- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出版年份:2222
- ISBN:0870213059
- 页数:503 页
1. Scope and Sources 1
Introduction 1
The U.S. Government and International Law 5
Historical Background 9
Sources 11
2. Sovereign States and Their Diplomatic Representatives 16
Introduction 16
Restrictions upon Sovereignty 18
Acquisition of Sovereignty 27
Loss of Sovereignty 30
Rights and Duties of States 31
Diplomatic Affairs 34
Consular Affairs 46
International Law Governing Diplomatic and Consular Relations 49
3. Territory-Land 50
General 50
The Nature of Territory 50
Acquisition of Territory 51
Loss of Territory 64
Boundaries 64
Servitudes 68
4. Territory-Water 70
Introduction 70
Breadth of the Territorial Sea 71
The Third Law of the Sea Conference 82
Measurement of Territorial Seas 89
Use of Territorial Seas 95
Straits-Transit Passage 97
The Contiguous Zone 104
Hot Pursuit 104
5. Ships 106
Introduction 106
Rules of the Road 106
Nuclear Power Plants at Sea 112
Warships 113
Piracy 116
Merchant Ships 131
6. The High Seas 138
Introduction 138
Historical Comment 140
Fisheries and the Exclusive Economic Zone 144
The Continental Shelf 154
Scientific Research 157
Pollution-Protection of the Marine Environment 161
Seabeds 170
Closed Seas 176
Ocean Sectors 177
Beyond the Exclusive Economic Zone 178
Commentary 179
7. Territory-Air and Space 185
Introduction 185
Air 185
Space 192
International Communications 199
Meteorology 202
8. Persons 203
Introduction 203
Aliens and Nationality 204
U.S. Citizens in Foreign Countries 206
Jurisdiction of Foreign Courts 208
Exception to Jurisdiction 210
9. Armed Conflict and Protection of War Victims 221
General 221
Definitions 222
The Law of Armed Conflict 223
The International Committee of the Red Cross 228
Protection of War Victims 229
Prisoners of War 231
The Wounded, Sick, and Shipwrecked 236
10. Land, Aerial, and Naval Warfare 247
Introduction 247
General Principles 248
War on Land 251
Aerial Warfare 258
Naval Warfare 264
Rights and Duties of Neutrals 278
Enforcement of the Law of Armed Conflict 280
11. Collective Security-International Organizations 283
Introduction 283
The United Nations 284
Regional Organizations-Collective Defense 290
Communist Attitude towards Collective Defense 296
Specialized Agencies 297
The European Economic Community 298
12. International Instruments-Settlement of Disputes 299
International Instruments 299
Enforcement 304
Conclusion 316
Conspectus 318
Appendix A. The Antarctic Treaty of 1959 325
Appendix B. Panama Canal Treaty of 1977 332
Appendix C. Treaty Concerning the Permanent Neutrality and Operation of the Panama Canal (1977) 350
Appendix D. Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone 356
Appendix E. Straits Used for International Navigation 366
Appendix F. Archipelagic States 371
Appendix G. Exclusive Economic Zone 376
Appendix H. Continental Shelf 387
Appendix I. High Seas 392
Appendix J. Regime of Islands-Enclosed or Semi-Enclosed Seas-Rights of Access of Land-Locked States to and from the Sea and Freedom of Transit 403
Appendix K. Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment 407
Appendix L. Marine Scientific Research 425
Appendix M. The Conduct of Armed Conflict 434
Appendix N. Multilateral Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies 444
Appendix O. Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (Rio Pact) 451
Appendix P. North Atlantic Treaty 460
Appendix Q. Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan 466
Glossary 471
Bibliography 479
Index 493
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