Hands on ChemistryPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Jeffrey Paradis
- 出 版 社:Inc
- 出版年份:2006
- 页数:308 页
1) What's the matter? The Nature of the World Around Us 1
2) The Properties of Some Common Metals: Why NASA Needs Chemistry 11
3) Alchemy and the Origins of Modern Chemistry: All that Glitters Isn't Gold 21
4) Classification of Matter: Basic Separation Techniques 29
5) Measurement and Proper Use of Laboratory Glassware 39
6) Chemical Nomenclature, Part I: Naming Ionic Compounds 51
7) Understanding the Basics: The Mole and Counting Atoms 69
8) Limiting reactants: How Much BaSO4 Can We Make? 77
9) Electrolytes in Solution: Completing the Circuit 87
10) If You are Not Part of the Solution: Precipitation Reactions 97
11) An Introduction to Oxidation-Reduction Chemistry: The Breath Analyzer 105
12) Say “Cheese”: Cyanotype Photography as a Redox Reaction 115
13) A Titration for the Determination of Ions in Water: The Hard Truth 123
14) Spectrophotometric Analysis: Phosphates in Water 135
15) Discovering the Gas Laws 145
16) Gas Stoichiometry: The Automobile Airbag 155
17) Introduction to Thermochemistry: Using a Calorimeter 167
18) Calorimetry: Nutrition in a Nutshell 175
19) Hess's law: A Study of the Combustion of Magnesium 185
20) Chemical Nomenclature, Part Ⅱ: Naming Organic Compounds 193
21) Introduction to Organic Analysis: Infrared Spectroscopy 205
22) Colligative Properties: Analysis of Freezing Point Depression 223
23) Introduction to Kinetics: Factors That Affect the Rate of Reaction 233
24) Determining the Rate Law: A Kinetics Study of the Iodination of Acetone 247
25) Determining the Equilibrium Constant of a Complex 255
26) Le Chatelier's Principle: Stress Management 265
27) Chemistry of the Kitchen: Acids and Bases 273
28) The Properties of Buffers: Resisting Change in a Turbulent World 285
29) Electrochemistry: An Introduction to Voltaic Cells 295
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