- 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出版年份:1988
- ISBN:1853335177
- 页数:823 页
U.S.A. 11
1.Summary of Antitrust Laws 11
1.1 Outline of the Substantive Provisions 11
2.Sherman Act,Section 1 14
2.1 Concerted Action 14
2.2 Intracorporate Conspiracies 15
2.3 Conscious Parallelism 17
2.4 Effect of Withdrawal from Concerted Action Conspiracies 18
2.5 The Requirement for an Effect upon Trade or Commerce 19
2.6 Per Se Unlawfulness and the Rule of Reason 24
2.7 The Application of Section 1 to Particular Restraints 27
2.7.1 Price-fixing Arrangements and Vertical Price Discrimination 27
2.7.2 Division of Markets or Customers 37
2.7.3 Boycotts and Refusals to Deal 41
2.7.4 Reciprocal Practices 44
2.7.5 Tie-ins and Exclusive Contracts 45
2.7.6 Industrial Property Licensing 56
2.7.7 Other Restraints 59
2.8 Standing and Antitrust Injury 59
3.Sherman Act,Section 2 60
4.The Clayton Act 61
4.1 Clayton Act-Introduction 61
4.2 Section 3-Exclusionary Arrangements 62
4.2.1 Exclusive Dealing Contracts 65
4.2.2 Requirements Contracts 66
4.2.3 Tying Arrangements 67
4.3 The Anti-Competitive Effect 70
5.The Federal Trade Commission Act 72
5.1 Introduction 72
5.2 Jurisdictional Requirements 73
5.3 Unfair Methods of Competition 74
5.4 Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices 76
6.The Robinson-Patman Act 78
6.1 Introduction 78
6.2 Jurisdictional Requirements 79
6.3 The Requirement of Competitive Injury 87
6.4 Statutory Defences to a Robinson-Patman Act Violation 89
7.Monopolisation and Attempts to Monopolise 92
7.1 Introduction 92
7.2 Actual Monopolisation 94
7.3 Attempts to Monopolise 113
7.3.1 Introduction 113
7.3.2 The Dangerous Probability Requirement 114
7.3.3 The Relevant Market 118
7.3.4 Specific Intent to Monopolise 120
7.4 Monopolies and Attempts by a Plurality of Firms and Conspiracies to Monopolise 121
8.Mergers 123
8.1 Introduction 123
8.2 The Requirement for Pre-notification of Mergers 129
8.3 Merger Evaluation 131
8.3.1 The Relevant Market:The Product Market 131
8.3.2 The Relevant Market:The Geographic Market 139
8.3.3 The Substantive Criteria for Merger Evaluation 141
9.Interlocking Directorates 164
10.Joint ventures 167
11.Jurisdictional Aspects 176
EEC 183
1.Summary of Competition Laws 183
1.1 Introduction to EEC Competition Law 183
1.1.1 Community Law and National Law 183
1.1.2 Overview of the Treaties 185
1.1.3 The Principal Competition Provisions 186
1.1.4 Interaction between Competition Provisions 190
2.Article 85-Introduction 191
2.1 Agreements,Decisions and Concerted Practices 193
2.2 Undertakings,Associations of Undertakings 197
2.3 Effect on Trade between Member States 198
2.4 The Anti-competitive Effect 200
2.5 Effect on Foreign Trade 202
2.6 Application of Article 85(1) to Particular Types of Agreement 205
2.6.1 Horizontal Agreements 206
2.6.2 Vertical Agreements 220
2.6.3 Other permitted Forms of Co-operation 247
3.Crisis Cartels 274
4.Joint ventures 280
4.1 General 280
4.2 Treatment of Joint Ventures under Articles 85 and 86 281
4.2.1 Commission Treatment of Joint Ventures,1968-1980 281
4.2.2 Recent Decisions on Manufacturing Joint Ventures 286
4.2.3 Joint Venture for Component and Know-how Supply 291
4.2.4 Distribution Joint Ventures 292
4.2.5 Specialisation Joint Ventures 294
4.3 Application of Block Exemption Regulations to Particular Joint Ventures 295
4.4 The Irish Distillers Case 295
4.5 Treatment of Joint Ventures under the 1989 Merger Control Regulation 297
5.Article 86-Introduction 298
5.1 The Dominant Position 300
5.2 Abuse of a Dominant Position 312
5.2.1 Refusal to Supply 314
5.2.2 Applying Dissimilar Conditions to Equivalent Transactions 318
5.2.3 Making the Conclusion of Contracts Subject to Acceptance by the other Parties of Supplementary Obligations 321
5.2.4 Limiting Production,Markets or Technical Development to the Prejudice of Consumers 322
5.2.5 Unfair Exploitation 324
5.2.6 Residual Categories of Anti-competitive Conduct 327
6.Mergers 333
6.1 Article 86 and Mergers 333
6.2 Merger Control Regulation 337
6.3 Enforcement under Article 86 in Relation to Mergers 341
7.Intellectual Property and Free Movement of Goods in the Common Market 346
1.Outline of the Substantive Provisions 347
1.1 Introduction 347
1.2 The Substantive Provisions of the GWB in Summary 348
1.2.1 Prohibition of Cartel Agreements and Cartel Resolutions 348
1.2.2 Exceptions from the Prohibitions of Section 1 350
1.2.3 Prohibition of Anti-competitive Provisions in Vertical Agreements 355
1.2.4 Abusive Practice by Market-dominating Enterprises,Discriminatory Conduct and Merger Control 358
1.2.5 Joint ventures 358
2.Control of Abusive Behaviour by Market dominating Enterprises 360
2.1 Introduction 360
2.2 The Definition of a Market dominating Enterprise 361
2.3 Abuse Control under Section 22 365
2.3.1 Abusive Conduct 365
2.3.2 Remedies for Abusive Conduct under Section 22 367
2.4 Specialised Categories of Abusive Conduct 368
2.4.1 Section 25(1):Concerted Conduct to Achieve Unlawful Purpose 368
2.4.2 Section 25(2):Threats,Promises to Induce Unlawful Conduct 369
2.4.3 Section 25(3):Coercion of other Enterprises 369
2.4.4 Section 26(1):Requests for Imposition of Restrictions in the Supply or Purchasing of Goods or Commercial Services 370
2.4.5 Section 26(2):Hindrance and Discrimination by Market dominating and other Enterprises 370
2.4.6 Section 26(3):Inducement of Preferential Terms by Market dominating Enterprises 372
2.4.7 Section 26(4):Exploitation of Market Power that Causes Unfair Hindrance for Competitors 373
2.4.8 Section 26(5):Burden on Firms Caught by Section 26(4) to Rebut the Presumption of Exploitation 373
2.5 Relationship between Abuse Control under Section 22 and Control under Section 26(2) and (3) 373
3.Merger Control 374
3.1 Introduction 374
3.2 Definition of the Term 'Merger' 374
3.3 Mergers Excepted from Control 376
3.3.1 Section 24(8) 376
3.3.2 ECSC Treaty 376
3.4 Notification of Mergers to the Federal Cartel Office 377
3.4.1 Pre-notification 377
3.4.2 Reporting of Consummated Mergers 377
3.4.3 Voluntary Notification of Mergers 378
3.5 Substantive Law of Merger Control 378
3.5.1 Introduction:Creation or Strengthening of a Market dominant Position 378
3.5.2 Market Definition 378
3.5.3 Market Domination 380
3.5.4 Creation or Strengthening of a Dominant Market Position 382
3.5.5 Balancing of Pro- and Anti-competitive Consequences 387
3.5.6 Powers of the Cartel Authorities under Section 24 388
3.5.7 Powers of the Federal Minister for Economics 388
3.6 The Application of the GWB to International Mergers 389
U.K. 392
1.Introduction 392
1.1 Common Law Prior to 1948 392
1.2 The Main Legislation 1948-1980 395
2.An Outline of the Substantive Provisions 399
2.1 Restrictive Trading Agreements and Arrangements 399
2.1.1 Introduction 399
2.1.2 Restrictive Agreements as to Goods 399
2.1.3 Restrictive Agreements as to Services 407
2.1.4 Information Agreements as to Services 407
2.1.5 Excepted Agreements as to Services 408
2.1.6 General Exceptions 408
2.1.7 The Public Interest Criteria 409
2.1.8 General 412
2.2 Resale Price Maintenance 413
2.2.1 Introduction 413
2.2.2 Collective Resale Price Maintenance 414
2.2.3 Individual Resale Price Maintenance 415
2.2.4 Exemption by the Restrictive Practices Court 415
2.2.5 Enforcement 415
3.Monopolies 416
3.1 General 416
3.2 A Monopoly Situation Qualifying for Investigation 417
3.3 The Monopoly Reference,Investigation and Report 421
3.4 Powers of Minister Following a Report by the Commission 423
3.5 The Public Interest 424
3.5.1 Structural Monopoly and the Public Interest 426
3.5.2 Conduct and Performance 426
4.Merger Control 443
4.1 Introduction 443
4.2 Merger Situations Qualifying for Investigation 443
4.2.1 Definition of the Term 'Merger' 443
4.2.2 Mergers that Qualify for Investigation 445
4.3 The Reference,the Report and Action Following the Report 447
4.4 The Public Interest and Mergers 448
4.4.1 Introduction 448
4.4.2 Effects upon Competition 450
4.4.3 Other Specific Aspects of the Public Interest in Relation to Mergers 462
4.4.4 The Overall Impact of the Public Interest Test 464
5.The Competition Act 467
5.1 Introduction 467
5.2 Procedure 467
5.2.1 OFT Investigation 467
5.2.2 The Competition Reference 469
5.2.3 Orders Consequent on the Report 471
5.3 The Anti-competitive Practice 472
5.3.1 Selective Distribution Systems 472
5.3.2 Foreclosure of the Market to Competitors 473
5.3.3 Refusal to Supply 474
5.3.4 Pricing Policies 476
5.4 Efficiency Audits in the Public Sector 476
1.Introduction 479
2.Monopolies 482
2.1 The Term 'Monopoly' 482
2.1.1 Product Market Definition 484
2.1.2 Geographic Market Definition 486
2.1.3 Market Power 488
2.1.4 Non-structural Features that Establish Market Power 490
2.1.5 The Time-scale within which Market Power is to be Measured 495
2.1.6 The Use of Conduct Factors to Prove Monopoly or Dominance-A Final Comment 497
2.2 Monopolisation/Abuse 497
2.2.1 The Requirement for Intent 497
2.2.2 The Principal Elements in Monopolisation/Abuse 500
2.2.3 A Comparison of the Policy Objectives in Relation to Monopolisation/Abuse Control 513
2.2.4 Prevention and Control of Monopoly Power 513
2.2.5 Joint Monopoly and Oligopoly 528
2.3 Remedies for Monopolisation/Abuse 533
3.Mergers 541
3.1 Mergers within the Control 541
3.2 Pre-notification Requirements 543
3.3 Substantive Law of Merger Control 546
3.3.1 The Relevant Market 546
3.3.2 Common Criteria for all Mergers 550
3.3.3 Horizontal Mergers 556
3.3.4 Vertical Mergers 564
3.3.5 Conglomerate Mergers 568
3.3.6 Joint ventures 572
Index 581
Appendix A 1
Sherman Act 1890 (15 U.S.C.1 et seq.;26 Stat.209 et seq.) 1
Clayton Act 1914 (15 U.S.C.12 et seq.;38 Stat.730 et seq.) 3
Appendix B 1
Article 85(1) Treaty of Rome 1
Article 86 Treaty of Rome 1
Commission Regulation (EEC) No.556/89-Know-how Licensing Agreement 3
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 4087/88-Franchising Agreements 17
Council Regulation (EEC) No.4064/89-on the Control of Concentrations between Undertakings 25
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2367/90-Notifications,Time Limits and Hearings under Council Regulation (EEC) No.4064/89 on Control of Concentrations between Undertakings 37
Commission Notice 90/C203/05 regarding Restrictions Ancillary to Concentrations 57
Commission Notice 90/C203/06 regarding the Concentrative and Cooperative Operations under Council Regulation 4064/89 on Control of Concentrations between Undertakings 63
Text Commission draft paper on Joint Ventures iv/471/85-EN 69
Appendix C 1
Restraint of Competition Act 1989 (consolidated) 1
Appendix D 1
Competition Act 1980 (c.21) 1