Method 429
10.5 Geometric Modeling on the Computer 432
10.6 Finite Element Analysis 434
10.6.1 The Concept Behind FEA 435
10.6.2 Types of Elements 439
10.6.3 Steps in the FEA Process 442
10.6.4 Current Practice 444
10.7 Simulation 446
10.7.1 Introduction to Simulation Modeling 446
10.7.2 Simulation Programming Software 447
10.7.3 Monte Carlo Simulation 449
10.8 Summary 452
New Terms and Concepts 453
Bibliography 454
Problems and Exercises 454
Chapter 11 Materials Selection 457
11.1 Introduction 457
11.1.1 Relation of Materials Selection to Design 458
11.1.2 General Criteria for Selection 460
11.1.3 Overview of the Materials Selection Process 460
11.2 Performance Characteristics of Materials 461
11.2.1 Classification of Materials 462
11.2.2 Properties of Materials 463
11.2.3 Specification of Materials 470
11.2.4 Ashby Charts 471
11.3 The Materials Selection Process 472
11.3.1 Design Process and Materials Selection 474
11.3.2 Materials Selection in Conceptual Design 476
11.3.3 Materials Selection in Embodiment Design 476
11.4 Sources of Information on Materials Properties 478
11.4.1 Conceptual Design 479
11.4.2 Embodiment Design 479
11.4.3 Detail Design 482
11.5 Economics of Materials 482
11.5.1 Cost of Materials 482
11.5.2 Cost Structure of Materials 485
11.6 Overview of Methods of Materials Selection 486
11.7 Selection with Computer-Aided Databases 487
11.8 Material Performance Indices 488
11.8.1 Material Performance Index 489
11.9 Materials Selection with Decision Matrices 494
11.9.1 Pugh Selection Method 495
11.9.2 Weighted Property Index 496
11.10 Design Examples 499
11.11 Recycling and Materials Selection 503
11.11.1 Benefits from Recycling 504
11.11.2 Steps in Recycling 504
11.11.3 Design for Recycling 506
11.11.4 Material Selection for Eco-attributes 508
11.12 Summary 510
New Terms and Concepts 511
Bibliography 512
Problems and Exercises 512
Chapter 12 Design with Materials 515
12.1 Introduction 515
12.2 Design for Brittle Fracture 516
12.2.1 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness 518
12.2.2 Limitations on Fracture Mechanics 522
12.3 Design for Fatigue Failure 523
12.3.1 Fatigue Design Criteria 524
12.3.2 Fatigue Parameters 525
12.3.3 Information Sources on Design for Fatigue 528
12.3.4 Infinite Life Design 529
12.3.5 Safe-Life Design Strategy 531
12.3.6 Damage-Tolerant Design Strategy 536
12.3.7 Further Issues in Fatigue Life Prediction 538
12.4 Design for Corrosion Resistance 539
12.4.1 Basic Forms of Corrosion 539
12.4.2 Corrosion Prevention 541
12.5 Design Against Wear 544
12.5.1 Types of Wear 544
12.5.2 Wear Models 546
12.5.3 Wear Prevention 547
12.6 Design with Plastics 549
12.6.1 Classification of Plastics and Their Properties 549
12.6.2 Design for Stiffness 552
12.6.3 Time-Dependent Part Performance 553
12.7 Summary 555
New Terms and Concepts 556
Bibliography 556
Problems and Exercises 556
Chapter 13 Design for Manufacturing 558
13.1 Role of Manufacturing in Design 558
13.2 Manufacturing Functions 560
13.3 Classification of Manufacturing Processes 562
13.3.1 Types of Manufacturing Processes 563
13.3.2 Brief Description of the Classes of Manufacturing Processes 564
13.3.3 Sources of Information on Manufacturing Processes 565
13.3.4 Types of Manufacturing Systems 565
13.4 Manufacturing Process Selection 568
13.4.1 Quantity of Parts Required 569
13.4.2 Shape and Feature Complexity 573
13.4.3 Size 576
13.4.4 Influence of Material on Process Selection 577
13.4.5 Required Quality of the Part 579
13.4.6 Cost to Manufacture 583
13.4.7 Availability,Lead Time,and Delivery 586
13.4.8 Further Information for Process Selection 586
13.5 Design for Manufacture(DFM) 593
13.5.1 DFM Guidelines 594
13.5.2 Specific Design Rules 597
13.6 Design for Assembly(DFA) 597
13.6.1 DFA Guidelines 598
13.7 Role of Standardization in DFMA 601
13.7.1 Benefits of Standardization 601
13.7.2 Achieving Part Standardization 603
13.7.3 Group Technology 603
13.8 Mistake-Proofing 606
13.8.1 Using Inspection to Find Mistakes 606
13.8.2 Frequent Mistakes 607
13.8.3 Mistake-Proofing Process 608
13.8.4 Mistake-Proofing Solutions 609
13.9 Early Estimation of Manufacturing Cost 610
13.10 Computer Methods for DFMA 617
13.10.1 DFA Analysis 617
13.10.2 Concurrent Costing with DFM 620
13.10.3 Process Modeling and Simulation 624
13.11 Design of Castings 624
13.11.1 Guidelines for the Design of Castings 626
13.11.2 Producing Quality Castings 627
13.12 Design of Forgings 629
13.12.1 DFM Guidelines for Closed-Die Forging 631
13.12.2 Computer-Aided Forging Design 632
13.13 Design for Sheet-Metal Forming 633
13.13.1 Sheet Metal Stamping 633
13.13.2 Sheet Bending 634
13.13.3 Stretching and Deep Drawing 635
13.13.4 Computer-Aided Sheet Metal Design 637
13.14 Design of Machining 637
13.14.1 Machinability 640
13.14.2 DFM Guidelines for Machining 640
13.15 Design of Welding 643
13.15.1 Joining Processes 643
13.15.2 Welding Processes 643
13.15.3 Welding Design 646
13.15.4 Cost of Joining 649
13.16 Residual Stresses in Design 650
13.16.1 Origin of Residual Stresses 650
13.16.2 Residual Stress Created by Quenching 652
13.16.3 Other Issues Regarding Residual Stresses 654
13.16.4 Relief of Residual Stresses 656
13.17 Design for Heat Treatment 656
13.17.1 Issues with Heat Treatment 657
13.17.2 DFM for Heat Treatment 658
13.18 Design for Plastics Processing 659
13.18.1 Injection Molding 659
13.18.2 Extrusion 660
13.18.3 Blow Molding 661
13.18.4 Rotational Molding 661
13.18.5 Thermoforming 661
13.18.6 Compression Molding 661
13.18.7 Casting 662
13.18.8 Composite Processing 662
13.18.9 DFM Guidelines for Plastics Processing 663
13.19 Summary 664
New Terms and Concepts 666
Bibliography 666
Problems and Exercises 666
Chapter 14 Risk,Reliability,and Safety 669
14.1 Introduction 669
14.1.1 Regulation as a Result of Risk 671
14.1.2 Standards 672
14.1.3 Risk Assessment 673
14.2 Probabilistic Approach to Design 674
14.2.1 Basic Probability Using the Normal Distribution 675
14.2.2 Sources of Statistical Tables 677
14.2.3 Frequency Distributions Combining Applied Stress and Material Strength 677
14.2.4 Variability in Material Properties 679
14.2.5 Probabilistic Design 682
14.2.6 Safety Factor 684
14.2.7 Worst-Case Design 685
14.3 Reliability Theory 685
14.3.1 Definitions 688
14.3.2 Constant Failure Rate 688
14.3.3 Weibull Frequency Distribution 690
14.3.4 Reliability with a Variable Failure Rate 692
14.3.5 System Reliability 696
14.3.6 Maintenance and Repair 699
14.3.7 Further Topics 700
14.4 Design for Reliability 701
14.4.1 Causes of Unreliability 703
14.4.2 Minimizing Failure 703
14.4.3 Sources of Reliability Data 706
14.4.4 Cost of Reliability 706
14.5 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis(FMEA) 707
14.5.1 Making a FMEA Analysis 710
14.6 Defects and Failure Modes 712
14.7.1 Causes of Hardware Failure 713
14.7.2 Failure Modes 713
14.7.3 Importance of Failure 715
14.7 Design for Safety 715
14.9.1 Potential Dangers 716
14.9.2 Guidelines for Design for Safety 717
14.9.3 Warning Labels 718
14.8 Summary 718
New Terms and Concepts 719
Bibliography 719
Problems and Exercises 720
Chapter 15 Quality,Robust Design,and Optimization 723
15.1 The Concept of Total Quality 723
15.1.1 Definition of Quality 724
15.1.2 Deming’s 14 Points 725
15.2 Quality Control and Assurance 726
15.2.1 Fitness for Use 726
15.2.2 Quality-Control Concepts 727
15.2.3 Newer Approaches to Quality Control 729
15.2.4 Quality Assurance 729
15.2.5 ISO 9000 730
15.3 Quality Improvement 730
15.3.1 Pareto chart 731
15.3.2 Cause-and-Effect Diagram 732
15.4 Process Capability 734
15.4.1 Six Sigma Quality Program 738
15.5 Statistical Process Control 739
15.5.1 Control Charts 739
15.5.2 Other Types of Control Charts 742
15.5.3 Determining Process Statistics from Control Charts 743
15.6 Taguchi Method 743
15.6.1 Loss Function 744
15.6.2 Noise Factors 747
15.6.3 Signal-to-Noise Ratio 748
15.7 Robust Design 749
15.7.1 Parameter Design 749
15.7.2 Tolerance Design 755
15.8 Optimization Methods 755
15.8.1 Optimization by Differential Calculus 758
15.8.2 Search Methods 762
15.8.3 Nonlinear Optimization Methods 767
15.8.4 Other Optimization Methods 770
15.9 Design Optimization 772
15.10 Summary 774
New Terms and Concepts 775
Bibliography 775
Problems and Exercises 775
Chapter 16 Cost Evaluation 779
16.1 Introduction 779
16.2 Categories of Costs 780
16.3 Overhead Cost 784
16.4 Activity-Based Costing 787
16.5 Methods of Developing Cost Estimates 789
16.5.1 Analogy 790
16.5.2 Parametric and Factor Methods 790
16.5.3 Detailed Methods Costing 791
16.6 Make-Buy Decision 795
16.7 Manufacturing Cost 796
16.8 Product Profit Model 797
16.8.1 Profit Improvement 801
16.9 Refinements to Cost Analysis Methods 802
16.9.1 Cost Indexes 802
16.9.2 Cost-Size Relationships 803
16.9.3 Learning Curve 805
16.10 Design to Cost 808
16.10.1 Order of Magnitude Estimates 809
16.10.2 Costing in Conceptual Design 809
16.11 Value Analysis in Costing 811
16.12 Manufacturing Cost Models 814
16.12.1 Machining Cost Model 814
16.13 Life Cycle Costing 818
16.14 Summary 822
New Terms and Concepts 823
Bibliography 823
Problems and Exercises 823
Chapter 17 Legal and Ethical Issues in Engineering Design(see www.mhhe.com/dieter) 828
17.1 Introduction 828
17.2 The Origin of Laws 829
17.3 Contracts 830
17.3.1 Types of Contracts 830
17.3.2 General Form of a Contract 831
17.3.3 Discharge and Breach of Contract 832
17.4 Liability 833
17.5 Tort Law 834
17.6 Product Liability 835
17.6.1 Evolution of Product Liability Law 836
17.6.2 Goals of Product Liability Law 836
17.6.3 Negligence 837
17.6.4 Strict Liability 837
17.6.5 Design Aspect of Product Liability 838
17.6.6 Business Procedures to Minimize Risk of Product Liability 839
17.6.7 Problems with Product Liability Law 839
17.7 Protecting Intellectual Property 840
17.8 The Legal and Ethical Domains 841
17.9 Codes of Ethics 843
17.9.1 Profession of Engineering 844
17.9.2 Codes of Ethics 844
17.9.3 Extremes of Ethical Behavior 848
17.10 Solving Ethical Conflicts 848
17.10.1 Whistleblowing 850
17.10.2 Case Studies 851
17.11 Summary 852
New Terms and Concepts 854
Bibliography 854
Problems and Exercises 855
Chapter 18 Economic Decision Making(see www.mhhe.com/dieter) 858
18.1 Introduction 858
18.2 Mathematics of Time Value of Money 859
18.2.1 Compound Interest 859
18.2.2 Cash Flow Diagram 861
18.2.3 Uniform Annual Series 862
18.2.4 Irregular Cash Flows 865
18.3 Cost Comparison 867
18.3.1 Present Worth Analysis 867
18.3.2 Annual Cost Analysis 869
18.3.3 Capitalized Cost Analysis 870
18.3.4 Using Excel Functions for Engineering Economy Calculation 872
18.4 Depreciation 872
18.4.1 Straight-Line Depreciation 873
18.4.2 Declining-Balance Depreciation 874
18.4.3 Sum-of-Years-Digits Depreciation 874
18.4.4 Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System(MACRS) 874
18.5 Taxes 876
18.6 Profitability Of Investments 880
18.6.1 Rate of Return 880
18.6.2 Payback Period 882
18.6.3 Net Present Worth 882
18.6.4 Internal Rate of Return 883
18.7 Other Aspects of Profitability 887
18.8 Inflation 888
18.9 Sensitivity and Break-Even Analysis 891
18.10 Uncertainty in Economic Analysis 892
18.11 Benefit-Cost Analysis 894
18.12 Summary 896
New Terms and Concepts 898
Bibliography 898
Problems and Exercises 898
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