- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:OREGON
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:1841138924
- 页数:226 页
Introduction 1
1. Foreign Money in English Courts: The Impact of Miliangos 14
Ⅰ. Introduction 14
Ⅱ. Before Miliangos 17
Ⅲ. Miliangos: A Landmark Judgment 25
Ⅳ. Post-Miliangos Developments 33
A. Contract 35
B. Tort 48
C. Restitution 52
D. Insolvency 54
E. Interest 55
F. The Current Scene 57
Ⅴ. Damages for Foreign-Exchange Losses 58
2. Damages Assessment Problems and Foreign Currency 67
Ⅰ. The Currency of Judgment 68
Ⅱ. Foreign-Exchange Losses 83
3. The Commonwealth 88
Ⅰ. Africa 90
Ⅱ. Scotland 94
Ⅲ. Canada 98
Ⅳ. Australia 124
Ⅴ. Singapore 129
Ⅵ. Malaysia 131
Ⅶ. Hong Kong 133
Ⅷ. Cyprus 134
Ⅸ. India 135
Ⅹ. New Zealand 138
Ⅺ. Concluding Observation on Commonwealth Developments 142
4. The United States of America 144
Ⅰ. Early Days 146
Ⅱ. The Conflict of Laws Approach 150
Ⅲ. The Influence of Miliangos 162
A. The Third Restatement 165
B. New York State: The City Bar Report and Subsequent Legislation 168
C. The Uniform Foreign-Money Claims Act 172
Ⅳ. An Overview of the Current Scene 179
5. International Perspectives 183
6. Closing Observations 212
Index 216
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