Advanced Crime Scene PhotographyPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Duncan
- 出 版 社:C R C Press LLC;Palgrave Macmillan [Distributor]
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9781420087895;1420087894
- 页数:315 页
1 Introduction 1
Review of Basic Photographic Concepts 2
Creating a Lasting Impression 5
Thinking Outside of the Box 7
Advanced Crime Scene Photography 10
2 Photography Equipment and Options 13
Cameras 13
Digital Versus Film 17
Lenses 19
Lens Filters and Attachments 20
Tripods and Other Camera Supports 21
Identification Markers 24
Electronic and Strobe Flashes 27
Cable Releases 28
Lens Attachments 30
Hard Cases, Soft Cases, and Backpacks 31
Conclusion 31
Additional Reading 32
3 Crime Scene Photography 33
Preparation and General Photography Tips 33
Capturing the Impossible Shot 36
Kodak's Top Ten Tips for Better Photographs 40
Bracketing 51
Overall Crime Scene Photography 53
Panoramic View Compositions 55
Mid-Range or Relationship Photography 56
Depth of Field 57
Adding Artistic Flair 60
Close-Up Photography 61
Close-Focused Images Recorded at the Crime Scene 61
Close-Up Images Captured after Leaving the Crime Scene 66
Summary 71
Additional Reading 72
4 Examination Quality Photographs 73
Scales 74
Fingerprint Photography 78
Footwear and Tire Wear Impressions Photography 87
Two-Dimensional Impressions 88
Three-Dimensional Impressions 92
Digital Imaging and Examination Quality Photographs 98
Conclusion 101
Additional Reading 101
5 Nighttime and Low-Light Photography 103
Attributes of Light 104
Reciprocity Failure 116
Working Low-Light and Nighttime Crime Scenes 120
Summary 129
Additional Reading 129
6 Flash Photography 131
Guide Numbers 131
Flash Operation 137
Built-In or Pop-Up Flashes 140
Off-the-Camera Electronic Flash Photography 142
Benefits of Flash Photography 143
Detriments of Flash Photography 146
Using Electronic Flash in Low-Light Conditions 150
Directionality of Light from Electronic Flashes 154
Conclusion 162
Additional Reading 162
7 Painting-With-Light 163
Types of Lighting 164
Electronic Flashes 164
Flashlights 176
Small Flashlights for Small Subjects 185
Alternate Light Sources 187
Conclusion 189
Additional Reading 190
8 Bloodstain Photography 191
Complete Scene Documentation 191
Photographing Bloodstains on Difficult Surfaces 199
Electronic Flash and Bloodstain Evidence 202
Glass and Blood 205
The Magically Disappearing Bloodstain 207
Close Focusing 210
Luminol and Other Chemiluminescent Blood Reagents 213
Bloodstains and Colored Substratum 216
Laser Levels and Bloodstain Documentation 218
Conclusion 221
Additional Reading 221
9 Photography of Shooting Incidents 223
Documenting Crime Scenes 223
Rods, Strings, and Lasers 242
Trajectory Rods 242
Strings 247
Lasers 250
Daytime Laser Reconstruction 266
Conclusion 269
Additional Reading 270
10 Ultraviolet and Infrared Photography 271
Ultraviolet Photography 272
Forgery and Document Alterations 278
Fibers and Other Trace Evidence 280
Gunpowder Residue 282
Semen, Blood, and Other Bodily Fluids 284
Bruises and Bite Marks 287
Fingerprint Enhancements 292
Osseous Matter 295
Infrared Photography 296
Forgery and Document Alterations 302
Tattoo Documentation 302
Bloodstain Documentation 304
Gunshot Residue 305
Conclusion 306
Additional Reading 308
Index 309
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- 《欧洲文化概况》Duncan Sidwell (英)著 2008
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- 《体育运动中的筋膜松解术》露丝·邓肯(Ruth Duncan) 2018
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