Spaces of Justice in the Roman WorldPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:De Angelis
- 出 版 社:BRILL
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9004189256;9004189254
- 页数:436 页
Ius and Space: An Introduction&Francesco de Angelis 1
Civil Procedure in Classical Rome: Having an Audience with the Magistrate&Ernest Metzger 27
A Place for Jurists in the Spaces of Justice?&Kaius Tuori 43
Finding a Place for Law in the High Empire: Tacitus, Dialogus 39.1—4&Bruce Frier 67
The Urban Praetor’s Tribunal in the Roman Republic&Eric Kondratie 89
The Emperor’s Justice and its Spaces in Rome and Italy&Francesco de Angelis 127
The Forum of Augustus in Rome: Law and Order in Sacred Spaces Richard Neudecker 161
What Was the Forum Iulium Used for? The Fiscus and its Jurisdiction in First-Century CE Rome&Marco Maiuro 189
A Relief, Some Letters and the Centumviral Court&Leanne Bablitz 223
Spaces of Justice in Roman Egypt&Livia Capponi 251
The Setting and Staging of Christian Trials&Jean-Jacques Aubert 277
Kangaroo Courts: Displaced Justice in the Roman Novel&John Bodel 311
Chronotopes of Justice in the Greek Novel: Trials in Narrative Spaces&Saundra Schwartz 331
Bibliography 357
Index of Sources 391
Index of Names 415
Index of Places 421
Index of Subjects 427
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- 《云上的日子》(法)安托万·德·圣艾克絮佩里(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)著 2008
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