- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:SAGE
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:1412992346
- 页数:270 页
Chapter 1. Introduction to the Book: An Overview of Issues in Criminological Theory 1
Chapter 2. Preclassical and Classical Theories of Crime 29
Chapter 3. Modern Applications of the Classical Perspective: Deterrence,Rational Choice, and Routine Activities or Lifestyle Theories of Crime 51
Chapter 4. Early Positive School Perspectives of Criminality 65
Chapter 5. Modern Biosocial Perspectives of Criminal Behavior 85
Chapter 6. Early Social Structure and Strain Theories of Crime 103
Chapter 7. The Chicago School and Cultural and Subcultural Theories of Crime 127
Chapter 8. Social Process and Learning Theories of Crime 141
Chapter 9. Social Reaction, Critical, and Feminist Models of Crime 173
Chapter 10. Life-Course Perspectives of Criminality 187
Chapter 11. Integrated Theoretical Models and New Perspectives of Crime 195
Chapter 12. Applying Criminological Theory to Policy 225
Glossary 235
Credits and Sources 247
Index 249
About the Author 269
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