社团组织与人口控制 以宁津县计划生育协会为个案PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:崔树义著
- 出 版 社:济南:山东人民出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7209028412
- 页数:296 页
ⅠIntroduction 1
一、社会组织概述 1
第一章 社会组织 1
ii Meaning 2
i Emergence 2
§社会组织的产生 2
§社会组织的涵义 2
iii Characteristics 3
§社会组织的特征 3
§社会组织的要素 5
iv Elements 5
§社会组织的类型 7
v Types 7
§社会组织的结构 9
vi Structures 9
§社会组织的功能 12
vii Functions 12
i Concept 14
Ⅱ International NOGs 14
§非政府组织的概念和定义 14
二、国际非政府组织 14
ii Types 17
§非政府组织的类型 17
§非政府组织的发展概况 18
iii Growth 18
iv Patterns of activitiy 19
§非政府组织的活动方式 19
v Organizational superiority 20
§非政府组织的组织优势 20
Ⅲ International Organization in Population and Familiy Planning Field 21
i Service and promoting organizations 21
三、人口领域的非政府组织 21
§服务性的与促进性的 21
§三个重要的国际组织 22
ii Three key imternational organizations 22
§与政府组织的关系 26
iii Relationship with governmental organization 26
四、我国的社团组织 28
i Concept 28
Ⅳ Mass Organizations in China 28
§社团组织的概念 28
ii Elements 29
§社团组织的要素 29
iii Characteristics 30
第七章 民主参与和民主监督 30
§社团组织的特征 30
§社团组织的类型 31
iv Types 31
一、改革开放前的中国社团组织 34
ⅠMass Organizations in China before 1978 34
Chapter 2:Process of Development 34
第二章 发展历程 34
i Emergence of new mass organizations in early 2oth century 35
§20世纪初新型民间社团的产生 35
ii Readjustment and slow growth after 1927 36
§1927年以后的整顿与缓慢发展 36
iii Development and silence:1949-1978 37
§1949~1978年:发展与沉寂 37
iv Characteristics of development 39
§发展特点 39
i Backgrounds 41
Ⅱ Mass Organizations in China after 1978 41
§产生背景与原因 41
二、改革开放后的中国社团组织 41
ii Functions 46
§功能与作用 46
§社团组织的未来 53
iii Futures 53
i Development of family planning work in China 58
Ⅲ Chinese Mass Organizations in Population and Family Planning 58
三、中国人口与计划生育社团组织 58
§中国计划生育工作的深入开展 58
§中国传统的人口控制模式 61
ii Traditional pattern of population control in China 61
§人口与计划生育工作的两面性 73
iii Dual character of population and family planning work 73
iv “Family planning”in other countries 75
§国外的“家庭计划” 75
v Emergence of China Family Planning Association(CFPA) 77
§中国计划生育协会的产生 77
vi Other mass organizations in population and family planning 79
§其他几个人口与计划生育社团组织 79
§概况 82
Ⅳ Ningjin County Family Planning Association(NFPA) 82
i Introduction 82
四、宁津县计划生育协会 82
ii Backgrounds 84
§产生背景 84
iii Stages of development 92
iv Initial assessment 92
§初步评价 92
§发展阶段 92
第三章 目标与规章 94
Chapter 3:Objectives,Rules and Regulations 94
§组织目标的涵义与作用 95
一、组织目标 95
ⅠOgranizational Objectvies 95
i Meaning and function 95
§组织目标的构成要素 96
ii Elements 96
§组织目标的分类 99
iii Classification 99
§组织目标的制定 103
iv Institution 103
v Realization 106
§组织目标的实现 106
vi Change 108
§组织目标的变化 108
vii Further discussion 110
§关于协会目标的进一步讨论 110
Ⅱ Rules Regulations 113
二、组织规章 113
i Meaning 114
ii Contents 114
§组织规章的涵义 114
§组织规章的内容 114
§组织规章的制定与修正 118
iii Institution and revision 118
Ⅲ NFPA s Rules and Regulations 119
§协会工作人员职责 119
i Staff s responsibilities 119
三、宁津县计划生育协会规章制度建设 119
iii Regulations on member group and related households 121
§会员小组和会员联系户制度 121
ii Regulations on meetings 121
§会议制度 121
§理事持证视察和接访制度 122
§会员入会与培训制度 122
iv Regulations on recruitment and training 122
v Regulations on investigation and reception 122
§档案管理制度 123
vii Standards for advanced village association 123
vi Regulations on documental management 123
§先进协会村等标准 123
第四章 协会与政府 130
ⅠRelationship between NGOs and Government 130
i The Relationship in foreign countries 130
Chapter 4:Association and Government 130
§国外非政府组织与政府的关系 130
一、非政府组织与政府的关系 130
ii The Relationship in China 132
§中国非政府组织与政府的关系 132
§中国社团组织与政府的密切关系 134
二、中国计生协与政府 134
i Close relationship between Chinese mass organizations and the government 134
ⅡCFPA and Government 134
ii Outstanding features of CFPA 136
§中国计生协的突出特征 136
§政府如何重视 138
iii How the government values CFPA? 138
Ⅲ How Ningjin County Government Values NFPA? 141
三、宁津县委、县政府对计生协的重视与支持 141
i Raising level of understanding 142
§采取措施,解决认识问题 142
ii Establishing and popularizing examples 145
§典型示范 145
§强化基层协会建设 148
iii Strengthening primary FPAs 148
Chapter 5: Family Planning Association (FPA)and Family Planning Commission(FPC) 150
第五章 计生协与计生委 150
Ⅰ Similarities and Differences between FPA and FPC 151
§组织性质之异同 151
i Similarities and differences in organizational nature 151
一、计生委与计生协之异同 151
§组织职能之异同 152
ii Similarities and differences in organizational function 152
§组织形式之异同 156
iii Similarities and differences in organizational form 156
iv Similarities and differences in working method 157
§工作方法之异同 157
二、“车之两轮,鸟之两翼” 169
§“车之两轮,鸟之两翼”的提出 169
Ⅱ Two Wings of A Bird and Two Wheels of A Carriage 169
i Produce of “Two Wings of A Bird and Two Wheels of A Carriage” 169
ii Implement in organization 171
§组织上落实 171
§组织上指导 173
iii Direction in work 173
§条件上保障 175
iv Guarantee in materials 175
v Care for staff 176
§队伍上关怀 176
三、宁津县的“四个统一” 178
Ⅲ“Four Integrations”in Ningjin County 178
i Integration in establishing organizational netwroks 179
§统一进行组织网络整建 179
§统一培训队伍 180
ii Integratiion in training 180
§统一培养和推广典型 181
iii Integration in establishing and popularizing examples 181
§统一布置检查工作 182
iv Integration in assigning and checking up on work 182
四、计生协与“两个转变” 184
Ⅳ FPA and “Two Changes” 184
§配合计划生育工作实现两个转变 185
i Helping FPC to make“Two Changes” 185
ii Making“Two Changes”in itself 187
§自身实行两个转变 187
一、村级社区的社会控制 190
ⅠSocial Control in Village Community 190
Chapter 6: FPA at Village Level 190
第六章 协会建在村上 190
§社会控制理论简介 191
i Introduction 191
§社会控制的主体 193
ii Subjects 193
iii Means 197
§社会控制的手段 197
iv Objects 201
§社会控制的客体 201
Ⅱ Population Control in Village Community 203
二、村级人口控制 203
i Reasons to strengthen population control at village level 204
§加强村级人口控制的现实依据 204
ii Nature and characteristics 205
§村级人口控制的性质与特征 205
§村级人口控制机制 205
iii Mechanisms 205
三、村级协会与计划生育村民自治 209
i Meaning of the Self-governance 209
Ⅲ Village FPA and Villagers Self-Governance on Family Planning 209
§计划生育村民自治的涵义 209
§协会作为计划生育村民自治组织载体的依据 210
ii Reasons for FPA to be the carrier of the self-governance 210
§两者关系类型分析 213
iii Types of the relationship between FPA and the self-governance 213
§推进计划生育村民自治的途径 214
iv Ways to promote the self-governance 214
四、宁津县村级协会建设 216
§部分基层协会不发挥作用的主要原因 216
i Reasons for some primary FPAs not to take effect 216
Ⅳ Village FPA in Ningjin County 216
§整建协会组织 218
ii Establishing FPA networks 218
iii Formulating rules and regulations 221
§建立健全制度 221
§抓好典型带动 222
iv Popularizing examples 222
v Promoting propaganda and education 224
§以协会为载体,搞好宣传教育 224
§搞好“三生”服务,增强协会凝聚力 225
vi Providing services in reproduction, life and production 225
Chapter 7:Democratic Participation and Edmocratic Supervision 230
一、我国的社会监督体系 231
§社会监督的涵义 231
ⅠSystem of Social Supervision in China 231
i Meaning 231
ii Reasons 232
§实施社会监督的依据 232
§社会监督的内容 235
iii Contents 235
§社会监督的形式 238
§社会监督的特点 238
iv Forms 238
v Characteristics 238
Ⅱ Mass Participation: A Sociological View 239
二、大众参与:社会学的观点 239
i Economic participation 240
§经济参与 240
ii Political participation 241
§政治参与 241
iii Social participation 242
§社会参与 242
iv Cultural participation 243
§文化参与 243
v Mass participation of FPA 245
§计划生育协会的群众参与 245
i Relationship 247
Ⅲ Participation and Supervision 247
三、参与和监督 247
§参与和监督的关系 247
§参与和监督的原则 250
ii Principles 250
iii Contents 251
§参与和监督的内容 251
iv Operational mechanism 254
§参与和监督的运行机制 254
Ⅳ Participation and Supervision of Ningjin County FPA 259
四、宁津县计划生育协会的参与和监督 259
§提高认识 259
i Understanding 259
§明确职责 261
ii Responsibilities 261
iii Measures 266
§采取措施 266
iv Results 267
§取得的效益 267
v Innovations 268
§几点创新 268
Chapter 8:General Assessment of Ningjing County FPA 270
第八章 宁津县计划生育协会总体评价 270
ⅠExperiences 271
一、经验 271
§党政领导重视支持到位 272
i Energetically supported by leaders 272
ii Establishing ogranizational networks 275
§协会整建组织到位 275
iii Provding comprehensive services 276
§开展服务活动到位 276
Ⅱ Effects 279
i Raising the managerial level of family planning 279
§提高了计划生育管理水平 279
二、成效 279
ii Promoting the comprehensive development of rulal community 281
§推动了农村社区综合发展 281
iii Raising the quality of community members 284
§提高了社区成员素质 284
Ⅲ Assessment 285
i Why Ningjin County took primary FPA as leader in community development? 285
§为何确立“基层协会带动”思路 285
三、评价 285
ii Is the experience of Ningjin County applicable to other regions? 287
§宁津县的经验是否适用于其他地区 287
参考书目 292
Acknowledgements 296
后记 296
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