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Economic Regulation and Competition Regulation of Services in the EU
Economic Regulation and Competition Regulation of Services in the EU

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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Germany and Japan
  • 出 版 社:Kluwer Law International
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:904111968X
  • 页数:331 页
《Economic Regulation and Competition Regulation of Services in the EU》目录

Economic Regulation in Market Economies&Jurgen Basedow, Hamburg 1

Part 1: Regulation of Banking Services 25

Regulation of Banking Services in the European Union: A Comparative View&Johannes Kondgen, Bonn 27

Regulation of Banking Services: The Japanese Perspective&Takashi Kubota, Nagoya 75

The Regulation of Banking Services in Germany&Dietrich Schilling, Bonn 97

Part 2: Regulation of Exchange and Investment Services 109

New Challenges for Stock Exchanges, Investment Firms, and Other Market Participants&Susanne Kalss, Klagenfurt 111

Regulation of Exchanges and Investment Services: A Japanese Perspective&Hideki Kanda, Tokyo 151

Part 3: Regulation of Insurance Services 165

Regulation of Insurance Services: The European Perspective&Wulf-Henning Roth, Bonn 167

Regulation of Insurance Services: The Japanese Perspective&Koji Kinoshita, Osaka 189

The Role of the IAIS in Insurance Regulation&Knut Hohlfeld, Basel 211

Part 4: Regulation of Telecommunications Services 217

European Telecommunications Law: Unaffected by Globalization?&Christoph Engel, Bonn 219

Regulating Telecommunications Services: Globalization in View of Japan&Yasuo Hasebe, Tokyo 253

Statement on the Regulation of Telecommuncations Services&Klaus-Dieter Scheurle, Frankfurt/Main 265

Part 5: Aspects of Private International Law 269

Conflicts of Law in the Financial Services Markets&Anton K. Schnyder, Basel 271

Deregulation in the Field of Securities Law and Private International Law from a Japanese Perspective&Toshiyuki Kono, Fukuoka 287

Concluding Remarks and Summary of Discussions 303

Transsectoral Issues of Regulation - Concluding Remarks on Banking, Capital Market, Insurance, and Telecommunications Regulation&Klaus J. Hopt, Hamburg 305

Summary of Discussions&Harald Baum, Hamburg 321

Index 327
