Modern pharmaceuticsPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:[edited by] Gilbert S. Banker
- 出 版 社:M. Dekker
- 出版年份:1979
- ISBN:0824768337
- 页数:825 页
1 Drug Products:Their Role in the Treatment of Disease,Their Quality,and Their Current and Future Status as Drug Delivery Systems&Gilbert S.Banker 1
2 Principles of Drug Absorption&Michael Mayersohn 23
3 Pharmacokinetics&Lewis W.Dittert and David W.A.Bourne 87
4 Factors Influencing Drug Absorption and Drug Availability&Betty-ann Hoener and Leslie Z.Benet 143
5 The Effect of Route of Administration and Distribution on Drug Action&Leslie Z.Benet 183
6 Preformulation&Douglas S.Greene 211
7 Chemical Kinetics and Drug Stability&Ho-Leung Fung 227
8 Topical Drug Absorption and Topical Pharmaceutical Systems&Gordon L.Flynn 263
9 Disperse Systems:Solubilized Products,Suspensions,and Emulsions&Christopher T.Rhodes 329
10 Solid Oral Dosage Forms&Keith Marshall 359
11 Parenteral Products&James C.Boylan and Alan L.Fites 429
12 Design and Evaluation of Ophthalmic Pharmaceutical Products&Gerald Hecht,Robert E.Roehrs,and Charles D.Shively 479
13 Depot Medication&John A.Hersey 565
14 Aerosol Packaging of Pharmaceuticals&Paul A.Sanders 591
15 The Packaging of Pharmaceuticals&Dixie A.Dean and Paul L.Corby 627
16 Appraisal of Drug Product Quality and Performance&Stanley L.Hem and Roger G.Stoll 649
17 Optimization Techniques in Pharmaceutical Formulation and Processing&Joseph B.Schwartz 711
18 The Food and Drug Laws Which Affect Drug Product Design,Manufacture,and Distribution&Garnet E.Peck 735
19 A View to the Future&Gilbert S.Banker and Christopher T.Rhodes 769
Author Index 785
Subject Index 809
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