- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:OREGON
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:1849460531
- 页数:471 页
Part Ⅰ Introduction and Overview 3
1 Feminist Judgments: An Introduction&Rosemary Hunter, Clare McGlynn and Erika Rackley 3
2 An Account of Feminist Judging&Rosemary Hunter 30
3 The Art and Craft of Writing Judgments: Notes on the Feminist Judgments Project&Erika Rackley 44
Part Ⅱ Parenting 58
4 Evans v Amicus Healthcare Ltd 59
Commentary: Sally Sheldon 59
Judgment: Sonia Harris-Short 64
5 Re N (A Child) 83
Commentary: Emily Jackson 83
Judgment: Samantha Ashenden 89
6 Re G (Children) (Residence: Same-Sex Partner) 96
Commentary: Daniel Monk 96
Judgment: Alison Diduck 102
7 Re L (A Child) (Contact: Domestic Violence) 114
Commentary: Christine Piper 114
Judgment: Felicity Kaganas 120
8 Re A (Children) (Conjoined Twins: Surgical Separation) 134
Commentary: Richard Huxtable 134
Judgment: Geraldine Hastings 139
Part Ⅲ Property and Markets 149
9 Royal Bank of Scotland Plc v Etridge (No 2) 149
Commentary: Alison Diduck 149
Judgment: Rosemary Auchmuty 155
10 Porter v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis 170
Commentary: Maureen O'Sullivan 170
Judgment: Anna Grear 174
11 Baird Textile Holdings v Marks & Spencer Plc 184
Commentary: John Wightman 184
Judgment: Linda Mulcahy and Cathy Andrews 189
Part Ⅳ Criminal Law and Evidence 205
12 R v A (No 2) 205
Commentary: Louise Ellison 205
Judgment: Clare McGlynn 211
13 R v Stone and Dobinson 228
Commentary: Neil Cobb 228
Judgment: Lois Bibbings 234
14 R v Brown 241
Commentary: Matthew Weait and Rosemary Hunter 241
Judgment: Robin Mackenzie 247
15 R v Dhaliwal 255
Commentary: Mandy Burton 255
Judgment: Vanessa Munro and Sangeeta Shah 261
16 R v Zoora (Ghulam) Shah 273
Commentary: Susan Edwards 273
Judgment: Samia Bano and Pragna Patel 278
17 Attorney-General for Jersey v Holley 292
Commentary: Clare Connelly 292
Judgment: Susan Edwards 297
Part Ⅴ Public Law 311
18 YL v Birmingham City Council and Others 311
Commentary: Morag McDermont 311
Judgment: Helen Carr and Caroline Hunter 318
19 R (Begum) v Governors of Denbigh High School 329
Commentary: Holly Cullen 329
Judgment: Maleiha Malik 336
20 Sheffield City Council v E 346
Commentary: Jonathan Herring 346
Judgment: Nicola Barker and Marie Fox 351
21 R v Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trusty ex parte Glass 363
Commentary: Anne Morris 363
Judgment: Jo Bridgeman 369
Part Ⅵ Equality 381
22 Roberts v Hopwood 381
Commentary: Stephanie Palmer 381
Judgment: Harriet Samuels 387
23 Mundon v Del Monte Foods Ltd 401
Commentary: Gwyneth Pitt 401
Judgment: Rachel Horton and Grace James 407
24 James v Eastleigh Borough Council 414
Commentary: Joanne Conaghan 414
Judgment: Aileen McColgan 420
25 Wilkinson v Kitzinger 425
Commentary: Karon Monaghan 425
Judgment: Rosie Harding 430
26 EM (Lebanon) v Secretary of State for the Home Department 443
Commentary: Judy Walsh 443
Judgment: Karon Monaghan 449
Index 459
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