- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:谯汉生等主编
- 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7502135022
- 页数:312 页
第一章 中国东部陆缘区域构造与中、新生代盆地构造 1
1.1 Current Situation of Study on the Structure of Continental Margin in East China and the Main Schools of Research 1
1.1.1 Current Situation of Study on the Structure of Continental Margin in East China 1
Chapter 1 Regional Tectonics in Continental Margin of East China and the Structure of Mesozoic-Cenozoic Basins 1
第一节 东部陆缘区构造研究现状与主要学术观点 1
一、东部陆缘区构造研究现状 1
1.1.2 Representatives of Divisions of Tectonic Units in Continental Margin of East China 2
二、东部陆缘区大地构造单元划分代表性观点 2
1.2 Tectonics of Pre-Mesozoic in Continental Margin of East China 3
第二节 东部陆缘区前中生代大地构造 3
1.2.1 Tectonic Units of Pre-Mesozoic 3
一、东部陆缘区前中生代大地构造单元 3
1.2.2 The Patchwork of Geoblock with Platform before Mesozoic 8
二、东部陆缘区前中生代地块—板块的拼接 8
1.3 Structure of Mesozoic-Cenozoic Basins in Continental Margin of East China 11
1.3.1 Stratigraphic Sequences of the Main Mesozoic-Cenozoic Sedimentary Basins and Their Vicinities 11
1.3.2 Tectonic Layers of the Main Mesozoic-Cenozoic Sedimentary Basins and Their Vicinities 11
第三节 东部陆缘区中、新生代盆地构造 11
一、中、新生代主要沉积盆地及邻区地层层序 11
二、中、新生代主要沉积盆地及邻区构造层 11
三、中、新生代主要沉积盆地火山—盆地旋回与成因机制分析 16
1.3.3 Analysis of Volcano-Basin Cycle and Its Mechanism of the Main Mesozoic-Cenozoic Sedimentary Basins 16
1.4 Deep Structure and Crustal Structure of the Main Mesozoic-Cenozoic Basins in Continental Margin of East China 37
1.4.1 Deep Structure and Crustal Structure of Songliao Basin 37
第四节 东部陆缘区中、新生代裂谷盆地深层构造与地壳构造 37
一、松辽盆地深层构造与地壳构造 37
二、渤海湾盆地深层构造与地壳构造 46
1.4.2 Deep Structure and Crustal Structure of Bohai Bay Basin 46
2.1 The Distribution of Petroliferous Lake Basins in Time and Space Were Controlled by Tectonic and Weather Evolution 60
第二章 中国东部裂谷深层油气生成 60
第一节 构造与古气候演变控制东部成烃湖盆时空分布 60
一、早古生代陆表海与局限海沉积 60
二、晚古生代海退序列含煤沉积 60
Chapter 2 Petroleum Formation in the Deep Horizon of the Rift Basins in East China 60
2.1.2 Coal-Bearing Deposits with Seaward Sedimentary Sequence in Late Paleozoic Period 60
2.1.1 Epeiric and Restricted Sea Deposits in Early Paleozoic Period 60
2.1.3 Lacustrine Deposits in Intracontinental Depression in Trassic Period 61
三、三叠纪内陆坳陷湖盆沉积 61
2.1.6 Intracontinental and Offshore Deposits in Late Cretaceous Period 62
2.1.4 Coal-Bearing Deposits in Faulted Depression in Early and Middle Jurassic Periods 62
2.1.5 Lacustrine Deposits in Faulted Depression in Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Periods 62
四、早、中侏罗世断陷含煤沉积 62
五、晚侏罗世—早白垩世断陷湖盆沉积 62
六、中、晚白垩世内陆与近海坳陷沉积 62
七、第三纪内陆与近海断陷沉积 65
第二节 渤海湾盆地深层油气生成基础与烃源岩评价 65
2.2.1 Comprehensive Evaluation of Tertiary Lacustrine Source Rock in Deep Horizon 65
2.2 Foundation for Petroleum Generation in Deep Horizon of Bohai Bay Basin and its Source Rock Evaluation 65
2.1.7 Intracontinental and Offshore Faulted Depression Deposits in Teriary Period 65
一、第三系深层湖相烃源岩综合评价 65
二、上古生界煤系烃源岩生烃条件研究 81
2.2.2 Hydrocarbon Generation of the Source Rock in Upper Paleozoic Coal Measures 81
2.2.3 Hydrocarbon Generation of Lower Paleozoic Carbonate Source Rock 100
三、下古生界碳酸盐岩生烃性研究 100
2.3 Foundation for Petroleum Generation in Deep Horizon of Songliao Basin and Its Source Rock Evaluation 113
2.3.1 Evaluation of Lacustrine-Swamp Source Rock in Lower Cretaceous 113
一、早白垩世湖沼相烃源岩评价 113
第三节 松辽盆地深层油气生成基础与烃源岩评价 113
2.3.2 Hydrocarbon Generation of the Permian-Carboniferous Source Rock 122
二、石炭—二叠系生烃性研究 122
2.4 Generation and Phase of Hydrocarbon under High Temperature and Pressure 129
2.4.1 Factors Controlling over Hydrocarbon Generation and Its Phase Distribution 129
一、油气生成与相带分布的控制因素 129
第四节 高温高压生烃与相带分布 129
2.4.2 Overpressure to Slowdown the Hydrocarbon Generation and Let the Generation Window Migrate Downwards 131
二、异常高压使热演化生烃速率降低、液态窗下移 131
三、高温高压下水的加入可使液态烃产率增加、总烃量减少 133
2.4.3 Participation of Water in the Action of Petroleum Generation May Increase the Productivity of Liquid Hydrocarbon but Decrease That of Total Hydrocarbon. 133
2.5 Organic Geochemistry of Secondary Hydrocarbon Generation of Paleozoic Source Rocks 136
2.5.1 The Retardation of Secondary Hydrocarbon Generation 136
一、二次生烃具“迟滞性” 136
第五节 古生界烃源岩二次生烃有机地球化学特征 136
2.5.2 Productivity and Production of Secondary Hydrocarbon Generation Are Controlled by Its Start and End Organic Maturation 137
二、二次生烃率与累积生烃量取决于起始成熟度与终止成熟度 137
2.5.3 Composition and Phases of Hydrocarbon from Secondary Hydrocarbon Generation Differ from Those of An Uninterrupted Primary Action 140
三、二次生烃烃类组成与相态不同于一次连续生烃 140
2.5.4 Evolution of Secondary Hydrocarbon Generation Is Mainly Controlled by the Organic Dynamic Mechanism 143
四、二次生烃演化主要受控于活化能反应动力学机制 143
Chapter 3 Reservoir Rocks in the Deep Horizon of the Rift Basins in East China 149
3.1 Clastic Reservoir Rocks of Mesozoic-Cenozoic in the Deep Horizon of Rift Basins in East China 149
3.1.1 Basic Characteristics of Clastic Reservoir Rocks of Mesozoic-Cenozoic in the Deep Horizon 149
一、中、新生界深层碎屑岩基本特征 149
第一节 东部裂谷中、新生界深层碎屑岩储层 149
第三章 中国东部裂谷深层储层 149
3.1.2 Diagenesis Controls the Formation and Occurrence of Secondary Porosity Belt 162
二、成岩作用控制次生孔隙发育带形成和分布 162
三、深层碎屑岩储层识别和预测研究新方法 182
3.1.3 New Methods to Identify and Predicate the Clastic Reservoir Rocks in Deep Horizon 182
一、火山岩分布特征 208
第二节 东部裂谷深层火山岩储层 208
3.2.1 Distribution of Volcanic Rocks 208
3.2 Volcanic Reservoir Rocks in Deep Horizon of the Rift Basins in East China 208
3.2.2 Lithology of Volcanic Reservoir Rocks 211
二、火山岩储层岩石学特征 211
3.2.3 Petrous Texture and Lithofacies of Volcanic Rocks 218
三、火山岩机构和岩相特征 218
3.2.4 Technique and Methods to Evaluate the Volcanic Reservoir Rocks 223
四、火山岩储层评价技术及方法 223
3.3.1 Characteristics of Lower Paleozoic Carbonate Reservoir Rocks 231
3.3 Lower Paleozoic Carbonate Reservoir Rocks in Bohai Bay Basin 231
一、下古生界碳酸盐岩储层特征 231
第三节 渤海湾盆地下古生界碳酸盐岩储层 231
3.3.2 The Storage Space (Pore, Cave and Fracture) in Lower Paleozoic Carbonate Reservoir Rocks 234
二、下古生界碳酸盐岩孔、洞、缝储集空间 234
三、重点区带下古生界碳酸盐岩储层特征 237
3.3.3 Characteristics of Lower Paleozoic Carbonate Reservoir Rocks in the Main Target Plays 237
一、深层油气田分布与储量增长趋势 254
第四章 中国东部裂谷深层油气藏 254
第一节 东部深层油气勘探概况 254
4.1.1 Distribution of Oil and Gas Fields in Deep Horizon and Their Increasing Tendency of Reserves 254
4.1 General Situation of Petroleum Exploration in the Deep Horizon 254
Chapter 4 Oil and Gas Pools in the Deep Horizon of the Rift Basins in East China 254
4.1.2 Important Progresses in the Exploration on the Deep Zones 257
二、深层勘探取得一系列重要进展 257
4.2 Types of Oil and Gas Pools in the Deep Horizons of East China 258
第二节 东部深层油气藏类型 258
一、砂砾岩类油气藏 258
4.2.1 Sand-Conglomerate Oil and Gas Pools 258
二、火山岩类油气藏 262
4.2.2 Igneous Rock Oil and Gas Pools 262
4.2.3 Carbonate Rock Oil and Gas Pools 266
三、碳酸盐岩类潜山油气藏 266
4.2.4 Abundance of Oil and Gas Pools 269
四、油气藏富集程度 269
4.3 Qualifications for the Formation of Oil and Gas Pools in the Deep Horizons of East China 270
4.3.1 Qualifications for the Formation of Oil and Gas Pools in the Deep Tertiary Horizons 270
一、下第三系深层油气藏形成条件 270
第三节 东部深层油气藏形成条件 270
4.3.2 Qualifications for the Formation of Oil and Gas Pools in the Deep Lower Cretaceous Horizons 273
二、下白垩统深层油气藏形成条件 273
三、低潜山油气藏形成条件 275
4.3.3 Qualifications for the Formation of Oil and Gas Pools in the Deeply Buried Hill 275
4.3.4 Qualifications for the Formation of the Primary Paleozoic Oil and Gas Pools 278
四、古生界原生油气藏形成条件 278
4.4 Mechanism of the Formation of Oil and Gas Pools in the Deep Horizon of East China 281
4.4.1 Primary Oil and Gas Pools in Various Reservoirs Enwrapped in the Oil Generation Ketch with High Temperature and Overpressure in Deep Horizons 281
一、深层高温、高压生烃灶内多种储集岩体形成的原生油、气藏 281
第四节 东部深层油、气藏成因机制 281
4.4.2 Oil and Gas Pools in Deeply Buried Hills Vicinity to the Oil Generation Ketch with High Temperature and Overpressure in Deep Horizons 286
二、深层高温、高压生烃灶附近形成的低潜山油、气藏 286
4.4.3 Gas Pools in the Origin of Thermal Cracking Gas From Coal Measures in Deep Horizon 291
三、深层高温煤成烃裂解气藏 291
4.4.4 Deeply Huried Oil and Gas Pools in the Origin of Secondary Generation from Paleozoic 295
四、古生界二次生烃形成的深层油、气藏 295
4.5 Distribution of Oil and Gas Pools in Deep Horizon of East China 301
4.5.1 Types of Organic Matter and Their Thermal Maturation Control Phases of Hydrocarbon in Deep Horizon 301
一、母质类型与热演化程度控制深层油气的相态分布 301
第五节 东部深层油气藏分布规律 301
4.5.2 Depressions and Sags with Abundant Oil and Gas Resource Control the Distribution of Primary Oil and Gas Pools 302
二、富油气凹陷控制深层原生油、气藏分布 302
4.5.3 Multiple Types of Source Rocks, Multiple Stages of Hydrocarbon Generation and Influx to form the Oil and Gas Pool Complex in Deep Horizons 305
三、多种烃源岩多期生烃多次充注形成深层复合油气藏体系 305
References 308
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