The Norton Anthology of American Literature VOLUME 2PDF电子书下载
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- ISBN:0393958728
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American Literature 1865-1914 1
Introduction 1
Timeline 16
SAMUEL L. CLEMENS (Mark Twain) (1835-1910) 18
The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County 21
Roughing It 25
[The Story of the Old Ram] 25
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 28
[The Art of Authorship] 217
How to Tell a Story 218
Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences 221
BRET HARTE (1836-1902) 230
The Outcasts of Poker Flat 231
W. D. HOWELLS (1837-1920) 239
Novel-Writing and Novel-Reading 241
Editha 258
AMBROSE BIERCE (1842-1914?) 268
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge 269
COCHISE (c. 1812-1874) 276
[I am alone] 277
CHARLOT(c. 1831-1900) 278
[He has filled graves with our bones] 279
HENRY JAMES (1843-1916) 281
Daisy Miller: A Study 285
The Real Thing 323
The Beast in the Jungle 341
The Art of Fiction 370
The Great Good Place 385
The Jolly Corner 402
JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS (1848-1908) 424
The Wonderful Tar-Baby Story 426
Mr. Rabbit Grossly Deceives Mr. Fox 427
SARAH ORNE JEWETT (1849-1909) 430
A White Heron 431
The Foreigner 438
KATE CHOPIN (1850-1904) 455
At the 'Cadian Ball 457
The Storm 464
The Awakening 467
MARY E.WILKINS FREEMAN (1852-1930) 559
A New England Nun 560
The Revolt of "Mother" 568
BOOKER T. WASHINGTON (18567?-1915) 579
Up From Slavery 581
Chapter Ⅰ. A Slave Among Slaves 581
Chapter Ⅱ. Boyhood Days 589
Chapter ⅩⅣ. The Atlanta Exposition Address 595
Chapter ⅩⅤ, The Secret of Success in Public Speaking 603
CHARLES W. CHESNUTT (1858-1932) 615
The Goophered Grapevine 617
The Wife of His Youth 624
From the Deep Woods to Civilization 633
Chapter Ⅵ. A Doctor among the Indians 633
Chapter Ⅶ. The Ghost Dance War 638
HAMLIN GARLAND (1860-1940) 645
Under the Lion's Paw 646
The Yellow Wall-paper 657
Why 1 Wrote The Yellow Wall-paper? 669
EDITH WHARTON (1862-1937) 670
Souls Belated 672
The Eves 691
MARY AUSTIN (1868-1934) 704
The Walking Woman 706
W. E. B. DU BOIS (1868-1963) 711
The Souls of Black Folk 713
The Forethought 713
Ⅰ. Of Our Spiritual Strivings 714
Ⅲ. Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others 719
ⅩⅣ. The Sorrow Songs 729
FRANK MORRIS (1870-1902) 736
A Plea for Romantic Fiction 738
STEPHEN CRANE (1871-1900) 741
The Open Boat 743
The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky 760
The Blue Hotel 768
An Episode of War 787
THEODORE DREISER (1871-1945) 790
Old Rogaum and His Theresa 792
JOHN M.OSKISON (1874-1947) 805
The Problem of Old Harjo 806
JACK LONDON (1876-1916) 811
The Law of Life 812
To Build a Fire 817
The Sacred Mountains 829
Dance of the Atsalei, or Thundebirds 831
Song of the Crows 835
My Love Has Departed 836
Love-Charm Song 837
The Approach of the Storm 838
The Sioux Women Gather Up Their Wounded 838
The Sioux Woman Defends Her Children 838
Song of the Captive Sioux Woman 839
Songs of the Arapaho 840
[Father, have pity on me] 840
[When I met him approaching] 841
Songs of the Sioux 842
|The father say so] 842
[Give me my knife] 842
[The whole world is coming] 843
WOVOKA(c. 1856-1932) 843
The Messiah Letter: Cheyenne Version 845
The Messiah Letter: Mooney's Free Rendering 846
GERTRUDE SIMMONS BONNIN (Zitkala Sa) (1876-1938) 846
Impressions of an Indian Childhood 848
The School Days of an Indian Girl 860
An Indian Teacher among Indians 870
HENRY ADAMS (1838-1918) 875
The Education of Henry Adams 877
Editor's Preface 877
Preface 879
Chapter Ⅰ. Quincy (1838-1848) 880
Chapter ⅩⅨ. Chaos (1870) 892
Chapter ⅩⅩⅤ. The Dynamo and the Virgin (1900) 902
American Literature between the Wars, 1914—1945 911
Introduction 911
Timeline 922
BLACK ELK (1863-1950) and JOHN G. NEIHARDT (1881-1973) 924
Black Elk Speaks 925
Ⅲ. The Great Vision 925
EDGAR LEE MASTERS (1868-1950) 937
Serepta Mason 938
Trainor, the Druggist 938
Doc Hill 939
Margaret Fuller Slack 939
Abel Melveny 939
Lucinda Matlock 940
Luke Havergal 941
The House on the Hill 942
Richard Cory 943
Credo 943
Miniver Cheevy 944
Eros Turannos 945
Mr. Flood's Party 946
WILLACATHER (1873-1947) 947
My Antonia 949
AMY LOWELL (1874-1925) 1084
The Captured Goddess 1085
Venus Transiens 1086
Madonna of the Evening Flowers 1087
September, 1918 1088
Meeting-House Hill 1088
Summer Night Piece 1089
St. Louis 1089
New Heavens for Old 1090
GERTRUDE STEIN (1874-1946) 1091
The Making of Americans 1093
[Introduction] 1093
Tender Buttons 1105
Objects 1105
ROBERT FROST (1874-1963) 1115
The Pasture 1117
Mowing 1117
The Tuft of Flowers 1117
Mending Wall 1119
The Death of the Hired Man 1120
Home Burial 1124
After Apple-Picking 1127
The Wood-Pile 1128
The Road Not Taken 1128
An Old Man's Winter Night 1129
The Oven Bird 1130
Birches 1130
"Out, Out—" 1131
Fire and Ice 1132
Nothing Gold Can Stay 1132
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 1133
A Boundless Moment 1133
Spring Pools 1133
Once by the Pacific 1134
Two Tramps in Mud Time 1134
Departmental 1136
Desert Places 1137
Design 1137
Neither out Far nor in Deep 1138
Provide, Provide 1138
The Gift Outright 1139
Directive 1139
The Figure a Poem Makes 1141
SHERWOOD ANDERSON (1876-1941) 1143
Mother 1144
Adventure 1149
"Queer" 1154
CARL SANDBURG (1878-1967) 1160
Chicago 1161
Halsted Street Car 1162
Child of the Romans 1162
Fog 1163
Prairie Waters by Night 1163
Cool Tombs 1163
Grass 1164
WALLACE STEVENS (1879-195 5) 1164
The Snow Man 1166
A High-Toned Old Christian Woman 1166
The Emperor of Ice-Cream 1167
Disillusionment of Ten O'clock 1167
Sunday Morning 1168
Anecdote of the Jar 1171
Gubbinal 1171
Peter Quince at the Clavier 1172
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird 1174
The Death of a Soldier 1175
The Idea of Order at Key West 1176
A Postcard from the Volcano 1177
Study of Two Pears 1178
The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man 1179
Of Modern Poetry 1179
Asides on the Oboe 1180
An Ordinary Evening in New Haven 1181
Ⅰ ("The eyes plain version is a thing apart") 1181
Ⅸ ("We keep coming back and coming back") 1181
ⅩⅡ ("The poem is the cry of its occasion") 1182
ⅩⅩⅡ ("Professor Eucalyptus said, The search' ") 1182
ⅩⅩⅧ ("If it should be true that reality exists") 1183
ⅩⅩⅩ ("The last leaf that is going to fall has fallen") 1183
The Plain Sense of Things 1184
ANGELINA WELD GRIMKE (1880-1958) 1185
The Closing Door 1186
ANZIA YEZIERSKA(1880?-1970) 1202
The Lost "Beautifulness" 1204
The Young Housewife 1216
Portrait of a Lady 1217
Willow Poem 1217
Queen-Anne's-Lace 1218
The Widow's Lament in Springtime 1218
Spring and All 1219
To Elsie 1220
The Red Wheelbarrow 1221
The Dead Baby 1222
The Wind Increases 1222
Death 1223
This Is Just to Say 1224
A Sort of a Song 1225
The Dance ("In Brueghel's great picture, The Kermess") 1225
Burning the Christmas Greens 1225
Lear 1227
The Ivy Crown 1228
Landscape with the Fall of Icarus 1230
The Dance ("When the snow falls the flakes") 1231
EZRA POUND (1885-1972) 1232
To Whistler, American 1234
Portrait d'une Femme 1234
A Virginal 1235
A Pact 1235
The Rest 1236
In a Station of the Metro 1236
The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter 1236
Villanelle: The Psychological Hour 1237
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (Life and Contacts) 1239
Ⅰ ("And then went down to the ship") 1246
ⅩⅦ ("So that the vines burst from my fingers") 1248
XLV ("With Usitra") 1251
H. D. (HILDA DOOLITTLE) (1886-1961) 1253
Mid-day 1254
Oread 1255
Leda 1255
At Baia 1256
Fragment 113 1257
Helen 1258
The Walls Do Not Fall 1259
1-6 1259
20-24 1264
39-43 1267
ROBINSON JEFFFRS (1887-1962) 1270
To the Stone-Cutters 1271
Shine, Perishing Republic 1271
Hurt Hawks 1272
November Surf 1273
Carmel Point 1273
Vulture 1274
Birds and Fishes 1274
MARIANNE MOORE (1887-1972) 1275
Poetry 1276
A Grave 1277
To a Snail 1278
What Are Years? 1278
Bird-Witted 1279
The Paper Nautilus 1280
Nevertheless 1281
The Mind Is an Enchanting Thing 1282
In Distrust of Merits 1283
A Face 1285
"Keeping Their World Large" 1286
O to Be a Dragon 1286
EUGENE O'NEILL (1888-1953) 1287
Long Day's Journey into Night 1289
T. S. ELIOT (1888-1965) 1368
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 1370
Sweeney among the Nightingales 1373
From Tradition and the Individual Talent 1375
Gerontion 1378
The Waste Land 1380
The Hollow Men 1393
Journey of the Magi 1395
Burnt Norton 1397
JOHN CROWE RANSOM (1888-1974) 1401
Bells for John Whiteside's Daughter 1402
Here Lies a Lady 1403
Philomela 1403
Piazza Piece 1404
Janet Waking 1405
CLAUDE McKAY (1889-1948) 1406
Exhortation: Summer, 1919 1407
Outcast 1407
Africa 1408
The Harlem Dancer 1408
The Lynching 1408
Harlem Shadows 1409
America 1409
If We Must Die 1410
O Word I Love to Sing 1410
Moscow 1410
KATHERINE ANNE PORTER (1890-1980) 1411
Flowering Judas 1412
Theft 1421
ZORANEALE HURSTON (1891-1960) 1426
The Eatonville Anthology 1427
How It Feels to Be Colored Me 1436
The Gilded Six-Bits 1439
Their Eves Were Watching God 1447
Chapter 2 1448
Chapter 3 1450
EDNA ST. VINCENT MILLAY (1892-1950) 1456
Reeuerdo 1457
I Think I Should Have Loved You Presently 1457
[I, being born a woman] 1458
Apostrophe to Man 1458
I Too beneath Your Moon, Almighty Sex 1458
The Snow Storm 1459
I Forgot for a Moment 1459
[I will put Chaos into fourteen lines] 1460
DOROTHY PARKER (1893-1967) 1460
De Profundis 1461
Resume 1461
General Review of the Sex Situation 1462
The Waltz 1462
GENEVIEVE TAGGARD (1894-1948) 1465
Everyday Alchemy 1466
With Child 1467
Return of the Native 1467
A Middle-aged, Middle-class Woman at Midnight 1467
At Last the Women Are Moving 1468
O People Misshapen 1469
Mill Town 1469
To My Mother 1470
JAMES THURBER (1894-1961) 1470
The Night the Bed Fell 1471
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 1474
E. E. CUMM1NGS (1894-1962) 1478
Thy fingers make early flowers of 1479
in just 1479
O sweet spontaneous 1480
Buffalo Bill's 1481
the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls 1481
Poem or Beauty Hurts Mr. Vinal 1481
"next to of course god america i 1483
i sing of Olaf glad and big 1483
if there are any heavens my mother will(all by herself )have 1484
somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond 1485
anyone lived in a pretty how town 1485
my father moved through dooms of love 1486
pity this busy monster, manunkind 1488
what if a much of a which of a wind 1489
JEAN TOOMER (1894-1967) 1489
Cane 1490
Georgia Dusk 1490
Fern 1491
Portrait in Georgia 1494
Seventh Street 1494
F.SCOTT FITZGERALD (1896-1940) 1495
Babylon Revisited 1496
JOHN DOS PASSOS (1896-1970) 1511
U.S.A. 1512
The Big Money 1512
Newsreel LXVIII 1512
The Camera Eve (51) 1514
Mary French 1515
WILLIAM FAULKNER (1897-1962) 1532
As I Lay Dying 1534
Barn Burning 1630
LOUISE BOGAN (1897-1970) 1643
Medusa 1644
Portrait 1644
The Alchemist 1645
The Crows 1645
Women 1645
Cassandra 1646
Evening in the Sanitarium 1646
HART CRANE (1899-1932) 1647
Chaplinesque 1649
At Melville's Tomb 1649
Voyages 1650
Ⅰ ("Above the fresh ruffles of the surf") 1650
Ⅱ ("Infinite consanguinity it bears—") 1651
Ⅴ ("Meticulous, past midnight in clear rime") 1651
ERNEST HEMINGWAY (1899-1961) 1685
The Snows of Kilimanjaro 1687
THOMAS WOLFE (1900-1938) 1704
The Lost Boy 1705
STERLING A. BROWN (1901-1989) 1725
Mister Samuel and Sam 1726
He Was a Man 1727
Master and Man 1728
Break of Day 1729
Bitter Fruit of the Tree 1730
LANGSTON HUGHES (1902-1967) 1730
The Negro Speaks of Rivers 1731
Mother to Son 1732
The Weary Blues 1732
I, Too 1733
Mulatto 1734
Song for a Dark Girl 1735
Vagabonds 1735
Genius Child 1736
Refugee in America 1736
Madam and Her Madam 1736
Madam's Calling Cards 1737
Silhouette 1738
Visitors to the Black Belt 1738
Note on Commercial Theatre 1739
Democracy 1739
JOHN STEINBECK (1902-1968) 1740
The Leader of the People 1741
COUNTEE CULLEN (1903-1946) 1751
Yet Do I Marvel 1752
Incident 1752
Heritage 1753
From the Dark Tower 1755
Uncle Jim 1756
RICHARD WRIGHT (1908-1960) 1756
The Man Who Was Almost a Man 1758
MURIEL RUKEYSER (1913-1980) 1766
Effort at Speech Between Two People 1767
Movie 1768
Alloy 1769
Suicide Blues 1769
Who in One Lifetime 1770
"Long Enough" 1771
The Poem as Mask 1771
Poem 1772
Painters 1772
American Prose since 1945 1773
Introduction 1773
Timeline 1783
EUDORA WLLTY(b. 1909) 1784
Petrified Man 1785
TENNESSEE WILLIAMS (1911-1983) 1794
A Streetcar Named Desire 1797
JOHN CHEEVER (1912-1982) 1860
The Swimmer 1862
BERNARD MALAMUD (1914-1986) 1870
The Magic Barrel 1871
RALPH ELLISON (1914-1994) 1883
Invisible Man 1884
Prologue 1884
Chapter I [Battle Royal] 1891
SAUL BELLOW (b. 1915) 1901
Looking for Mr. Green 1903
ARTHUR MILLER (b. 1915) 1917
Death of a Salesman 1919
GRACE PALEY (b. 1922) 1985
A Conversation with My Father 1986
KURT VONNEGUT(b. 1922) 1990
Fates Worse Than Death 1991
JAMES BALDWIN (1924-1987) 1999
Going to Meet the Man 2000
FLANNERY O'CONNOR (1925-1964) 2011
The Life You Save May Be Your Own 2012
Good Country People 2020
GORE VIDAL(b. 1925) 2034
The Robin 2035
URSULA K. LE GUIN (b. 1929) 2038
Schrodinger's Cat 2039
She Unnames Them 2044
PAULE MARSHALL (b. 1929) 2046
Reena 2047
DONALD BARTHELME (1931-1989) 2060
A Manual for Sons 2061
TONI MORRISON (b. 1931) 2077
Recitatif 2078
JOHN UPDIKE (b. 1932) 2092
Separating 2096
PHILIP ROTH (b. 1933) 2101
Defender of the Faith 2103
AMIRI BARAKA(LeRoi Jones) (b. 1934) 2124
Dutchman 2126
An Agony. As Now. 2139
A Poem for Willie Best 2140
Will They Cry When You're Gone, You Bet 2145
N. SCOTT MOMADAY (b. 1934) 2146
The Way to Rainy Mountain 2147
Headwaters 2147
Introduction 2147
Ⅳ 2151
ⅩⅢ 2152
ⅩⅦ 2153
ⅩⅩⅣ 2154
Epilogue 2154
Rainy Mountain Cemetery 2156
GERALD VIZENOR(b. 1934) 2157
Almost Browne 2158
STEPHEN DIXON (b. 1936) 2163
Time to Go 2164
CLARENCE MAJOR (b. 1936) 2174
An Area in the Cerebral Hemisphere 2175
THOMAS PYNCHON (b. 1937) 2179
Entropy 2180
JOANNA RUSS(b. 1937) 2190
When It Changed 2191
RAYMOND CARVER (1938-1988) 2197
Cathedral 2197
ISHMAEL REED (b. 1938) 2209
The Last Days of Louisiana Red 2209
Chapter 36 [Mary Dalton's Dream] 2209
Neo-HooDoo Manifesto 2213
TONI CADE BAMBARA (1939-1995) 2218
Medley 2219
Tripmaster Monkey 2232
1. Trippers and Askers 2232
DIANE GLANCY (b. 1941) 2257
Jack Wilson or Wovoka and Christ My Lord 2258
Polar Breath 2261
BARRY HANNAH (b. 1942) 2264
Midnight and I'm Not Famous Yet 2265
ALICE WALKER (b. 1944) 2273
Everyday Use 2274
ANNIE DILLARD (b. 1945) 2280
Holy the Firm 2281
ANN BEATTIE (b. 1947) 2300
Weekend 2302
DAVID MAMET (b. 1947) 2313
Glengarry Glen Ross 2315
LESLIE MARMON SILKO (b. 1948) 2348
Lullaby 2349
DENISE CHAVEZ (b. 1948) 2355
The Last of the Menu Girls 2356
SANDRA CISNEROS(b. 1954) 2374
My Lucy Friend Who Smells Like Corn 2375
Eleven 2376
Salvador Late or Early 2378
Barbie-Q 2379
Mericans 2380
Tepeyac 2382
LOUISE ERDRICH (b. 1954) 2384
Fleur 2385
WILLIAM T. VOLLMANN (b. 1959) 2394
Red Hands 2395
American Poetry since 1945 2403
Introduction 2403
Timeline 2413
LORINE NIEDECKER (1903-1970) 2415
Poet's Work 2416
[I married] 2417
My Life by Water 2417
Lake Superior 2418
[Well, spring overflows the land] 2421
ROBERT PENN WARREN (1905-1989) 2422
Bearded Oaks 2424
Audubon 2425
Ⅰ. Was Not the Lost Dauphin 2425
Ⅵ. Love and Knowledge 2426
Ⅶ. Tell Me a Story 2426
American Portrait: Old Style 2427
Acquaintance with Time in Early Autumn 2430
Mortal Limit 2432
After the Dinner Party 2432
GEORGE OPPEN (1908-1984) 2433
Party on Shipboard 2435
[She lies, hip high] 2435
The Hills 2435
Workman 2436
Psalm 2436
From Of Being Numerous 2437
Anniversary Poem 2444
THEODORE ROETHKE (1908-1963) 2445
Cuttings 2447
Cuttings (later) 2447
Weed Puller 2447
Frau Bauman, Frau Schmidt, and Frau Schwartze 2448
My Papa's Waltz 2449
Night Crow 2449
The Lost Son 2449
The Waking 2454
I Knew a Woman 2454
The Far Field 2455
Wish for a Young Wife 2458
In a Dark Time 2458
CHARLES OLSON (1910-1970) 2459
I, Maximus of Gloucester, to You 2460
Maximus, to Himself 2464
[When do poppies bloom] 2465
Celestial Evening, October 1967 2466
ELIZABETH BISHOP (1911-1979) 2467
The Unbeliever 2469
The Fish 2469
Over 2,000 Illustrations and a Complete Concordance 2471
The Bight 2473
At the Fishhouses 2474
Questions of Travel 2476
The Armadillo 2477
Sestina 2478
In the Waiting Room 2479
The Moose 2481
One Art 2485
ROBERT HAYDEN (1913-1980) 2486
Middle Passage 2488
Homage to the Empress of the Blues 2492
Those Winter Sundays 2493
The Night-Blooming Cereus 2493
Free Fantasia: Tiger Flowers 2495
Beginnings 2496
Elegies for Paradise Valley 2497
RANDALL JARRELL (1914-1965) 2501
90 North 2502
The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner 2503
Second Air Force 2504
The Marchen 2505
Next Day 2507
Well Water 2509
Thinking of the Lost World 2509
JOHN BERRYMAN (1914-1972) 2511
Homage to Mistress Bradstreet 2513
17-39 2513
1 ("Huffy Henry hid the day") 2519
14("Life, friends, is boring. We must not say so") 2520
29("There sat down, once, a thing on Henry's heart") 2520
40("I'm scared a lonely. Never see my son") 2521
45 ("He stared at ruin. Ruin stared straight back") 2521
384 ("The marker slants, flowerless, day's almost done") 2522
385 ("My daughter's heavier. Light leaves are flying") 2523
ROBERT LOWELL (1917-1977) 2523
Colloquy in Black Rock 2525
The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket 2526
Mr. Edwards and the Spider 2530
My Last Afternoon with Uncle Devereux Winslow 2531
Memories of West Street and Lepke 2534
Skunk Hour 2536
Night Sweat 2537
For the Union Dead 2538
Death of Anne Boleyn 2540
Returning Turtle 2540
Epilogue 2540
GWENDOLYN BROOKS (b. 1917) 2541
kitchenette building 2542
the mother 2543
a song in the front yard 2544
The White Troops Had Their Orders But the Negroes Looked Like Men 2544
The Womanhood 2545
The Children of the Poor (Ⅱ) 2545
We Real Cool 2545
The Bean Eaters 2545
A Bronzeville Mother Loiters in Mississippi. Meanwhile a Mississippi Mother Burns Bacon 2546
The Last Quatrain of the Ballad of Emmett Till 2549
The Blackstone Rangers 2549
To the Diaspora 2551
The Coora Flower 2552
ROBERT DUNCAN (1919-1988) 2552
Often I Am Permitted to Return to a Meadow 2555
A Poem Beginning with a Line by Pindar 2556
Doves 2563
Achilles' Song 2565
Interrupted Forms 2566
RICHARD WILBUR (b. 1921) 2567
The Beautiful Changes 2568
The Death of a Toad 2569
Ceremony 2569
"A World without Objects Is a Sensible Emptiness" 2570
Years-End 2571
Love Calls Us to the Things of This World 2571
The Mind-Reader 2572
JAMES DICKEY (1923-1997) 2576
Drowning with Others 2577
The Heaven of Animals 2578
Falling 2579
DENISE LEVERTOV (1923-1997) 2583
To the Snake 2585
The Jacob's Ladder 2585
In Mind 2586
September 1961 2587
Olga Poems 2588
Ⅲ 2588
1("Everything flows") 2588
2("Now as if smoke or sweetness were blown my way") 2588
3("Black one, incubus—") 2589
Ⅵ ("Your eyes were the brown gold of pebbles under water") 2589
What Were They Like? 2590
Death in Mexico 2591
Zeroing In 2592
Caedmon 2593
A. R. AMMONS (b. 1926) 2594
So I Said I Am Ezra 2595
Corsons Inlet 2596
Grace Abounding 2599
Easter Morning 2599
Singling & Doubling Together 2602
The Dwelling 2602
Garbage 2603
2 2603
JAMES MERRILL (1926-1995) 2607
An Urban Convalescence 2608
The Broken Home 2610
Lost in Translation 2613
Family Week at Oracle Ranch 2618
ROBERT GREELEY (b. 1926) 2623
Kore 2625
The Door 2626
For Love 2628
The Messengers 2629
For No Clear Reason 2630
The Birds 2630
Fathers 2631
ALLEN GINSBERG (1926-1997) 2632
Howl 2634
A Supermarket in California 2641
Sunflower Sutra 2642
To Aunt Rose 2643
On Burroughs' Work 2644
Ego Confession 2645
FRANK O'HARA (1926-1966) 2646
To the Harbormaster 2647
In Memory of My Feelings 2648
A Step Away from Them 2652
The Day Lady Died 2654
Ave Maria 2654
GALWAY KINNELL (b. 1927) 2655
The Porcupine 2656
Little Sleep's-Head Sprouting Hair in the Moonlight 2659
Saint Francis and the Sow 2662
After Making Love We Hear Footsteps 2663
Cemetery Angels 2663
JOHN ASHBERY(b. 1927) 2663
Illustration 2665
Soonest Mended 2666
Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror 2668
The Lament upon the Waters 2679
Myrtle 2680
W. S. MERW1N (b. 1927) 2681
The Drunk in the Furnace 2682
For the Anniversary of My Death 2682
For a Coming Extinction 2683
September Plowing 2684
Lonsing a Language 2684
Lament for the Makers 2685
JAMES WRIGHT (1927-1980) 2691
Autumn Begins in Martins Ferry, Ohio 2692
To the Evening Star: Central Minnesota 2693
A Blessing 2693
A Centenary Ode: Inscribed to Little Crow, Leader of the Sioux Rebellion in Minnesota, 1862 2694
With the Shell of a Hermit Crab 2695
The Journey 2695
PHILIP LEVINE(b. 1928) 2696
Animals Are Passing from Our Lives 2697
Detroit Grease Shop Poem 2698
They Feed They Lion 2699
On the Murder of Lieutenant Jose del Castillo by the Falangist Bravo Martinez, July 12, 1936 2700
Starlight 2701
Fear and Fame 2701
The Simple Truth 2702
ANNE SEXTON'(1928-1974) 2703
The Truth the Dead Know 2704
The Starry Night 2705
Sylvias Death 2705
Little Girl, My String Bean, My Lovely Woman 2707
The Death of the Fathers 2709
2. How We Danced 2709
3. The Boat 2710
ADRIENNE RICH (b. 1929) 2711
Storm Warnings 2713
Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law 2714
"I Am in Danger-Sir—" 2718
A Valediction Forbidding Mourning 2719
Diving into the Wreck 2719
Power 2721
Transcendental Etude 2722
For a Friend in Travail 2726
An Atlas of the Difficult World 2727
Ⅱ ("Here is a map of our country") 2727
Ⅳ("Late summers, early autumns, you can see something that binds") 2727
Ⅴ("Catch if you can your country's moment, begin") 2728
Ⅸ ("On this early, in this life, as I read your story, you're lonely") 2729
ⅩⅡ("What homage will be paid to a beauty built to last") 2730
ⅩⅢ(Dedications) 2730
GARY SNYDER (b. 1930) 2731
Milton by Firelight 2733
Riprap 2734
August on Sourdough, A Visit from Dick Brewer 2734
Beneath My Hand and Eye the Distant Hills. Your Body 2735
The Blue Sky 2736
Straight-Creek—Great Burn 2740
Ripples on the Surface 2742
SYLVIA PLATH (1932-1963) 2742
Morning Song 2744
Lady Lazarus 2744
Ariel 2747
Daddy 2748
Words 2750
Blackberrving 2750
Purdah 2751
The Applicant 2753
Child 2754
AUDRE LORDE (1934-1992) 2754
Coal 2756
The Woman Thing 2756
Black Mother Woman 2757
Separation 2758
Harriet 2758
Chain 2759
MARY OLIVER (b. 1935) 2761
The Black Snake 2762
In Blackwater Woods 2763
A Visitor 2764
Landscape 2764
Picking Blueberries, Austerlitz, New York, 1957 2765
Hawk 2766
Poppies 2767
Hummingbird Pauses at the Trumpet Vine 2768
MICHAEL S. HARPER (b. 1938) 2769
Dear John, Dear Coltrane 2770
American History 2771
Deathwatch 2772
Martin's Blues 2773
"Bird Lives": Charles Parker in St. Louis 2773
Nightmare Begins Responsibility 2775
Tongue-Tied in Black and White 2775
ROBERT PINSKY(b. 1940) 2777
The Figured Wheel 2779
The Street 2780
A Woman 2782
The Want Bone 2784
Shirt 2784
At Pleasure Bay 2786
SIMON J. ORTIZ (b. 1941) 2788
Passing through Little Rock 2789
Earth and Rain, the Plants & Sun 2789
Vision Shadows 2791
Poems from the Veterans Hospital 2792
8:50 AM Ft. Lyons YAH 2792
Travelling 2792
From Sand Creek 2793
LOUISE GLUCK(b. 1943) 2794
The Drowned Children 2795
Descending Figure 2796
2. The Sick Child 2796
3. For My Sister 2796
Illuminations 2797
Terminal Resemblance 2798
Appearances 2799
Vespers 2800
JOY HARJO(b. 1951) 2800
Call It Fear 2802
White Bear 2803
She Had Some Horses 2804
Ⅲ. Drowning Horses 2804
Summer Night 2804
Eagle Poem 2805
Climbing the Streets of Worcester, Mass. 2806
The Flood 2806
RITA DOVE (b. 1952) 2808
Geometry 2810
Adolescence—Ⅰ 2810
Adolescence—Ⅱ 2811
Adolescence—Ⅲ 2811
Banneker 2812
Parsley 2813
'The Event 2815
Straw Hat 2816
The Zeppelin Factory 2816
Dusting 2817
Pomade 2818
Poem in Which I Refuse Contemplation 2819
Heroes 2820
Missing 2821
ALBERTO RIOS (b. 1952) 2822
Madre Sofia 2822
Wet Camp 2824
Taking Away the Name of a Nephew 2824
Advice to a First Cousin 2826
Seniors 2826
Domingo Limon 2827
LORNA DEE CERVANTES (b. 1954) 2830
Uncle's First Rabbit 2831
For Virginia Chavez 2833
Visions of Mexico While at a Writing Symposium in Port Townsend,Washington 2834
The Body as Braille 2836
Emplumada 2836
My Dinner with Your Memory 2837
CATHY SONG (b. 1955) 2837
The White Porch 2838
Beauty and Sadness 2840
Lost Sister 2841
Chinatown 2842
Heaven 2845
LI-YOUNG LEE (b. 1957) 2846
The Gift 2847
Persimmons 2848
Eating Alone 2850
Eating Together 2850
Mnemonic 2851
This Room and Everything in It 2851
INDEX 2905