- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:
- 出版年份:2222
- ISBN:0521372852
- 页数:328 页
1 Introduction 1
Denitions of motions 3
Traditional ship problems 5
Oshore structure problems 8
Hydrodynamic classication of structures 10
Engineering tools 11
2 Sea environment 13
Basic assumptions 13
Regular wave theo 17
Statistical description of waves 23
Wind 31
Current 33
Exercises 34
3 Linear wave-induced motions and loads on oatingstructures 37
Response in irregular sea 37
Response in regular waves 39
Discussion on natural periods, damping and excitationlevel 68
Linear wave-induced motions and loads on a tension legplatform (TLP) in the mass-force domain 74
Heave motion of a semi-submersible 76
Minimalization of vertical ship motions 81
Roll stabilization 85
Exercises 89
4 Numerical methods for linear wave-induced motionsand loads 102
Source technique 103
Alternative solution procedures 118
Forward speed and current eects 122
Exercises 127
5 Second-order non-near problems 131
Mean wave (drift) forces and moments 134
Slow-drift motions in irregular waves 155
Slowly-vaing oscillations due to wind 166
Sum-frequency eects 168
Exercises 170
6 Current and wind loads 174
Steady incident ow past a circular cylinder 174
Boundary layers 178
Wake behaviour 181
Vortex shedding 184
Current loads on ships 187
Current loads on oshore structures 200
Wind loads 207
Vortex-induced resonance oscillations 207
Galloping 212
Exercises 215
7 Viscous wave loads and damping 223
Morison’s equation 223
Flow separation 228
Oscillato non-separated ow 234
Separated ow at small KC-numbers 238
Separated ow at high KC-numbers 244
Experimental tools 249
Exercises 253
8 Stationkeeping 257
Mooring systems 257
Thruster forces 270
Thruster performance and dynamic positioning 276
Exercises 277
9 Water impact and entry 282
Slamming 282
Water ent problems 296
Exercises 308
References 316
Index 324