- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
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- 出版年份:2222
- ISBN:0137538499
- 页数:619 页
1.Legal Authority and the Rule of Law 3
Obedience to Law,&David Lyons 3
Civil Disobedience,&Ronald Dworkin 6
The Problem of the Grudge Informer,&Lon Fuller 13
2.Elements of Legal Reasoning: Precedents, Statutes, and the Constitution 19
Stare Decisis: The Use of Precedent,&C.Gordon Post 19
Statutory Interpretation,&Edward H.Levi 32
Legal Cases on Interpretation Interpreting the Mann Act,&Caminetti v.U.S.; Mortensen v.U.S.; and Cleveland v.U.S. 38
Can a Murderer Inherit?,&Riggs v.Palmer 45
The Notion of a Living Constitution,&William H.Rehnquist 49
On Interpretation: The Adultery Clause of the Ten Commandments,&Sanford Levinson 56
Constitutional Cases,&Ronald Dworkin 58
3.Natural Law and Classical Positivism 69
On Natural Law,&Thomas Aquinas 69
The Province of Jurisprudence Determined,&John Austin 75
4.Formalism and Legal Realism 82
Preface to Cases on the Law of Contracts,&Christopher Columbus Langdell 82
Magnitude and Importance of Legal Science,&David Dudley Field 83
Realism and the Law,&Jerome Frank 87
5.Modern Positivism and Its Critics 97
Positivism and Separation of Law and Morals,&H.L.A.Hart 97
Law as the Union of Primary and Secondary Rules,&H.L.A.Hart 108
The Morality that Makes Law Possible,&Lon L.Fuller 118
The Model of Rules,&Ronald Dworkin 124
“Natural” Law Revisited,&Ronald Dworkin 144
6.Recent Developments 161
The Economic Approach to Law,&Richard A.Posner 161
Efficiency and the Law,&U.S.v.Carroll Towing Company 174
Critical Legal Studies,&Roberl W.Gordon 176
Legal Realism, Critical Legal Studies, and Dworkin,&Andrew Altman 185
Jurisprudence and Gender,&Robin West 200
The Pragmatist and the Feminist,&Margaret Jane Radin 223
7.The Adversary System and the Rights of Defendants 237
Lawyers’ Ethics in an Adversary System,&Monroe H.Freedman 237
Building Power and Breaking Images: Critical Legal Theory and the Practice of Law,&Peter Gabel and Paul Harris 247
Convicting the Innocent,&James McCloskey 253
A Debate on the Exclusionary Rule,&Malcolm Richard Wilkey and Stephen H.Sachs 261
Interrogation and the Right to Counsel,&Miranda v.Arizona; Brewer v.Williams;and Rhode Island v.Innis 273
Prejudicial Publicity and a Jury’s Pretrial Knowledge,&Joseph M.Hassett 290
Criminal Justice and the Negotiated Plea,&Kenneth Kipnis 296
8.Punishment: Theory and Practice 307
Capital Punishment,&Gregg v.Georgia 307
The Utilitarian Theory of Criminal Punishment,&Richard B.Brandt 315
Persons and Punishment,&Herbert Morris 321
Restitution: A New Paradigm of Criminal ustice,&Randy E.Barnett 329
Lcgal Cases on Punishment Racial Bias in Sentencing,&McCleskey v.Kemp 336
Cruel and Unusual Punishment,&Rummel v.Estelle 339
9.Problems of Criminal Liability 343
Survival on a Lifeboat,&The Queen v.Dudley and Stephens 343
The Principles of Criminal Law,&Richard B.Brandt 348
Intention,&H.L.A.Hart 353
Rape,&Susan Estrich 362
Attempting the Impossible,&U.S.v.Ovieda and People v.Dlugash 375
Is the Insanity Test Insane?,&R.J.Gerber 383
What Is So Special about Mental Illness?,&Joel Feinberg 394
10.Compensating for Private Harms: The Law of Torts 405
Negligence,&William Prosser 405
Foreseeability of Risk,&Stone v.Bolton 412
Acts and Their Effects,&Baruch A.Brody 416
Negligence and Causation,&Palsgraf v.Long Island Railroad Co. 420
Products Liability: Must the Buyer Beware?,&Arthur R.Miller 428
The Dccline of Cause,&Judith Jarvis Thomson 442
Legal Cases on Tort Law A Duty to Rescue?,&Yania v.Bigan; Farwell v.Keaton; and McFall v.Shimp 452
Wrongful Life and Wrongful Birth,&Berman v.Allan 457
11.Private Ownership, Private Agreements: The Law of Property and the Law of Contract 465
Property,&John Locke 465
Property and Sovereignty,&Morris Raphael Cohen 469
Legal Cases on Property Property Acquisition,&Haslem v.Lockwood 476
Taking Without Compensation,&Penn Central Transportation Co.v. New York City 480
The Basis of Contract,&Morris Raph.ael Colhen 485
Contract as Promise,&Charles Fried 493
Surrogate Mother Contracts,&In the Matter of Baby M 502
12.Liberty and Its Limits:Speech and Privacy 515
On Liberty,&John Stuart Mill 515
A Ride on the Bus,&Joel Feinberg 527
Legal Cases on Political Speech Foundations of Free Speech,&Schenck v.United States and Whitney v.California 530
Nazi Marches,&Village of Skokie v.National Socialist Party 533
Campus Speech Codes,&Doe v.University of Michigan 537
Legal Cases on Obscenity and Pornography Obscenity,&Paris Adult Theatre v.Slaton 544
Pornography and Women,&American Booksellers v.Hudnut 547
Pornography: On Morality and Politics,&Catherine A.MacKinnon 550
Contraceptives and the Right to Privacy,&Griswold v.Connecticut 563
Privacy, Homosexuality, and the Constitution,&John Arthur 570
13.Race, Equality, and the Constitution 580
An Inquiry into the Law of Negro Slavery,&Thomas R.R.Cobb 580
Masters and Slaves,&Souther v.Commonwealth 582
Legal Cases on Race and the Constitution Slavery as Constitutionally Protected,&Scott v.Sanford 584
Separate But Equal,&Plessy v.Ferguson 588
The Great School Desegregation Case,&Brown v.Board of Education 590
Wartime Internment of Japanese Americans,&Korematsu v.United States 593
Gender Discrimination,&Michael M.v.Sonoma County Superior Court 599
The Rights of Allan Bakke: An Exchange,&Ronald Dworkin and Respondents 602
Appendix: The Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment, 615