- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:ELSEVIER
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:0750681500
- 页数:533 页
1 The early development of the screw propeller 1
2 Propulsion systems 11
2.1 Fixed pitch propellers 13
2.2 Ducted propellers 15
2.3 Podded and azimuthing propulsors 17
2.4 Contra-rotating propellers 18
2.5 Overlapping propellers 19
2.6 Tandem propellers 19
2.7 Controllable pitch propellers 20
2.8 Waterjet propulsion 23
2.9 Cycloidal propellers 23
2.10 Paddle wheels 24
2.11 Magnetohydrodynamic propulsion 26
2.12 Superconducting motors for marine propulsion 28
3 Propeller geometry 31
3.1 Frames of reference 33
3.2 Propeller reference lines 33
3.3 Pitch 34
3.4 Rake and skew 37
3.5 Propeller outlines and area 39
3.6 Propeller drawing methods 42
3.7 Section geometry and definition 42
3.8 Blade thickness distribution and thickness fraction 47
3.9 Blade interference limits for controllable pitch propellers 48
3.10 Controllable pitch propeller off-design section geometry 48
3.11 Miscellaneous conventional propeller geometry terminology 50
4 The propeller environment 51
4.1 Density of water 53
4.2 Salinity 53
4.3 Water temperature 54
4.4 Viscosity 55
4.5 Vapour pressure 55
4.6 Dissolved gases in sea water 56
4.7 Surface tension 56
4.8 Weather 58
4.9 Silt and marine organisms 61
5 The wake field 63
5.1 General wake field characteristics 65
5.2 Wake field definition 65
5.3 The nominal wake field 68
5.4 Estimation of wake field parameters 69
5.5 Effective wake field 71
5.6 Wake field scaling 74
5.7 Wake quality assessment 77
5.8 Wake field measurement 79
6 Propeller performance characteristics 87
6.1 General open water characteristics 89
6.2 The effect of cavitation on open water characteristics 94
6.3 Propeller scale effects 95
6.4 Specific propeller open water characteristics 98
6.5 Standard series data 101
6.6 Multi-quadrant series data 118
6.7 Slipstream contraction and flow velocities in the wake 123
6.8 Behind-hull propeller characteristics 131
6.9 Propeller ventilation 132
7 Theoretical methods — basic concepts 137
7.1 Basic aerofoil section characteristics 140
7.2 Vortex filaments and sheets 142
7.3 Field point velocities 144
7.4 The Kutta condition 146
7.5 The starting vortex 146
7.6 Thin aerofoil theory 147
7.7 Pressure distribution calculations 151
7.8 Boundary layer growth over an aerofoil 155
7.9 The finite wing 159
7.10 Models of propeller action 162
7.11 Source and vortex panel methods 164
8 Theoretical methods — propeller theories 167
8.1 Momentum theory — Rankine (1865); R.E.Froude (1887) 169
8.2 Blade element theory —W.Froude (1878) 171
8.3 Propeller Theoretical development (1900—1930) 172
8.4 Burrill’s analysis procedure (1944) 174
8.5 Lerbs analysis method (1952) 177
8.6 Eckhardt and Morgan’s design method (1955) 182
8.7 Lifting surface correction factors — Morgan et aL. 186
8.8 Lifting surface models 189
8.9 Lifting-line — lifting-surface hybrid models 192
8.10 Vortex lattice methods 192
8.11 Boundary element methods 197
8.12 Methods for specialist propulsors 198
8.13 Computational fluid dynamics methods 200
9 Cavitation 205
9.1 The basic physics of cavitation 207
9.2 Types of cavitation experienced by propellers 212
9.3 Cavitation considerations in design 219
9.4 Cavitation inception 228
9.5 Cavitation-induced damage 233
9.6 Cavitation testing of propellers 235
9.7 Analysis of measured pressure data from a cavitating propeller 239
9.8 Propeller—rudder interaction 240
10 Propeller noise 247
10.1 Physics of underwater sound 249
10.2 Nature of propeller noise 253
10.3 Noise scaling relationships 256
10.4 Noise prediction and control 258
10.5 Transverse propulsion unit noise 259
10.6 Measurement of radiated noise 260
11 Propeller—ship interaction 263
11.1 Bearing forces 265
11.2 Hydrodynamic interaction 278
12 Ship resistance and propulsion 285
12.1 Froude’s analysis procedure 287
12.2 Components of calm water resistance 289
12.3 Methods of resistance evaluation 298
12.4 Propulsive coefficients 310
12.5 The influence of rough water 312
12.6 Restricted water effects 314
12.7 High-speed hull form resistance 314
12.8 Air resistance 316
13 Thrust augmentation devices 319
13.1 Devices before the propeller 321
13.2 Devices at the propeller 324
13.3 Devices behind the propeller 327
13.4 Combinations of systems 328
14 Transverse thrusters 331
14.1 Transverse thrusters 333
14.2 Steerable internal duct thrusters 340
15 Azimuthing and podded propulsors 343
15.1 Azimuthing thrusters 345
15.2 Podded propulsors 346
16 Waterjet propulsion 355
16.1 Basic principle of waterjet propulsion 357
16.2 Impeller types 359
16.3 Manoeuvring aspects of waterjets 360
16.4 Waterjet component design 361
17 Full-scale trials 367
17.1 Power absorption measurements 369
17.2 Bollard pull trials 375
17.3 Propeller-induced hull surface pressure measurements 377
17.4 Cavitation observations 377
18 Propeller materials 381
18.1 General properties of propeller materials 383
18.2 Specific properties of propeller materials 386
18.3 Mechanical properties 390
18.4 Test procedures 392
19 Propeller blade strength 395
19.1 Cantilever beam method 397
19.2 Numerical blade stress computational methods 402
19.3 Detailed strength design considerations 405
19.4 Propeller backing stresses 408
19.5 Blade root fillet design 408
19.6 Residual blade stresses 409
19.7 Allowable design stresses 410
19.8 Full-scale blade strain measurement 413
20 Propeller manufacture 417
20.1 Traditional manufacturing method 419
20.2 Changes to the traditional technique of manufacture 423
21 Propeller blade vibration 425
21.1 Flat-plate blade vibration in air 427
21.2 Vibration of propeller blades in air 428
21.3 The effect of immersion in water 430
21.4 Simple estimation methods 430
21.5 Finite element analysis 431
21.6 Propeller blade damping 432
21.7 Propeller singing 433
22 Propeller design 435
22.1 The design and analysis loop 437
22.2 Design constraints 438
22.3 The choice of propeller type 439
22.4 The propeller design basis 442
22.5 The use of standard series data in design 445
22.6 Design considerations 449
22.7 The design process 458
23 Operational problems 465
23.1 Performance related problems 467
23.2 Propeller integrity related problems 472
23.3 Impact or grounding 474
24 Service performance and analysis 477
24.1 Effects of weather 479
24.2 Hull roughness and fouling 479
24.3 Hull drag reduction 486
24.4 Propeller roughness and fouling 486
24.5 Generalized equations for the roughness-induced power penalties in ship operation 489
24.6 Monitoring of ship performance 493
25 Propeller tolerances and inspection 503
25.1 Propeller tolerances 505
25.2 Propeller inspection 506
26 Propeller maintenance and repair 511
26.1 Causes of propeller damage 513
26.2 Propeller repair 515
26.3 Welding and the extent of weld repairs 517
26.4 Stress relief 518
Bibliography 521
Index 525
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