- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9004186824
- 页数:502 页
Chapter Ⅰ.The evolving international investment regime: an overview 13
A.Introduction 13
B.Investment flows and globalization 16
C.The legalization of international investment 24
D.The contents of international investment treaties 30
E.Investor-State dispute settlement 38
(1) Party control 48
(2) Remedies for past injury 50
(3) Impact on State sovereignty 54
F.Contemporary critiques of the investment regime 75
(1) Vertical critiques 75
(2) Horizontal critiques 84
(3) Ideological 89
(4) Rule of law critiques 90
G.The regime and public international law 93
Chapter Ⅱ.What are investment treaties for? 95
A.Guzman's account of the origins of the investment regime 119
B.Refuting Guzman 123
C.Explaining the contemporary investment regime 143
D.What is the most recent wave of US investment treaties trying to achieve? 162
Chapter Ⅲ.Fair and equitable treatment: the heart of the investment regime 177
A.The limits of "treatification" 227
B.The "democratic" credentials of the investment regime 235
C.The entwined nature of treaty and non-treaty sources 237
(1) Treatification does not equal precision 240
(2) The absence of precision in a treaty is not the last word 240
(3) Fragmentation and its discontents 242
D.Globalization and its discontents 243
Chapter Ⅳ.Lessons from the Argentina crisis cases 247
A.Introduction 247
B.The inconsistent Argentina cases 260
(1) Inconsistent views of what is "necessary" 266
(2) Is there one defence or two? 268
(3) Does the customary defence of necessity apply when a BIT is silent, that is, when the BIT does not have an essential security exception or measures not precluded clause? 272
(4) Assuming that it is applicable, what does the customary defence of necessity require States (or claimants) to show? 273
(5) Assuming that Article XI of the United States-Argentina treaty is a distinct defence from the excuse of necessity, what exactly does it require in order for it to be successfully invoked? 278
(6) What is the effect of a successful invocation of Article XI? 282
C.Broader problems 284
(1) The fragmentation of international investment law 284
(2) The hazards of premature de-fragmentation. 299
Chapter Ⅴ.The once and future investment regime 340
A.The investment regime in transition 340
B.The Argentina cases and the regime's alleged legitimacy deficits 352
(1) The problem of inconsistent arbitral awards 352
(2) Is the investment regime a threat to sovereignty? 367
(3) Is the investment regime a threat to human rights? 370
(4) Is the investment regime "biased" in favour of investors? 389
C.Reform proposals 392
D.Points of intersection between the investment regime and public international law 406
(1) Treatification and other positivist sources . 407
(2) Fragmentation 407
(3) Impact of non-State actors 410
(4) Globalization and its discontents 419
(5) The international law profession 427
(6) Judicialization 429
(7) Hegemonic or imperial international law?. 436
(8) Global administrative law? 440
(9) Constitutionalization? 446
(10) Humanity's law? 452
Bibliography 458
About the author 498
Biographical note 498
Principal publications 499
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