- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:1841137715
- 页数:586 页
Introduction 1
Defining ’Amnesty’ 3
Controversial Nature of Amnesty Laws 7
Amnesties, International Law and Legal Claims-making 7
Amnesties and the Views of Victims 10
Amnesties and Pragmatic Peacemaking 12
Amnesties and Dealing with the Past 13
Amnesty and Reconciliation 16
Trends in the Introduction of Amnesty Laws 18
Creating the Amnesty Law Database 22
Structure and Purpose of the Book 24
Part I Amnesties and Peacemaking: Context and Content 27
1Enacting Amnesties 29
Introduction 29
How are Amnesty Laws Introduced? 30
Exercises of Executive Discretion 31
Negotiated Peace Agreements 32
Statutes 33
Public Consultation 34
Why Do States Introduce Amnesty? 37
Amnesty as a Reaction to Internal Unrest and Domestic Pressure 41
Amnesty as a Tool for Peace and Reconciliation 46
Amnesty as a Response to International Pressure 61
Amnesty as a Cultural or Religious Tradition 63
Amnesty as Reparation 64
Amnesty as a Shield for State Agents 66
Repeated and ’Rolling’ Amnesties 68
Conclusion 71
2 Whom do Amnesties Protect? The Personal Jurisdiction of Amnesty Laws 75
Introduction 75
Amnesties, Equality and the’Myth of Equivalency’ 76
How have States Distinguished between Offenders with Different Allegiances? 82
State Agents 85
Opponents of the State 87
Non-Violent Political Prisoners 88
Exiles and Refugees 89
Foreign Nationals 91
Can an Offender’s Reasons for Committing a Crime Justify an Amnesty? 92
Ideology and Political Offenders 93
Duress 96
Self Protection and Personal Gain 97
Victim-Perpetrator Axis 98
Importance of Rank: Should States distinguish different Levels of Responsibility 100
Amnesty for Subordinates? 100
Amnesty for Superiors? 102
Individual u Blanket Amnesties 110
Can Amnesties Prevent Individuals from Proving their Innocence? 111
Conclusion 113
3 Granting Immunity? The Material Scope of Amnesty Laws 117
Introduction 117
Which Crimes Are Granted Amnesty? 118
Amnestying Atrocities? Can States Amnesty Crimes under International Law? 123
Should Amnesties Treat Political Crimes Differently? 135
Impinging on Individual Rights: Amnesties for Crimes Against Civilians and Combatants who are Hors de Combat 144
Do States Amnesty Economic Crimes? 145
Restricting Amnesties and the Scope of the Duty to Prosecute 148
Conclusion 150
4 Towards Greater Accountability: The Role of Conditional Amnesties 153
Introduction 153
Which Conditions are Attached to Amnesties? 154
Amnesty for Surrender and Disarmament 156
Application Deadlines for Amnesties 159
Amnesty and Repentance 160
Amnesty and the Search for Truth 163
Amnesty and Repairing the Harm 171
Amnesty and Restorative Approaches to Justice 184
Lustration and Vetting Procedures and Amnesty 189
Enforcing Conditions and the Potential of Temporary Amnesties 192
Conclusion 197
Part Ⅱ Approach of Courts to Amnesties 201
5 Implementing the Amnesty: The Approach of National Courts 203
Introduction 203
Trends in the Responses of National Courts to Amnesty Laws 204
How have National Courts explained their Approach to Amnesty Laws? 209
Legality of Amnesty Processes Under Municipal Law 210
Legality of Amnesty Processes Under International Law 218
Adhering to the Separation of Powers Doctrine 232
Learning from Experiences Elsewhere 236
Promoting Peace and Reconciliation 239
Disclosing or Concealing the Truth 241
Conclusion 244
6 International Courts and National Amnesty Laws 247
Introduction 247
Whom do International Courts Hold Accountable? 248
Who has Standing? 252
When do International Courts have Jurisdiction to Rule on National Amnesties? 253
Potential to Create Change: How the Rulings of International Courts Can Affect National Amnesties? 261
Amnesties and Victims’ Rights: The Verdicts of the International Courts 262
Right to a Remedy 263
Duty to Investigate 266
Duty to Prosecute and Punish 270
Right to Reparations 277
Potential Approach of the International Criminal Court 279
Security Council Deferral (Article 16) 282
Complementarity (Article 17) 282
Non bis in idem (Article 20) 285
Prosecutorial Discretion (Article 53) 286
Conclusion 291
7 Beyond Territoriality: Transnational Prosecutions and Amnesties 293
Introduction 293
Jurisdiction of Courts in Third States to Rule on Amnesties Introduced Elsewhere 294
Treaty Law 295
Customary International Law 299
Domestic Law 302
Scope of Universal Jurisdiction within Third States 304
Role of Subsidiarity 304
Executive Discretion 308
Nexus Requirement’ and In Absentia Prosecutions 309
Selectivity 311
Ripple Effect’: The Impact of Investigations in Third States on National Amnesties 311
Conclusion 314
Part Ⅲ Views of Stakeholder Groups 317
8 Legal Obligations u Self-interest: The Contradictory Approach of International Actors to Amnesty 319
Introduction 319
What Motivates International Actors’ Decisions on Involvement in Domestic Amnesty Processes? 321
Attitudes of International Actors towards Amnesties 327
Diplomatic Pressure 331
Economic Pressure 340
Legal Pressure 342
Military Pressure 350
Conclusion 351
9 Prioritising Needs: Amnesties and the Views of Victims 355
Introduction 355
Research on Victims 356
Identifying Victims and their Needs 358
How do Amnesty Laws Affect Victims? 365
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