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Reasonableness and law
Reasonableness and law

Reasonableness and lawPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:edited by Giorgio Bongiovanni
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:0 页
《Reasonableness and law》目录

Part Ⅰ Legal, Political and Constitutional Theory 5

a.The Reasonableness of the Law 5

The Reasonableness of Law&Robert Alexy 5

A Sufficientist Approach to Reasonableness in Legal Decision-Making and Judicial Review&Giovanni Sartor 17

Reasonableness, Common Sense, and Science&Alberto Artosi 69

b.The Moral and Political Dimension of Reasonableness 81

Reciprocity, Balancing and Proportionality: Rawls and Habermas on Moral and Political Reasonableness&Giorgio Bongiovanni and Chiara Valentini 81

Law, Liberty and Reason&Philip Pettit 109

Reasonableness and Value Pluralism in Law and Politics&Wojciech Sadurski 129

Global Legitimation and Reasonableness&Sebastiano Maffettone 147

Philip Pettit’s Law, Liberty and Reason: Republican Freedom and Criminal Justice&Luca Baccelli 163

c.Reasonableness in Constitutional Adjudication 173

Proportionality, Judicial Review, and Global Constitutionalism&Alec Stone Sweet and Jud Mathews 173

Constitutional Adjudication and the Principle of Reasonableness&Andrea Morrone 215

Some Critical Thoughts on Proportionality&Iddo Porat 243

Part Ⅱ Private, Public and International Law 255

a.Reasonableness in Private Law 255

Reasonable Persons in Private Law&Arthur Ripstein 255

The Reasonable Consumer under European and Italian Regulations on Unfair Business-to-Consumer Commercial Practices&Chiara Alvisi 283

b.Reasonableness in Administrative and Public Law 295

Reasonableness in Administrative Law&Giacinto della Cananea 295

Reasonableness in Administrative Law: A Comparative Reflection on Functional Equivalence&Michal Bobek 311

c.Reasonableness in Biolaw 329

Reasonableness, Bioethics,and Biolaw&Carla Faralli 329

Reasonableness in Biolaw: Is it Necessary?&Amedeo Santosuosso 337

Reasonableness and Biolaw&Stephanie Hennette-Vauchez 351

Reasonableness in Biolaw: The Criminal Law Perspective&Stefano Canestrari and Francesca Faenza 363

d.Reasonableness in EU and International Law 383

The Principle of Reasonableness in European Union Law&Adelina Adinol 383

An Evolving “Rule of Reason” in the European Market&Lucia Serena Rossi and Stephen J.Curzon 405

From State-Centered towards Constitutional “Public Reason” in Modern International Economic Law&Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann 421

Index of Names 459
