![MARINE HYDRODYNAMICS](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/78/s683cb60.jpg)
![MARINE HYDRODYNAMICS](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/78/s683cb60.jpg)
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:J.N.NEWMAN
- 出版年份:2222
- ISBN:0262140268
- 页数:402 页
1 Introduction 1
2 Model Testing 8
2.1 Falling Body in a Vacuum 9
2.2 Pendulum 10
2.3 Water Waves 11
2.4 Drag Force on a Sphere 13
2.5 Viscous Drag on a Flat Plate 16
2.6 Viscous Drag on General Bodies 18
2.7 Hydrofoil Lift and Drag 20
2.8 Screw Propeller 24
2.9 Drag on a Ship Hull 27
2.10 Propeller-Hull Interactions 32
2.11 Unsteady Force on an Accelerating Body 34
2.12 Vortex Shedding 38
2.13 Wave Force on a Stationary Body 39
2.14 Body Motions in Waves 42
2.15 Ship Motions in Waves 46
Problems 46
References 50
3 The Motion of a Viscous Fluid 53
3.1 Description of the Flow 54
3.2 Conservation of Mass and Momentum 56
3.3 The Transport Theorem 57
3.4 The Continuity Equation 59
3.5 Euler's Equations 59
3.6 Stress Relations in a Newtonian Fluid 60
3.7 The Navier-Stokes Equations 62
3.8 Boundary Conditions 63
3.9 Body Forces and Gravity 64
3.10 The Flow between Two Parallel Walls 65
3.11 The Flow through a Pipe 66
3.12 External Flow past One Flat Plate 67
3.13 Unsteady Motion of a Flat Plate 69
3.14 Laminar Boundary Layers: Steady Flow past a Flat Plate 72
3.15 Laminar Boundary Layers: Steady Two-Dimensional Flow 78
3.16 Laminar Boundary Layers: Closing Remarks 85
3.17 Turbulent Flow: General Aspects 85
3.18 Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate 88
3.19 The 1/7-Power Approximation 95
3.20 Roughness Effects on Turbulent Boundary. Layers 96
3.21 Turbulent Boundary Layers: Closing Remarks 98 Problems 98
References 100
4 The Motion of an Ideal Fluid 102
4.1 Irrotational Flows 103
4.2 The Velocity Potential 105
4.3 Bernoulli's Equations 107
4.4 Boundary Conditions 109
4.5 Simple Potential. Flows 111
4.6 The Stream Function 115
4.7 The Complex Potential 118
4.8 Conformal Mapping 119
4.9 Separation of Variables 123
4.10 Fixed Bodies and Moving Bodies 126
4.11 Green's Theorem and Distributions of Singularities 127
4.12 Hydrodynamic Pressure Forces 132
4.13 Force on a Moving Body in an Unbounded Fluid 135
4.14 General Properties of the Added-Mass Coefficients 140
4.15 The Added Mass of Simple Forms 144
4.16 The Body-Mass Force 148
4.17 Force on a Body in a Nonuniform Stream 149
4.18 The Method of Images 152
Problems 154
References 157
5 Lifting Surfaces 159
5.1 Two-Dimensional Hydrofoil Theory 161
5.2 Linearized Two-Dimensional Theory 164
5.3 The Lifting Problem 168
5.4 Simple Foil Shapes 172
5.5 Drag Force on a Two-Dimensional Foil 176
5.6 Two-Dimensional Source and Vortex Distributions 177
5.7 Singular Integral Equations 180
5.8 Three-Dimensional Vortices 188
5.9 Three-Dimensional Planar Lifting Surfaces 191
5.10 Induced Drag 197
5.11 Lifting-Line Theory 200
5.12 Cavity Flows 206
5.13 Symmetric Cavity Flows 208
5.14 Supercavitating Lifting Foils 215
5.15 Unsteady Hydrofoil Theory 220
5.16 Oscillatory Time Dependence 226
5.17 The Sinusoidal Gust Problem 229
5.18 Transient Problems 230
Problems 232
References 235
6 Waves and Wave Effects 237
6.1 Linearized Free-Surface Condition 238
6.2 Plane Progressive Waves 240
6.3 Finite-Depth Effects 243
6.4 Nonlinear Effects 247
6.5 Mass Transport 251
6.6 Superposition of Plane Waves 252
6.7 Group Velocity 257
6.8 Wave Energy 260
6.9 Two-Dimensional Ship Waves 266
6.10 Three-Dimensional Ship Waves 270
6.11 The Method of Stationary Phase 275
6.12 Energy Radiation and Wave Resistance 278
6.13 Thin-Ship Theory of Wave Resistance 281
6.14 Wave Pattern Analysis 284
6.15 Body Response in Regular Waves 285
6.16 Hydrostatics 290
6.17 Damping and Added Mass 295
6.18 Wave-Exciting Force and Moment 300
6.19 Motion of Floating Bodies in Regular Waves 307
6.20 Ocean Waves 311
6.21 Motions of Bodies in Irregular Waves 320
Problems 321
References 325
7 Hydrodynamics of Slender Bodies 328
7.1 Slender Body in an Unbounded Fluid 329
7.2 Longitudinal Motion 335
7.3 The Lateral Force 338
7.4 Ship Maneuvering: The Hydrodynamic Forces 343
7.5 Ship Maneuvering: The Equations of Motion 349
7.6 Slender Bodies in Waves 354
7.7 Strip Theory for Ship Motions 362
7.8 Slender Bodies in Shallow Water 373
Problems 382
References 384
Appendix 387
Index 391
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