- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:0135099447
- 页数:341 页
Experiment 1 Practice in Making Laboratory Measurements 1
Part A: Density of Rectangular Solids 2
Part B: Densities of Cylindrical Solids 3
Part C: Densities of Irregularly Shaped Solids 4
Part D: Cleanup, Calculations, and Questions 4
Experiment 2 Density of Glass by Flotation and Density Gradient Columns 7
Part A: Physical Matching 8
Part B: Edge Thickness 9
Part C: Density Comparison by Flotation 9
Part D: Density Comparison by Density Gradient Tubes (Advanced) 9
Experiment 3 Practice in the Use of the Microscope 19
Part A: The Compound Microscope 20
Part B: The Stereoscopic Microscope 24
Part C: Comparison of Paint Chips 25
Part D: Comparison of Paper Matches 26
Experiment 4 Refractive Index (RI) of Glass Fragments 31
Part A: The Becke Line Concept 33
Part B: Refractive Index of Automotive Glass (Advanced) 34
Experiment 5 Soil Analysis 39
Part A: Sample Preparation 41
Part B: Density Gradient Tube 41
Part C: Rate of Settling of Soil Particles 42
Experiment 6 Powder Residues on Fabrics 51
Part A: Bullet Holes in Fabric 52
Part B: Sodium Rhodizonate Test for Lead Residues 53
Experiment 7 Blood Identification and Typing 57
Part A: Is it Really Blood? 59
Part B: Incompatibility Relationships in the ABO System 59
Experiment 8 Typing of Dried Bloodstains (Advanced) 65
Part A: Typing Dried Bloodstains 66
Part B: Blood Test Sensitivity 66
Experiment 9 Fingerprinting 71
Part A: Making a Latent Fingerprint Visible 73
Part B: Lifting a Latent Print 75
Part C: Fluorescent Dusting Powder (Advanced) 75
Part D: Obtaining an Inked Print 75
Part E: Matching Prints 76
Experiment 10 Fingerprinting (Advanced) 87
Part A: Obtaining Fingerprints from Paper by Means of Ninhydrin 88
Part B: The Silver Nitrate Method 89
Part C: The Use of Super Glue 90
Part D: Enhancement of Super Glue Fingerprints by Dusting and Fluorescence (Advanced) 92
Experiment 11 Comparison of Tool Marks and Casting 97
Part A: Making a Cast of a Tool Imprint 98
Part B: Individual Characteristics of Tool Marks 99
Part C: Plaster of Paris Casts of Footprints and Tire Treads 99
Part D: Making a Second Cast from a Mold (Advanced) 100
Experiment 12 Reproducing Bite Marks 107
Experiment 13 Restoring Serial Numbers on Metals 111
Experiment 14 Restoring Bloody Shoe Prints 117
Part A: Coomassie Blue Processing 118
Part B: Leucocrystal Violet Processing 119
Experiment 15 Examination of Hair and Textile Fibers by Microscopy 123
Part A: General Internal Characteristics 125
Part B: Scale Patterns 126
Part C: Hair Color 126
Part D: Making Cross Sections of Fibers (Advanced) 126
Experiment 16 A Qualitative Test for Marijuana 135
Part A: Marijuana, Weeds, and Tobacco 136
Part B: Possible Coffee Interferences 137
Part C: Microscopic Identification 137
Experiment 17 Drug Analysis: Microchemical Spot Tests for General Classes 143
Experiment 18 Drug Analysis: Microcrystalline Tests 153
Experiment 19 Identification of Drugs and Poisons by Infrared Spectroscopy (Advanced) 159
Experiment 20 Salicylates in Blood byVisible Spectroscopy 165
Part A: Basic Spectrophotometry 166
Part B: Salicylates in Blood Serum (Advanced) 167
Experiment 21 Salicylates in Blood by Fluorometry (Advanced) 171
Experiment 22 Quinine in Urine by Fluorometry (Advanced) 177
Experiment 23 Breath Alcohol by the Intoxilyzer 181
Experiment 24 Analysis of Blood Alcohol by Gas Chromatography Using a Thermal Conductivity Detector 189
Experiment 25 Analysis of Blood Alcohol by Gas-Liquid Chromatography Using a Flame Ionization Detector 197
Experiment 26 Analysis of Ink by Paper Chromatography 203
Experiment 27 Separation of Ink Dyes Using Thin Layer Chromatography 209
Experiment 28 Seminal Stains by Human Prostatic Acid Phosphatase 215
Part A: Suspected Stains on Clothing or Bedding 216
Part B: Examination of Swabs 217
Part C: Vaginal Washings 217
Part D: Locating Seminal Stains by Their Phosphorescence (Advanced) 217
Experiment 29 Arson Detection: The Recovery of Flammable Liquids 221
Part A: Headspace Analysis 222
Part B: Vapor Concentration on Charcoal (Advanced) 223
Experiment 30 Spot Tests for Explosives and Explosive Residues 227
Experiment 31 Metal Residues on Hands from Guns, Knives, and Other Metal Weapons 239
Part A: The 8-Hydroxyquinoline Method 239
Part B: The Ferrozine Method 241
Experiment 32 The Emission Spectrum of Elements 245
Part A: Obtaining Flame Emissions 246
Part B: The Spectroscope 246
Part C: The Emission Spectra of Elements 247
Experiment 33 Heavy Metal Poisons by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (Advanced) 251
Experiment 34 Determination of Blood Spatter Angles of Impact 257
Part A: Obtaining Blood Spatters 258
Part B: Measuring Angles of Impact 259
Experiment 35 Determining the Origin of Blood Spatters 265
Experiment 36 Electrophoretic Analysis of Blood for Human Origin (Advanced) 271
Experiment 37 Nuclear DNA Extraction 277
Part A: Isolation of Chromosomal DNA from E.Coli 279
Part B: Isolation of DNA from Vegetable Sources 280
Part C: Staining of DNA for Visualization 281
Experiment 38 DNA Fingerprinting I: EDVO-Kit #109 285
Experiment 39 PCR Amplification of DNA for Fingerprinting: EDVO-Kit #130 303
Experiment 40 The Comparison Microscope 319
Part A: Comparison of Toolmark Scratches 320
Part B: Comparison of Shell Cases and Slugs 321
Part C: Photomicrographs 322
Experiment 41 Burglaries and Murders: The Final Exam 327
Part A: A Bungled Burglary 327
Part B: Campsite Crime 328
Part C: A Parking Ramp Rumble 330
Part D: A Household Homicide 331
Part E: A Love Triangle? 333
Appendix 1 Glossary 335
Appendix 2 The Metric System 339
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