- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:0198258860
- 页数:251 页
Chapter 1.Structure and Function in Criminal Law 3
A.The Formal Structure of Current Criminal Law 4
B.The Operational Structure of Current Criminal Law 6
C.A Functional Structure of Criminal Law 8
Chapter 2.The Basic Organizing Distinctions of Current Law 11
A.The Offence-Defence Distinction 11
B.The Current Operational Structure: Offence Definitions,Doctrines of Imputation, and General Defences 12
Chapter 3.Offence Requirements 16
A.The Conceptual Difficulties of the Actus Reus-Mens Rea Distinction 16
1.Conceptual Diversity Within Actus Reus and Within Mens Rea 17
2.Terminological Confusion Among the Doctrines of ‘Actus Reus’ 19
3.Conclusion and Proposal: Objective, Culpability, and Act-Omission Requirements 22
B.Objective Elements of Offence Definitions 23
1.Weaknesses in the Objective Element Categorization Scheme of Conduct, Circumstance, and Result Elements 25
2.Confusion in the Modern Code Conceptualization of Causation Requirements 27
C.The Act-Omission Requirements and the Involuntariness Defence 31
1.The Role of the Statutory Act Requirement 31
2.The Voluntariness Requirement as an Excuse 35
D.Culpability Elements of Offence Definitions 39
1.The Evolution to Element Analysis 39
2.The Culpability Distinctions 42
3.Asymmetry in the Definition of Culpability Requirements 44
4.Difficulties With Modern American Culpability Schemes 49
Chapter 4.Principles of Imputation 57
A.The Process of Imputation 57
B.The Doctrines of Imputation 59
C.The Theories of Imputation 64
Chapter 5.General Defences 68
A.Non-exculpatory Defences 71
1.Minimizing the Societal Costs of Non-exculpatory Defences 72
2.The Nature of the Entrapment Defence 78
B.Excuses 81
1.The Internal Structure of Excuse Defences 83
1.1 The Disability Requirement 84
1.2 Four Kinds of Excusing Conditions and Their Implications 85
1.3 Objective Limitations on Excusing Conditions 88
2.A Disability-organized System of Excuses and the Problem of Multiple Excuses 92
C.Justifications 95
1.Three Kinds of Justification Defences 96
2.The Internal Structure of Justification Defences 98
3.Competing Theories of Justification:Deeds v.Reasons 100
4.Incompatibility Between ‘Reasons’ Rationale and Current Law’s ‘Believes’ Formulations 104
5.‘Deeds’ v.‘Reasons’: Liability Results 105
5.1 Mistake as to a Justification 105
5.1(1) Liability for Resisting a Mistaken Justification 105
5.1(2) Privileged v.Unprivileged Force 106
5.2 Unknowingly Justified Actor 108
5.2(1) Disagreement over the Significance of Resulting Harm 109
5.2(2) Unknowing Justification as a Legally Impossible Attempt 111
5.2(3) Liability for Resisting an Unknowingly Justified Actor 113
5.3 Summary of Liability Results 114
6.‘Deeds’ v.‘Reasons’: Terminology and Conceptualization 115
6.1 Clarity of Conceptualization: ‘Justification and Excuse’ v.‘Privileged Justification,Unprivileged Justification, and Excuse’ 115
6.2 Articulating the Criminal Law’s Commands to Those Bound by Them 118
7.The Deeds-Reasons Dual Requirement Proposal 121
8.Deeds v.Reasons: Summary and Conclusion 123
Chapter 6.A Functional Analysis of Criminal Law 127
A.The Standard Conceptualization 128
1.‘Actus Reus’ Requirements 128
2.‘Mens Rea’ Requirements 129
3.Defences 137
B.Rule Articulation, Liability Assignment, and Grading 138
Chapter 7.The Rules of Conduct 143
A.Obscuring Rules of Conduct with an Overlay of Liability and Grading Rules 143
B.Confusing Conduct Rules and Liability Judgements:Ambiguous Acquittals 145
C.Mixing Rule Articulation and Liability Functions by Defining ‘Justified’ Conduct Subjectively: The Failure to Define the Justified Conduct Rules 146
D.Mixing Conduct Rules of Risk-Creation with Liability Judgements of Risk-taking: The Failure to Define Criminal Risks 148
E.Conclusion 155
Chapter 8.The Doctrines of Liability 157
A.Elevating Base and Aggravation Culpability Requirements to the Status of Criminalization Mental States:Improperly Limiting Attempt Liability 157
B.Obscuring the Voluntariness Requirement’s Shared Liability Function with Excuses: Distorting the Involuntary Act Defence 164
C.Conclusion 169
Chapter 9.The Doctrines of Grading 171
A.Mixing Liability and Grading by Using Culpability Terms to Define Prohibited Risks: Aggravation of Grade for Risk-Creation in the Absence of a Criminal Risk 172
B.Incomplete and Unsystematic Use of Central Grading Factors 174
C.Dichotomous v.Continuous Judgements: Using Rule-articulation and Liability-assignment Forms in Grading 176
D.Grading v.Sentencing: The Arguments Against Judicial Sentencing as a Substitute for Grading 178
E.Conclusion 181
Chapter 10.Drafting a Code of Conduct 185
A.Eliminate Liability and Grading Language 185
B.Consolidate Overlapping Offences 187
C.Simplify Justification Defences 188
D.Use Simple, Accessible Language 190
E.Track Community Views Where Possible 194
Chapter 11.Drafting a Code of Adjudication 196
A.Adopt a Code Structure that Matches the Analytical Process 196
B.Include All Articulable Rules Relevant to Adjudication 198
C.Use General Principles Whenever Possible 199
D.Use Parallel Language in Conceptually Analogous Provisions 201
E.Provide Jury Verdicts that Make Clear Their Meaning 204
F.The Case Against ‘Acoustic Separation’ 207
Appendix A: A Code of Criminal Conduct 211
Appendix B: A Code of Criminal Adjudication 221
Index 241
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