PROGRESS IN Nucleic Acid Research Volume 1PDF电子书下载
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- 出版年份:2222
- 页数:424 页
“Primer” in DNA Polymerase Reactions F.J.BOLLUM 1
Ⅰ.Introduction 1
Ⅱ.Definitions and Polymer Principles 2
Ⅲ.Priming Activity as a Function of Molecular Weight and State 4
Ⅳ.Chemical and Physical Effects as an Aid in Elucidating Mechanism 14
Ⅴ.Hypothetical Mechanism for DNA Synthesis 19
Ⅵ.Summary 24
References 25
The Biosynthesis of Ribonucleic Acid in Animal Systems R.M.S.SMELLIE 27
Ⅰ.Introduction 27
Ⅱ.Systems Incorporating One or Two Ribonucleotides into Polyribonucleotides 30
Ⅲ.Systems Incorporating All Four Ribonucleotide Residues 37
Ⅳ. Requirement for a Primer 41
Ⅴ. Site of RNA Biosynthesis in the Cell 46
Ⅵ. Speculations as to the Significance of the Different Synthetic Pathways 49
References 55
Ⅰ.Introduction 59
Ⅱ.The in Vivo Control of RNA Synthesis by DNA 59
Ⅲ.The in Vitro Control of RNA Synthesis by DNA 62
Ⅳ.Conclusion 89
References 90
Polynucleotide Phosphorylase M.GRUNBERG-MANAGO 93
Ⅰ.Introduction 93
Ⅱ.Isolation of Polynucleotide Phosphorylase 94
Ⅲ.The Catalytic Reaction 99
Ⅳ.Reaction Mechanism 111
Ⅴ.Polymers 125
Ⅵ.Physiological Function of Polynucleotide Phoephorylase 127
References 129
Messenger Ribonucleic Acid FRITZ LIPMANN 135
Ⅰ.Synopsis 135
Ⅱ.Synthesis of Template RNA 138
Ⅲ.Kinetics of mRNA Synthesis 145
Ⅳ.In Vitro Combination of Ribosomes with Added RNA 154
Ⅴ.The Functioning of mRNA in Peptide Synthesis 155
Ⅵ.Conclusion 157
References 158
The Recent Excitement in the Coding Problem F.H.C.CRICK 163
Ⅰ.Introduction 164
Ⅱ.General Questions 168
Ⅲ.The Cell-Free System 175
Ⅳ.Amino Acid Changes from a Single Mutation 186
Ⅴ.Further Experimental Evidence 194
Ⅵ.Is the Code Degenerate? 198
Ⅶ.Theoretical Matters 203
Ⅷ. General Observations 212
Addendum 214
References 215
Some Thoughts on the Double-Stranded Model of Deoxyribonucleic Acid AARON BENDICH AND HEBBERT S.ROSENKRANZ 219
Text 219
Concluding Remarks 227
Referencon 227
Denaturation and Renaturation of Deoxyribonucleic Acid J.MARMUR,R.ROWED,AND C.L.SCHILDKRAUT 231
Ⅰ.Properties of the Native and Denatured States of RNA 232
Ⅱ.Early Denaturation Studies on DNA 235
Ⅲ.Denaturation and Evidence for Strand Separation 240
Ⅳ.General Aspects of Denaturation and Renaturation 257
Ⅴ.Mechanism of Renaturation 271
Ⅵ.Hybrid Formation 278
Ⅶ.Applications of Renaturation 288
Ⅷ.Summary 291
References 293
Some Problems Concerning the Macromolecular Structure of Ribonucleic Acids A.S.SPIRIN 301
Ⅰ.Introduction 301
Ⅱ. Chain Length 303
Ⅲ.Chain Conformation of RNA in Solution 315
Ⅳ.On Chain Conformation within Riboeomes 338
Ⅴ.Conclusion 341
References 341
The Structure of DNA as Determined by X-ray Scattering Techniques VITTORIO LUZZATI 347
Ⅰ.Introduction 347
Ⅱ.X-ray Diffraction Technique 348
Ⅲ.The Chemical and Physicochemical Evidence 351
Ⅳ.The Structure of DNA Fibers 352
Ⅴ.The Strueture of DNA in Solution 353
Ⅵ.Discussion and Conclusions 363
References 366
Molecular Mechanisms of Radiation Effects A.WACKER 369
Ⅰ.Preface 369
Ⅱ.Ultraviolet Light 370
Ⅲ.X-rays 395
Ⅳ.Conclusion 396
References 398