- 电子书积分:26 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:013101367X
- 页数:1026 页
Chapter 1 Introduction to Engineering Principles and Units 3
1.1 Classification of Transport Processes and Separation Processes (Unit Operations) 3
1.2 SI System of Basic Units Used in This Text and Other Systems 5
1.3 Methods of Expressing Temperatures and Compositions 7
1.4 Gas Laws and Vapor Pressure 9
1.5 Conservation of Mass and Material Balances 12
1.6 Energy and Heat Units 16
1.7 Conservation of Energy and Heat Balances 22
1.8 Numerical Methods for Integration 26
Chapter 2 Principles of Momentum Transfer and Overall Balances 34
2.1 Introduction 34
2.2 Fluid Statics 35
2.3 General Molecular Transport Equation for Momentum,Heat,and Mass Transfer 43
2.4 Viscosity of Fluids 47
2.5 Types of Fluid Flow and Reynolds Number 51
2.6 Overall Mass Balance and Continuity Equation 54
2.7 Overall Energy Balance 60
2.8 Overall Momentum Balance 74
2.9 Shell Momentum Balance and Velocity Profile in Laminar Flow 83
2.10 Design Equations for Laminar and Turbulent Flow in Pipes 88
2.11 Compressible Flow of Gases 107
Chapter 3 Principles of Momentum Transfer and Applications 121
3.1 Flow Past Immersed Objects and Packed and Fluidized Beds 121
3.2 Measurement of Flow of Fluids 136
3.3 Pumps and Gas-Moving Equipment 144
3.4 Agitation and Mixing of Fluids and Power Requirements 154
3.5 Non-Newtonian Fluids 169
3.6 Differential Equations of Continuity 183
3.7 Differential Equations of Momentum Transfer or Motion 188
3.8 Use of Differential Equations of Continuity and Motion 193
3.9 Other Methods for Solution of Differential Equations of Motion 202
3.10 Boundary-Layer Flow and Turbulence 209
3.11 Dimensional Analysis in Momentum Transfer 221
Chapter 4 Principles of Steady-State Heat Transfer 235
4.1 Introduction and Mechanisms of Heat Transfer 235
4.2 Conduction Heat Transfer 241
4.3 Conduction Through Solids in Series 244
4.4 Steady-State Conduction and Shape Factors 256
4.5 Forced Convection Heat Transfer Inside Pipes 259
4.6 Heat Transfer Outside Various Geometries in Forced Convection 271
4.7 Natural Convection Heat Transfer 277
4.8 Boiling and Condensation 283
4.9 Heat Exchangers 291
4.10 Introduction to Radiation Heat Transfer 301
4.11 Advanced Radiation Heat-Transfer Principles 307
4.12 Heat Transfer of Non-Newtonian Fluids 323
4.13 Special Heat-Transfer Coefficients 326
4.14 Dimensional Analysis in Heat Transfer 335
4.15 Numerical Methods for Steady-State Conduction in Two Dimensions 337
Chapter 5 Principles of Unsteady-State Heat Transfer 357
5.1 Derivation of Basic Equation 357
5.2 Simplified Case for Systems with Negligible Internal Resistance 359
5.3 Unsteady-State Heat Conduction in Various Geometries 361
5.4 Numerical Finite-Difference Methods for Unsteady-State Conduction 378
5.5 Chilling and Freezing of Food and Biological Materials 388
5.6 Differential Equation of Energy Change 393
5.7 Boundary-Layer Flow and Turbulence in Heat Transfer 399
Chapter 6 Principles of Mass Transfer 410
6.1 Introduction to Mass Transfer and Diffusion 410
6.2 Molecular Diffusion in Gases 414
6.3 Molecular Diffusion in Liquids 427
6.4 Molecular Diffusion in Biological Solutions and Gels 436
6.5 Molecular Diffusion in Solids 440
6.6 Numerical Methods for Steady-State Molecular Diffusion in Two Dimensions 446
Chapter 7 Principles of Unsteady-State and Convective Mass Transfer 459
7.1 Unsteady-State Diffusion 459
7.2 Convective Mass-Transfer Coefficients 466
7.3 Mass-Transfer Coefficients for Various Geometries 473
7.4 Mass Transfer to Suspensions of Small Particles 487
7.5 Molecular Diffusion Plus Convection and Chemical Reaction 490
7.6 Diffusion of Gases in Porous Solids and Capillaries 499
7.7 Numerical Methods for Unsteady-State Molecular Diffusion 506
7.8 Dimensional Analysis in Mass Transfer 511
7.9 Boundary-Layer Flow and Turbulence in Mass Transfer 512
Chapter 8 Evaporation 527
8.1 Introduction 527
8.2 Types of Evaporation Equipment and Operation Methods 529
8.3 Overall Heat-Transfer Coefficients in Evaporators 533
8.4 Calculation Methods for Single-Effect Evaporators 534
8.5 Calculation Methods for Multiple-Effect Evaporators 541
8.6 Condensers for Evaporators 550
8.7 Evaporation of Biological Materials 551
8.8 Evaporation Using Vapor Recompression 553
Chapter 9 Drying of Process Materials 559
9.1 Introduction and Methods of Drying 559
9.2 Equipment for Drying 560
9.3 Vapor Pressure of Water and Humidity 564
9.4 Equilibrium Moisture Content of Materials 572
9.5 Rate-of-Drying Curves 575
9.6 Calculation Methods for Constant-Rate Drying Period 580
9.7 Calculation Methods for Falling-Rate Drying Period 585
9.8 Combined Convection,Radiation,and Conduction Heat Transfer in Constant-Rate Period 588
9.9 Drying in Falling-Rate Period by Diffusion and Capillary Flow 591
9.10 Equations for Various Types of Dryers 597
9.11 Freeze-Drying of Biological Materials 607
9.12 Unsteady-State Thermal Processing and Sterilization of Biological Materials 611
Chapter 10 Stage and Continuous Gas-Liquid Separation Processes 625
10.1 Types of Separation Processes and Methods 625
10.2 Equilibrium Relations Between Phases 627
10.3 Single and Multiple Equilibrium Contact Stages 629
10.4 Mass Transfer Between Phases 636
10.5 Continuous Humidifiication Processes 645
10.6 Absorption in Plate and Packed Towers 653
10.7 Absorption of Concentrated Mixtures in Packed Towers 680
10.8 Estimation of Mass-Transfer Coefficients for Packed Towers 684
10.9 Heat Effects and Temperature Variations in Absorption 687
Chapter 11 Vapor-Liquid Separation Processes 696
11.1 Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Relations 696
11.2 Single-Stage Equilibrium Contact for Vapor-Liquid System 699
11.3 Simple Distillation Methods 700
11.4 Distillation with Reflux and McCabe-Thiele Method 706
11.5 Distillation and Absorption Efficiencies for Tray and Packed Towers 724
11.6 Fractional Distillation Using Enthalpy-Concentration Method 731
11.7 Distillation of Multicomponent Mixtures 740
Chapter 12 Liquid-Liquid and Fluid-Solid Separation Processes 760
12.1 Introduction to Adsorption Processes 760
12.2 Batch Adsorption 763
12.3 Design of Fixed-Bed Adsorption Columns 764
12.4 Ion-Exchange Processes 771
12.5 Single-Stage Liquid-Liquid Extraction Processes 776
12.6 Types of Equipment and Design for Liquid-Liquid Extraction 782
12.7 Continuous Multistage Countercurrent Extraction 791
12.8 Introduction and Equipment for Liquid-Solid Leaching 802
12.9 Equilibrium Relations and Single-Stage Leaching 809
12.10 Countercurrent Multistage Leaching 812
12.11 Introduction and Equipment for Crystallization 817
12.12 Crystallization Theory 823
Chapter 13 Membrane Separation Processes 840
13.1 Introduction and Types of Membrane Separation Processes 840
13.2 Liquid Permeation Membrane Processes or Dialysis 841
13.3 Gas Permeation Membrane Processes 845
13.4 Complete-Mixing Model for Gas Separation by Membranes 851
13.5 Complete-Mixing Model for Multicomponent Mixtures 856
13.6 Cross-Flow Model for Gas Separation by Membranes 858
13.7 Derivation of Equations for Countercurrent and Cocurrent Flow for Gas Separation for Membranes 864
13.8 Derivation of Finite-Difference Numerical Method for Asymmetric Membranes 872
13.9 Reverse-Osmosis Membrane Processes 883
13.10 Applications,Equipment,and Models for Reverse Osmosis 888
13.11 Ultrafiltration Membrane Processes 892
13.12 Microfiltration Membrane Processes 896
Chapter 14 Mechanical-Physical Separation Processes 903
14.1 Introduction and Classification of Mechanical-Physical Separation Processes 903
14.2 Filtration in Solid-Liquid Separation 904
14.3 Settling and Sedimentation in Particle-Fluid Separation 919
14.4 Centrifugal Separation Processes 932
14.5 Mechanical Size Reduction 944
Appendix 955
Appendix A.1 Fundamental Constants and Conversion Factors 955
Appendix A.2 Physical Properties of Water 959
Appendix A.3 Physical Properties of Inorganic and Organic Compounds 969
Appendix A.4 Physical Properties of Foods and Biological Materials 992
Appendix A.5 Properties of Pipes,Tubes,and Screens 996
Notation 999
Index 1009
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