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40 Years of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
40 Years of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

40 Years of the Vienna Convention on the Law of TreatiesPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:
  • 出 版 社:British Institute of International & Comparative Law
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9781905221431;1905221436
  • 页数:206 页
《40 Years of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties》目录

1.Reflections on the Treaty as a Law-making Instrument&Alan Boyle 1

2.Not Re-visiting the Concept of Treaty&Jan Klabbers 29

3.Amendment of Treaties&Anthony Aust 41

4.Dynamic (Evolutive) Interpretation of Treaties and the European Court of Human Rights&Malgosia Fitzmaurice 55

5.The Role of Preparatory Work in Treaty Interpretation&Richard Gardiner 97

6.The Recent Practice on the Principles of Treaty Interpretation&Alexander Orakhelashvili 117

7.Plurilingual Treaties: Aspects of Interpretation&Paul Eden 155

8.International Organizations and Treaties: Ratification and (Non)-implementation of the Other Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties&Mary E Footer 183

Conclusion&Alexander Orakhelashvili 205
