- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:LTD.
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:1584776633
- 页数:336 页
CHAP.Ⅰ.OF the different Forms of Government in Rome. 1
CHAP.Ⅱ. Of the Roman Law under the Regal Government. 2
CHAP.Ⅲ. Of the Free State of Reme in its Infancy, and the Creation of Confuls. 6
CHAP.Ⅳ. Of the Creation of Tribunes of the Peo-Ple. 8
CHAP.Ⅴ.Of the Decemviri, and Law of the Twelve Tables. 11
CHAr.Ⅵ. Of the Confequences that attended the Law of the Twelve Tables. 12
CHAP.Ⅶ.Of the Laws. 14
CHAp.Ⅷ.Of the Plebifcita 15
CHAP.Ⅸ.Of the Interpretation o f the Lawyers. 16
CHAP.Ⅹ. Of the PraetOr’s Edi?ts, 19
CHAP.Ⅺ. Of the Roman Law under the Emperors, 22
CHAP.Ⅻ. The Succeffion of the Emperors to Jufti-nian 24
CHAP.ⅩⅢ. Of the Emperor Juftinian, 34
CHAP.ⅩⅣ. Of the Roman Senate, 37
CHAP.ⅩⅤ.Of the Senatus-Confulta, 42
CHAP.ⅩⅥ. Of the Lawyers Anfwers, 48
CHAP. ⅩⅦ Of the moft celebrated Roman Lawyers, 51
CHAP. ⅩⅧ.Of the Law-Books before Juftinian’s Time, 64
CHAP. ⅩⅨ. O f Juftinian’s Code, 68
CHAP.ⅩⅩ. Of the Digefts or Pande?ts, 73
CHAP. ⅩⅪ. Of Juftinian’s Inftitutes, 85
CHAP.ⅩⅫ. Of the Second Edition of Juftinian’s Code, 93
CHAP. ⅩⅩⅢ.Of Juftinian’s latter Conftitutions, called Novels, 96
CHAP. ⅩⅩⅣ.Of the Law obferv’d in the Eaf, af- ter Juftinian’s Death, 103
CHAP.ⅩⅩⅤ. Of the Law obferv’d in the Weft, af- ter Juftinian’s Death, 105
CHAP. ⅩⅩⅥ Of the Ufe of the Roman Law in France, 107
CHAP.ⅩⅩⅦ The Decretal Epiftle Super-fpecula explain’d, 115
CHAP.ⅩⅩⅧ.The Sixty nintHArticle of the Or- donnance of Blois explain’d, 124
CHAP. ⅩⅩⅨ.Of the Excellency of the Roman Law, 130
CHAP.ⅩⅩⅩ. Of the moft celebrated Interpreters of the Roman Law, 143