- 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:0314211292
- 页数:821 页
Chapter 1. The Nature of International Law 1
A.The History of International Law 1
B.An International Law Sampler 3
Chapter 2. Treaties 20
A.The Sources of International Law 20
B.A Treaty Sampler 22
C.The Law of Treaties 38
Chapter 3. Custom and the Non—consensual Sources of International Law 66
A.Customary International Law 66
B.General Principles of Law 99
C.Natural Law and Jus Cogens 108
D.Equity 122
Chapter 4. International Law and Municipal Law 147
A.Treaties in Municipal Law 147
B.Customary International Law in Municipal Law 206
Chapter 5. International Dispute Settlement 217
A.Public International Arbitration 217
B.The International Court 234
Chapter 6. Individuals and International Law 289
A.Individuals as Objects of International Law 289
B.Individuals as Subjects of International Law 313
C.International Human Rights Law 321
D.European Human Rights Law 327
Chapter 7. States and International Law 359
A.The Recognition and Succession of States and Governments 360
B.Self—Determination 394
Chapter 8. War, Peace, and the United Nations 418
A.The Use of Force and Article 2(4) 418
B.The United Nations 445
C.United Nations PeaceKeeping and Chapter Ⅶ Enforcement Actions 455
D.Legitimacy and Constitutional Reform of the Security Council 484
Chapter 9. International Regimes and Common Spaces 505
A.Antarctica 505
B.Outer Space 523
C.The Law of the Sea 531
D.Atmosphere and the Environment 583
Chapter 10. International Confict of Laws 609
A.Jurisdiction 609
B.Foreign Sovereign Immunity 658
C.The Act of State Doctrine 688
Appendix 709
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