- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:
- 出版年份:1976
- ISBN:9028600760
- 页数:252 页
Part Ⅰ: International Economic Law 1
Chapter 1. The role of the European Court of Justice in the harmonisation and unification of European law,&by professor Henry G. Schermers 3
Chapter 2. Regional integration in Central and Latin America: a progress report&by professor Allan R. Brewer-Carias 13
Chapter 3. Universalism and regionalism in international economic and trade law: the experience of Latin America&by dr. F. V. Garcia-Amador 35
Chapter 4. Regional integration in the Caribbean and the Commonwealth&by Sir Hugh Wooding 45
Chapter 5. The East African Economic Community and the European Economic Communities (EEC)&by professor Kenneth R. Simmonds 59
Part Ⅱ: International Trade Law 75
A. Universal and Regional Organisations 75
Chapter 6. The reconciliation of international and national codifications of international trade law&by professor John O. Honnold 77
Chapter 7. The contribution of universal and regional organisations to the development of international trade law&by mr. Mario Matteucci 85
Chapter 8. The contribution of the European Economic Community to the development of international trade law&by dr. Hans C. Ficker 93
Chapter 9. The Uniform Commercial Code and the global unification of international trade law&by professor E. Allan Farnsworth 97
Chapter 10. The unification measures of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance and the national regulation of international trade law by its members&by professor Jerzy Jakubowski 105
Chapter 11. The international trade code of Czechoslovakia&by professor Pavel Kalensky 111
B. International Sales 125
Chapter 12. The need for universal unification of the law of international sales&by professor Andre Tunc 127
Chapter 13. The Hague uniform laws of international sales&by professor Freiherr Wolfgang Marschall von Bieberstein 137
C. International Carriage by Sea 145
Chapter 14. Universalism and regionalism in the law of carriage by sea&by professor Kurt Gronfors 147
Chapter 15. Universalism and regionalism in the law of carriage by sea: the IMCO experience&by mr. Thomas A. Mensah 155
D. International Commercial Arbitration 169
Chapter 16. Universalism and regionalism in international commercial arbitration&by professor Clive M. Schmitthoff 171
Chapter 17. Permanent and ad hoc arbitration tribunals&by professor Aleksandar Goldstajn 183
E. International Trade Law and World Peace 199
Chapter 18. The universal and regional harmonisation of international trade law as a means of maintaining world peace&by professor Fritz Fabricius 201
Index of Authors and Editors 227
Subject Index 229