The integrity of the judgePDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Jonathan Soeharno.
- 出 版 社:
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9780754674092;9780754691242
- 页数:165 页
1 Is Judicial Integrity a Norm? 1
1.Introduction 1
2.The Rise of the Concept of the Integrity of the Judge 1
3.The Normative Framework: Democracy, Rule of Law and Integrity 20
4.Conclusion 23
2 A Theory of Professional Integrity 27
1.Introduction 27
2.Three Practice Examples 27
3.Towards a Theory of Integrity 31
4.Conclusion 45
3 Integrity in Judicial Decision-Making 47
1.Introduction 47
2.A Virtue Ethical Approach to Integrity in Judicial Decision-Making 48
3.Integrity as External Accountability with Respect to Judicial Decision-Making 69
4.Conclusion 73
4 Integrity in the Conduct of Judges 77
1.Introduction 77
2.Integrity in Judicial Conduct 77
3.Integrity in Non-Judicial Conduct 91
4.The Relation Between Integrity in Judicial Decision-Making and Integrity in Conduct 96
5.Integrity in Conduct as a Generic Norm 97
6.Conclusion 98
5 Safeguarding Judicial Integrity - Parameters 101
1.Introduction 101
2.Parameters for Safeguarding 102
3.Safeguarding Judicial Integrity in Practice 111
4.Conclusion 137
Conclusion The Integrity of the Judge: A Philosophical Inquiry 139
References 143
Index 159
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