- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:白瑞廉选注
- 出 版 社:上海:上海教育出版社
- 出版年份:1982
- ISBN:7150·2762
- 页数:192 页
1.Swimming 1
2.The Picnic 3
3.Jim s Stomach-ache 4
4.My Bees 6
5.Our Zoo 7
6.Marbles 9
7.Aeroplanes 11
8.The Cinema 13
9.In a Boat 14
10.My Uncle s Farm 16
11.Cows 17
12.Fishing 19
13.Photographs 20
14.The Battle 22
15.Snow 24
16.The Thief 25
17.Our Playground 27
18.Hobbies 28
19.In the Kitchen 30
20.A Party 31
21.At the Barber s 33
22.At the Dentist s 34
23.An Accident 36
24.In Hospital 37
25.In the Office 39
26.Cycling 40
27.Climbing Mountains 42
28.The Respected Doctor 44
29.Seagulls 46
30.Halloween 47
31.The Ant and the Grasshopper 49
32.The Foolish Squirrel 51
33.Thr Sea and the Bed 52
34.Counting Pigs 54
35.The Fox and the Sick Lion 56
36.Belling the Cat 58
37.The Dog and the Wolf 60
38.Butterflies 62
39.Opening Day on the Railroad 64
40.Smarter than the Average Dog 65
41.Two Great Men of Science 68
42.Mail Service 69
43.The Search for Oil 71
44.Massproduction 72
45.Daniel Webster 73
46....Four,Three,Two,One,Zero! 75
47. General Sherman 76
48.Mozart 77
49.The Flyer 79
50.Captain Cook 80
51.The Country Mouse and the City Mouse 81
52.It Was Not Enough 83
53.The Bag of Flour 85
54.The Football Match 87
55.Camels 88
56.Tit for Tat 90
57.Saved by a Parrot 93
58.The Young Nelson 95
59.A Fool and His Money Are Soon Parted 97
60.The Elephant Which Did Not Forget 99
61.A Heroine 101
62.The King and the Magician 104
63.Mr,Mrs,Miss and Ms. 106
64.Coffee--a Popular Drink 107
65.The American War of Independence 109
66.Right or Left? 111
67.Gunpowder,Treason and Plot 112
68.Blondin 114
69.A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 116
70.The Baobab Tree 117
71.Penicillin 119
72.English Weather 120
73.Speakers Corner 122
74.The Tower of London 124
75.My First Car 126
76.Rich Man,Poor Man 128
77.A Christmas Present 130
78.An Unusual Woman 131
79.Braille 133
80.The Girl in the Marathon Race 135
81.The Absent-minded Professor 138
82.Spwing Cleaning 140
83.King Alfred and the Cakes 143
84.The Choice of Hercules 145
85.Spiders 147
86.The Sword in the Stone 149
87.The Champion 152
88.The Hedgehog 155
89.The Monkey Man 157
90.The Perfect Pearl 160
91.Coffee Time 162
92.Chocolate 165
93.Nylon 167
94.Observation 169
95.Sign Language 172
96.Mother Knows Best. 174
97.What Kind of Food Do You Need? 177
98.Do Animals Communicate? 181
99.The Telephone 184
100.The Present 188
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