Reshaping the criminal lawPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:edited by P. R. Glazebrook.
- 出 版 社:
- 出版年份:1978
- ISBN:042045540X
- 页数:492 页
"Glanville"&R.Y.Jennings, Q.C. 1
The Reports of the Criminal Law Commissioners (1833-1849) and the Abortive Bills of 1853&Sir Rupert Cross, D.C.L., F.B.A. 5
Form and Function in Criminal Law&D.A.Thomas 21
Uses and Misuses of the Jury&J.A.Andrews 37
Consistency, Communication and Codification—Reflections on Two Mens Rea Words&Edward Griew 57
Transferred Malice and Punishment for Unforeseen Consequences&A.J.Ashworth 77
On Actus Reus and Mens Rea&A.T.H.Smith 95
Situational Liability&P.R.Glazebrook 108
Aid, Abet, Counsel, or Procure&J.C.Smith, LL.D., F.B.A. 120
Defences in Double Harness&R.N.Gooderson 138
Offcial Secrecy and the Courts&D.G.T.Williams 154
On Modernising the Law of Sexual Offences&Brian Hogan 174
Detention Offences at Common Law&B.W.Napier 190
Pressure Groups and the Development of the Criminal Law&M.L.Friedland 202
Law Com.No.76—A Case Study in Criminal Law Reform&The Hon.Sir Derek Hodgson 240
The Press and the Reform of Criminal Libel&J.R.Spencer 266
Dialogues on the Theft Act&D.W.Elliott 287
Defects in Prosecuting—Professional Views in 1845&W.R.Cornish 305
The Admissibility of Answers to Police Questioning in Scotland&Sheriff G.H.Gordon, QC., LL.D. 317
The Right of Silence in the Police Station and the Caution&Michael Zander 344
The Integrity of Criminal Prosecutions—Watergate Echoes Beyond the Shores of the United States&J.Ll.J.Edwards, LL.D. 364
Punishing, Denouncing or Reducing Crime?&Nigel Walker, D.Litt. 391
An Analysis of Sentencing Authority&Colin Howard, LL.D. 404
A Plea for Shorter Prison Sentences&The Hon.Sir Brian MacKenna 422
Sentencing Reform in America&Michael H.Tonry Norval Morris 434
Glanville Williams: The Published Writings 1933-1977&P.R.Glazebrook 449
Table of Statutes 469
Table of Cases 473
Table of Reports, Working Papers and Draft Legislation 485
Index 487
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