- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:7560085296
- 页数:295 页
Introduction 1
Section Ⅰ:What is motivation? 5
1 Main challenges of motivation research 7
1.1 The challenge of consciousness vs unconsciousness 9
1.2 The challenge of cognition vs affect 10
1.3 The challenge of reduction vs comprehensiveness 11
1.4 The challenge of'parallel multiplicity' 13
1.5 The challenge of context 15
1.6 The challenge of time 16
2 Theories of motivation in psychology 18
2.1 Leading motivation theories in psychology 19
2.2 Sociocultural and contextual influences on behaviour 30
2.3 The temporal dimension of motivation 41
3 Motivation to learn a foreign/second language 46
3.1 Gardner's motivation theory 47
3.2 Expectancy-value theories in L2 motivation research 55
3.3 Self-determination theory and L2 motivation 58
3.4 Schumann's neurobiological model 61
3.5 Constructs emerging from empirical studies 62
3.6 L2 motivation and the social context 65
3.7 The temporal dimension of L2 motivation 82
3.8 D?rnyei and Ottó's process model of L2 motivation 85
Section Ⅱ:Motivation and language teaching 101
4 'Education-friendly'approaches in motivation research 103
4.1 The educational shift in L2 motivation research 104
4.2 Educationally motivated constructs 108
5 Motivation and motivating in the foreign language classroom 116
5.1 Motivational techniques,strategies and macrostrategies 117
5.2 A framework for motivational strategies 119
5.3 Motivational macrostrategies 137
6 Student demotivation 141
6.1 'Demotivation'vs'motivation' 142
6.2 Research on demotivation in instructional communication studies 144
6.3 Findings in L2 motivation research 145
6.4 Concluding remarks on demotivation 155
7 Teacher motivation 156
7.1 Conceptualising the'motivation to teach' 157
7.2 The relationship between teacher motivation and student motivation 175
Section Ⅲ:Researching motivation 181
8 Making motivation a researchable concept 183
8.1 Inherent problems in motivation research 185
8.2 Initial decisions to make 186
9 Methodological issues and considerations 191
9.1 Research design 191
9.2 'Self-report'motivation tests/questionnaires 199
10 Main types of L2 motivation research 215
10.1 Survey studies 216
10.2 Factor analytical studies 219
10.3 Correlational studies 224
10.4 Studies using structural equation modelling(LISREL) 228
10.5 Experimental studies 232
10.6 Qualitative studies 238
10.7 Towards a combined use of quantitative and qualitative studies 241
Section Ⅳ:Resources and further information 245
11 The locus of motivation research:Linkages to other topics and disciplines 247
11.1 Language-learning motivation and related disciplines in the social sciences 248
11.2 The place of motivation research in applied linguistics 251
12 Sources and resources 255
12.1 Relevant journals and magazines 255
12.2 Databases,abstracting journals and discussion groups 256
12.3 Sample tests and measurement instruments 260
References 270
Author Index 288
Subject Index 293
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